フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
Become a Job Ready Backend Developer/Specialist. Learn Complete Backend Web Development & Technologies like Python, Java, Node, Ruby, PHP & Frameworks & more without ADS. Learn Web development, Learn backend development, Web design tutorials, Learn Python, Learn Node, learn backend, learn Website development. Learn Backend Web Development app teaches you how to develop a website and web application using PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby On Rails, ASP.NET, Django, Flask, Meteor.js, Web Services and Interview Questions all tutorials. Res...
[ 教育 ]
Learn Node.js + Express + MongoDB + Firebase + Typescript + Socket.io + GraphQL + Meteor.js + Koa.js + Git + Npm + Projects and so much more without Ads & OFFLINE. This app will teach you NodeJs Programming Free with Code excellent and easy Examples - This app contains all the major topics of Node.js with Excellent Code Examples and Projects. With Node js, you can Develop Modern, Fast websites. What you will learn with this App? 1- Learn Node.js Programming 2- Learn Express.js 3- Learn MongoDB 4- Development Guide for Firebase 5- ...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
What is Ghost-Line? Ghost-Line is a user-friendly, anonymous, untraceable, secure, global messaging service. Features: - User-friendly. Install, add a contact, and start messaging. - Anonymous. We don't ask for any information, who can say that? - Untraceable. How can you trace a ghost? - Secure (PGP). The same technology used to secure global military communications. - Open-source. Is your favourite app audit-able? - One-click deploy and one-click destroy. One second it's here, the next, it's not. ...
[ 教育 ]
Complete Guide For Learn Web Development Beginner To Advanced Bootcamp. In this app, you can learn HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, Es6, BOOTSTRAP, ANGULAR.JS, REACT.JS, PHP, nodejs, Python, Ruby, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and much more. This is one of the most comprehensive Bootcamp available. So, if you are new to web development, that's great news because starting from scratch is always easy. And if you have tried some other courses before, you already know that web development is not easy. This is because of 2 reasons....
[ 教育 ]
Learn MERN Stack and Become a Complete MERN Stack Developer - Learn Node.js + React.js + Express.js + MongoDB + GraphQL + JavaScript ES6 + Deployment. Develop Premium Single Page Web Applications Offline and Without Ads. MERN stand for MongoDB, Express.js, React and Node. React sets the standard for building high-performance client-side web applications. Node.js is a scalable application server that is used in thousands of websites, while GraphQL is becoming the standard way for large websites to provide data and services to their ...
[ ビジネス ]
Direct type(ダイレクトタイプ)は、ITエンジニアのためのスカウト型転職アプリです。経験技術やプロジェクト経験、希望の条件をもとにあなたをスカウト。 言語、ポジション、使用技術、こだわり条件など、IT・Web求人の絞り込みに特化した検索機能で、自分でも探しやすいのが特徴です。 【主な機能】 ■スカウト機能 あなたのスキルや経験に興味を持った企業から 待っているだけで特別なスカウトが届きます。 中でも面接確約スカウトは書類選考なしで面接に進めるため、 効率的に転職活動が進められます。 ■職務経歴サクサク作成機能 ITエンジニア向けの職務経歴書を カンタ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
CSDN——专业技术平台,成就一亿技术人。下载CSDN,您会享有全网最全代码资源、专业培训课程、一对一精品回答、最新行业资讯。 CSDN——程序员必备编程交流学习平台!解决程序员工作学习中遇到的问题,所有技术疑问都能在CSDN找到可被信赖的解答。汇聚各类技术领域专家及大牛专业解答,最新的技术开发信息解决方案和编程学习教程。 适用人群:互联网公司人士、极客、程序猿、白领、设计师、零基础编程爱好者、大学生; 主要技术方向: 【前端开发】HTML、CSS、JavaScript、 jQuery、WebApp、Node.js、Angular JS、Vue.js、Bootstrap、前端工具 【后端开发】PHP、Java、Linux、rust...
[ 教育 ]
Enki is your AI-powered skills coach! Use it to learn coding, no-code and productivity tools, data skills, and generative AI tools. Tailored to fit your unique profile and aspirations, Enki is an AI-powered mentor in your pocket that can: * Explain any concept in simple language * Help with hints anytime you're stuck * Summarize lessons into key points * Review your code and provide feedback * Provide real-world examples * Translate content and converse in any language * Recommend resources based on your needs * Give career adv...
[ 教育 ]
Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular 2, ES6, MongoDB, Node, React, Java, Swift, iOS SDK, Object-Oriented Programming, Computer Science and game development with Phaser - it's fun, engaging and productive! Codemurai is the best way to learn programming while on the go. Grab high-demand programming skills with hundreds of pocket-size coding lessons created by industry experts on web development, mobile app development and game development. Lessons include fun coding challenges, programming exercises and quizzes that you...
[ 教育 ]
Learn SQL is an app to learn the basics commands of the query language. Browse through SQL topics with sample query. App provides SQL tutorial for the beginner in developing databases. Topics covered in the app are: > Basic Terms of SQL - Basic Terms - Table & Column Naming Rules > Tools of SQL - Microsoft SQL Server, - MySQL - Oracle - Postgre SQL - SQLite - MongoDB > Components of SQL - Data Definition Language (DDL) - Data Manipulation Language (DML) - Data Query Language (DQL) - Data Control Language (DCL) - Transact...
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