フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
Moon is a perfect resource to help you learn about the moon. Moon constantly updates a panel of information that tells you everything you want to know about the moon. *3D Moon model *Lunar Phase *Moonrise/Moonset *Lunar Illumination *Lunar Azimuth (where it is in the sky) *Lunar Altitude (angle above the horizon) *Distance to the moon (in miles, kilometers, feet, meters, Eiffel Towers, and Earths) *Phase Timeline (iPad Only) Moon also allows you to research information about the moon at ANY date in past or in the future. You cou...
[ ゲーム ]
銃器師になり、パーソナライズされた銃器を作成してください。アタッチメントの追加、カモフラージュパターンの作成、グローバルデザインコンテストへの参加など、クリエイティブなスキルの向上に挑戦してください。iGun Pro 2:Ultimate Gun Applicationは、現在まで5,000万回以上ダウンロードされているiGun Pro Franchise真にふさわしいゲームです! iGun Pro 2には、オリジナルの素晴らしい、ユーザーが楽しめる新しいエキサイティングなゲームプレイ要素をいくつか盛り込まれ、コア機能が強化されています。 特徴 • アタッチメントのネストを可能にする柔軟なアタッチメン...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
▼長期ご愛用者多数!無料の人気 生理管理アプリ▼ *無料で生理日管理や排卵日予測! *妊活中から 妊娠&出産しても使える! *基礎体温、体重の変化をグラフで見れる! *ダイエットや美容アドバイスで体調管理も! *パートナーに生理や排卵日を共有! 生理日予測のMoon(ムーン)は、多彩な機能で女性の健康やダイエットを完全無料でサポートします。 ---◇◆こんな女性の方にオススメ◆◇--- ・無料で生理(月経)を予測したい ・生理の開始日と終了日、生理期間を記録したい ・生理と予定表をカレンダーで確認したい ・避妊したい(危険日/安全日の把握) ・妊活、妊娠したい(排卵日...
[ 天気 ]
A simple and beautiful app to show the current phase of the moon. Mooncast offers many styles of Home Screen Widgets. With iOS 16, Mooncast now also offers a variety of Lock Screen Widgets. - See the current phase of the moon in gorgeous details. - Swipe your finger to change the current day. - See the next full moon, the next new moon or any date between 2011 and 2030. - Use the almanac to browse the predictions. - Set up reminders for full moon or new moon. - Know exactly at what time the moon will be perfectly full. Addition...
[ ゲーム ]
감각적인 액션 게임이 왔다 조선 무협 액션활극 '달과 그림자'! [게임 특징] 1. 조선 무협 게임 등장! 지금까지 보여지지 않았던 조선 무협 장르! 익숙한 세계관에 공감되는 캐릭터가 등장! 2. 악을 베는 액션활극이 펼쳐진다 슬라이스 조작으로 몬스터를 베는 재미! 화려한 무공과 함께 호쾌한 타격감! 경험하지 못한 스마트한 액션 게임! 3. 한맺힌 주인공들의 이야기 조선을 위협하는 도깨비를 물리치는 이야기에 가슴 아픈 사연을 지닌 주인공 등장! 한편의 사극을 경험하라. 4. 다양한 몬스터와 보스가 등장하는 스테이지 진행! [달과 그림자]만의 개성을 가진 몬스터...
[ 天気 ]
MoonLib is your guide to the current moon status. You can have beautiful pictures of the moon. With the new version of Moon Lunation, we bring you the Phase calendar of the whole month !! Million thanks to Tom Ruen again!! Please write review if you feel this program is good !!!!! Million thanks to Tom Ruen's guding in writing the program. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Tomruen) The full libration of moon with phase photo will also be included. Just buy it and enjoy the beauty of the moon. No internet connection is require...
[ ユーティリティ ]
iMoonU is an application that will display the current phase of the moon. It will also allow you to enter any date, and see what the moon phase will be or was. Monthly moon phase calendars can also be displayed. There is also a countdown feature that will tell you how many days are left until the next full moon. FEATURES: - Option for Northern or Southern hemisphere- Clean easy interface - Photo-realistic moon images - User select-able day, month and year - Display moon phase for any date from 1900 to 2100 - Monthly moon ph...
[ ゲーム ]
Thought Flappy games are hard? Then you should try Space Flappy! Download now and be thrilled with a new twist in the popular game! Play the game in ESREVER (reverse, did you get that?), as an astronaut inside a rocketship while traversing the moon. Press the GET button, now! FEATURES - Play the game as a courageous astronaut inside his fat rocket spaceship. - Flap your engines while avoiding moon rocks as you go along the surface of the moon. - Share (and brag about) your high score to your friends! - Exciting sound effects and b...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Explore a 3D globe of the Moon Moon Atlas is an astronomy application that lets you use pinch and finger gestures to manipulate a 3D globe of the Moon. This is a rendered sphere and not a static map image. As you zoom in more labels appear as finer detail comes into view. You can double tap on the labels to get more information about a particular feature. Moon Atlas displays the phase and libration of the Moon from your chosen location and renders these on the globe. You can switch to a 'Globe' mode that allows you to spin the Mo...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Get instant moon phase and eclipse information by using Lunar Phase. This app is an advanced lunar calendar with notifications, including upcoming phases, solar, and lunar eclipses, covering the entire 21st century. 2001 thru 2100. You can track lunar and solar eclipses, and it also includes a synodic cycle explorer. The initial page is the quick glance. It shows the present phase of the moon, visible percentage, age in days, distance, and the current zodiac constellation the moon is moving thorough. Also displayed are the next ...
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