フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ライフスタイル ]
O projeto Vc Muda surge de forma despretensiosa, visando a estimulação do paulistano com relação ao convívio com espécies vegetais. Assim, a sensibilização do indivíduo que vive na cidade de São Paulo perante as plantas é um dos objetivos do projeto, tendo em vista que esse processo de vivência com plantas no dia a dia possui um grande potencial de elevar a qualidade de vida das pessoas – um ponto buscado rotineiramente por todos que buscam (sobre)viver na nossa amada e caótica São Paulo. Para facilitar a vida de quem quer achar m...
[ エンターテインメント ]
音楽愛好家へのプレゼント! 無制限完全無料の音楽アプリMudaで音楽を楽しんでください。 【主な機能】 ・様々なジャンルをサポート(定期的に更新されます。) ・視聴履歴をサポート ・連続再生/シャッフル再生サポート ・ログイン不要の自分だけのプレイリスト ・Wifiファイルインポートでメディアファイル再生可能(mp4,mov,mp3,webmなど) ・ビデオファイルからMP3変換可能 ・作られたプレイリストや設定データなどをクラウドにバックアップ可能 ・ダークモードサポート ※ このアプリでは著作権フリーの音楽を利用しております。
[ 教育 ]
WarungSateKamu (Warung Saat Teduh Kaum Muda) merupakan aplikasi resmi dari situs https://warungsatekamu.org. WarungSaTeKaMu adalah wadah bagi kaum muda Indonesia untuk berinteraksi satu sama lain dan mendapatkan inspirasi dari firman Tuhan. Baca artikel renungan Santapan Rohani setiap harinya, dan temukan juga wallpaper, musik, komik, dan beragam karya lainnya dari dan untuk kaum muda. WarungSateKamu adalah bagian dari Youth Ministry Initiative, sebuah pelayanan Our Daily Bread Ministries bagi kaum muda.
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
MyFit+ by MSIG Life Be Younger, Your Way! Menjadi bugar dan lebih muda untuk menikmati yang terbaik dalam hidup kini hadir dengan manfaat yang menarik, dengan caramu sendiri! Bersama MyFit+, kamu bisa bereksplorasi di setiap tantangan yang menarik dalam perjalananmu menuju hidup yang lebih baik, lebih sehat dan nampak lebih muda. Selesaikan tugas harian yang dirancang untuk membantu kamu menjalani hidup yang lebih bugar, dapatkan lebih banyak bolt untuk mendorong pencapaian kamu mendapatkan peti harta karun berisi beragam had...
[ スポーツ ]
This app features the techniques of the Satria Muda or "Little Warrior" martial arts program. It includes all of the basic moves that will be developed in later stages of the Al-Azhar Pencak Silat curriculum
[ ビジネス ]
Visualise work processes. Record and display data on work content, work sequence, waste/ value and improvement progress. Share data and results by mail or social media. Energize employees to record, analyse, experiment and improve their processes and kickstart your journey towards a culture of continuous improvement. Designed to engage your employees and remain in control of continuous improvement efforts. Easy definition and management of multiple process boards and sessions. Users may become a member of the Muda Monitor commu...
[ 教育 ]
*** VERSAO PARA iPhone E iPod *** No jogo das letrinhas, você tem de advinhar quais são as palavras sorteadas. Para isso, pode arrastar e soltar as peças com as letrinhas. Sempre que uma letrinha estiver na posição correta, a sua cor muda de preto para azul. COMO FUNCIONA O JOGO a) FÁCIL No modo fácil, o usuário tem 5 minutos para formar as palavras. Há quatro linhas que servirão para montar 4 palavras. Neste modo, as letras só são misturadas dentro da própria linha. Sempre que a letra estiver na posição correta, a sua cor mud...
[ ブック ]
Aplikasi resmi Parents Guide Indonesia yang diperuntukkan bagi para pasangan muda, orang tua dan keluarga muda Indonesia. Tidak saja untuk ibu namun juga untuk para ayah. Konten disusun dan dirancang oleh para pakar dari media Parents Guide Indonesia. Berisikan tips dan reference bermanfaat yang dipersiapkan oleh tim Parents Guide Indonesia dengan para pakar di bidang pendidikan. kesehatan dan lainnya. Konten di perbaharui tiap 3 bulan dengan kategori sebagai berikut: ================= == KATEGORI KONTEN == ================= ★...
[ エンターテインメント ]
The second exhibition at MuDA, the museum of digital art in Zurich, is dedicated to interdisciplinary French art collective Lab212. This virtual catalogue documents the process of the exhibition in HD videos. It shows the environment of the artists, where their ideas originate, as well as documenting the artworks at the exhibition. All contents are tied together by an intuitive experimental interface. Please notice: This app streams HD videos and therefore needs a steady internet connection. Partner: Hinderling Volkart, Microsof...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Magna Steyr INDUSTRIAL SERVICES offers relevant know-how for the automotive industry and process expertise for industrial companies from all sectors. In addition to providing theoretical advice to our customers, we also support them with a range of activities from the definition of objectives to their physical implementation in all manufacturing areas throughout the entire value-added chain. Together with our customers, we develop pioneering solutions and implement them directly on site and achieve sustainable change and measurabl...
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