フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
戦国時代を舞台にした歴史シミュレーションゲームの金字塔『信長の野望』の世界を簡単操作で楽しめる【モバノブ】が遂に登場しました。 史実で活躍した戦国武将300人以上を従え、最強の軍陣を作り天下統一を目指せ! -------------------------------------- 『信長の野望』と『mobcast』で強力タッグ! スポーツゲームで多くのファンを抱えるmobcastのゲームシステムとコーエーテクモゲームスの歴史シミュレーションゲーム『信長の野望』が合体。 『信長の野望』で登場するハイクオリティなイラストの戦国武将たちを使い、1日5分から遊べる簡単操作で本格合戦を繰りひろげます...
[ ゲーム ]
※本アプリでは、インストール後すぐに、初代「ルミネス」の楽曲を収録した『LUMINES Classic PACK』を遊ぶことができます。 ※無料版『LUMINES パズル&ミュージック NEO』で『LUMINES Classic PACK』をプレイするためには、インストール後に別途、パックを追加購入する必要があります。 【Retro Game × LUMINES】 『PAC-MAN』や『XEVIOUS』『ドルアーガの塔』といったレトロゲームとのコラボPACK配信中! 懐かしの名作をポップにアレンジした良質な音楽・映像と共にLUMINESを楽しもう! ▼ Retro Game Remix ■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□ ...
[ ゲーム ]
◆◆◆ 「ぼくプロ」2014 ◆◆◆ プロ野球選手300名以上が似顔3Dキャラで登場!! 監督はキミだ!! -------- TVCM中の300万人が遊ぶ大人気野球ゲームでお馴染のmobcast(モブキャスト)が贈る本格3Dプロ野球ゲーム! 『激闘!ぼくらのプロ野球!』(僕プロ)は実名選手を集めて自分だけのドリームチームを結成、監督として試合を采配して日本一を目指すフル3Dの本格プロ野球シミュレーションゲームです。 ◆一般社団法人日本野球機構の承認を取得!  プロ野球12球団選手が実名で登場!◆ 『激闘!ぼくらのプロ野球!』(ぼくぷろ)に登場する野球選手は、全て実際の選手。 プロ野球12球団...
[ ゲーム ]
【Retro Game × LUMINES】 『PAC-MAN』や『XEVIOUS』『ドルアーガの塔』といったレトロゲームとのコラボPACK配信中! 懐かしの名作をポップにアレンジした良質な音楽・映像と共にLUMINESを楽しもう! ▼ Retro Game Remix ■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□ ・『The Tower of Druaga』/ The Tower of Druaga Remix / masaki kawasaki ・『XEVIOUS』/ XEVIOUS Remix / MK ・『PAC-MAN』/ PAC-MAN Remix / Hommarju ■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 本ア...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Kaksha MobCast, a next generation mobile application supports digitizing the process of employee engagement including training, corporate communications and organizational updates. Kaksha MobCast app will be used to broadcast message from the top management, training presentations and videos. You will also get product literature, departmental policies, guidelines, campaigns, event invites, company news and announcements and much more through this application. Let us feel empowered, let us learn more & achieve more.
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Stars MobCast, a next generation mobile application supports digitizing the process of employee engagement including training, corporate communications and organizational updates. Stars MobCast app will be used to broadcast message from the top management, training presentations and videos. You will also get product literature, departmental policies, guidelines, campaigns, event invites, company news and announcements and much more through this application. Let us feel empowered, let us learn more & achieve more.
[ 仕事効率化 ]
SBI Life Mobcast is an award winning platform brought to you by 2 industry leaders - SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd. and MobCast Innovations. While we strive to make this platform the most convenient learning tool for you, we also look forward to your feedback on the utility of this platform and how it can be made more awesome. What you feel about us is what really matters.
[ 仕事効率化 ]
LLP Mobcast, a next generation mobile application supports digitizing the process of employee engagement including training, corporate communications and organizational updates. LLP Mobcast app will be used to broadcast message from the top management, training presentations and videos. You will also get product literature, departmental policies, guidelines, campaigns, event invites, company news and announcements and much more through this application. Let us feel empowered, let us learn more & achieve more.
[ 仕事効率化 ]
iPassion MobCast, a next generation mobile application supports digitizing the process of employee engagement including training, corporate communications and organizational updates. iPassion Mobcast app will be used to broadcast message from the top management, training presentations and videos. You will also get product literature, departmental policies, guidelines, campaigns, event invites, company news and announcements and much more through this application. Let us feel empowered, let us learn more & achieve more.
[ ビジネス ]
FG Smart MobCast, a next generation mobile application supports digitizing the process of employee engagement including training, corporate communications and organizational updates. FG Smart MobCast app will be used to broadcast message from the top management, training presentations and videos. You will also get product literature, departmental policies, guidelines, campaigns, event invites, company news and announcements and much more through this application. Let us feel empowered, let us learn more & achieve more.
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