フリーワード アプリケーション検索

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[ ニュース ]
Stay informed and inspired with the Church News app, which puts our worldwide coverage of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints right into your pocket. As “A Living Record of the Restoration,” this simple and easy-to-use app will be your source for all the news, growth and ministry of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. With the Church News app, you’ll have immediate access to powerful and uplifting stories of Church members and leaders alike, as they engage in the work of the Restoration throughout the wor...
[ ニュース ]
News Republic:決定的ニュースアプリ - 1,650近くの公認・信頼された情報源からあなたのためにカスタマイズされた最も総合的なデイリーニュース速報を提供。 Apple Watchに対応し、腕の上でユニークなカスタムニュースが利用できるようになりました。 - ビジュアル:お好きなトピックの最新ニュースを全て、すっきりとしたビジュアル形式で表示。 - スマート:News Republicはニュースを読んでカスタマイズするうちに自動的に学習していきます。 - 完全版:信頼できる情報源からの記事をフルテキスト・写真・ビデオでお届けします。もう記事を読むためにクリックする必要は...
[ ニュース ]
News360 is your personal news app. It learns what kind of news you're interested in, and finds the best stories for you from pretty much every news source in the world. Each time you use it - it gets smarter and more tailored to your unique tastes. PERSONALIZE THE NEWS A flexible and smart personalization system allows you to tailor your newsfeed as you want it. Choose the topics, sources, companies and people you want to follow, and News360 will pick up on the nuances of your interests as you read. DISCOVER AMAZING CONTENT More ...
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[ ニュース ]
News360 learns what you like (and don’t like) and finds news articles and blog posts from across the Internet that are the most relevant to you, personally. ✔ The New York Times: "News360 has to be one of the better news-aggregating [apps] I’ve seen on any platform" News360 is an elegant and smart news reader that learns what kinds of stories you like and dislike as you read. You will never again miss something interesting because you haven’t subscribed to the right feed or followed the right person – instead, News360 will show ...
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「iPhone & iPad アプリランキング」は、最新かつ詳細なアプリ情報をご紹介しているサイトです。 お探しのアプリに出会えるように様々な切り口でページをご用意しております。

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