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[ 旅行 ]
This app will be dismissed from the App Store in March 2020. Thank you for your support! This is your new favourite Osaka Metro App! ‣ Up To Date Always up-to-date fares, stations and more ‣ Offline Access Use Osaka Metro on the go ‣ Route Planner Find the best path to your destination ‣ Multiple Languages English, Thai, Chinese, and more to come ‣ Beautiful Design Modern, clean, curated in every detail ‣ Nearby Stations Fin​d the closest subway station near you ‣ Route Info See your Journey Time and Fare ‣ Full Timetable ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Metro大都会是目前上海地铁全面的、权威的、国际一流的 “地铁+”互联网服务平台,让乘车更简单,出行更高效。 乘坐地铁,查询地铁信息,就用Metro大都会! 【刷码乘车】 扫一扫乘车码,快速进出地铁站,告别排队充值和购票 【站点查询】 随时查看附近地铁站、出入口、卫生间及地铁延误资讯 【出行导航】 点到点出行,推荐最佳路线,换乘也轻松 【发现上海】 魔都食、玩、购,一起发现更美好的生活 **关于我们** Metro大都会,由上海申通地铁集团出品,集成了上海轨道交通既有对内对外各数据资源、服务资源,形成一个以乘客服务、运营管理、社会协作为核心的统一移动应用门户,...
[ 旅行 ]
Recommended by CNN and Lonely Planet, this is Shanghai's best subway map! Up-to-date with all the metro lines; Works offline; Routeplanner, GPS, Street maps; English and Chinese included. Download the app completely free! The free app is ad-supported. Upgrade to VIP features if you'd like to get extra features, remove ads and support future development! WHY EXPLOREMETRO? 1. Fully up-to-date Accurate metro map, includes every station on every line. Free updates for future station openings and timetable changes. 2. Designed for t...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Singapore Metro is the navigation app that makes travelling by Singapore MRT transit in Singapore simple From the Marina Bay Sands to Chinatown, cheering on the Singapore Warriors or rooting for the Tampines Rovers, whether you’re a Singapore native on your commute to work or sightseeing fresh from Changi Airport we’ll show you the best way to get where you’re going in Singapore. We make taking the metro easy. You’ll be a EZ-Link card tapping pro in no time Tap, tap, tap! Pan and zoom your way across Singapore with ease using o...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Plan your metro trip in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Uzbekistan and know how long your journey will take, including any line transfers. The app displays the optimal route, shows which metro car will be most convenient, shows station exits on the map and forewarns of any closures. • Metro map with everything you need to know On the map you can see which stations are closed for repairs, and which stations are best for getting to railway stations and airports. Enlarge the map to see more detail, like different types of interchanges b...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Washington DC Metro is the navigation app that makes travelling by WMATA transit in Washington DC simple From the Lincoln Memorial to the Smithsonian, cheering on the Washington Redskins or rooting for the Maryland Terrapins, whether you’re a Washington DC native on your commute to work or sightseeing fresh from Washington Dulles International Airport we’ll show you the best way to get where you’re going in Washington DC. We make taking the Metro easy. You’ll be a SmarTrip tapping pro in no time Tap, tap, tap! Pan and zoom your...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Madrid Metro is the navigation app that makes travelling by Metro de Madrid transit in Madrid simple From the Gran Via to the La Latina, cheering on the Real Madrid or rooting for the Atlético Madrid, whether you’re a Madrid native on your commute to work or sightseeing fresh from Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport we’ll show you the best way to get where you’re going in Madrid. We make taking the metro easy. You’ll be a Multi card tapping pro in no time Tap, tap, tap! Pan and zoom your way across Madrid with ease using our s...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Washington DC Metro and Bus is the region's most popular dedicated DC transit app. Realtime rail and bus predictions and DC Metro map directly from WMATA (Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority), ART (Arlington Transit) and DC Circulator, serving Washington DC, Northern Virginia and Maryland. -Realtime DC Metro Rail predictions (Next Train) for every Metro station in the Washington DC region with auto refresh direct from WMATA. -Realtime DC Metro Bus (Next Bus) predictions for every Metro bus stop in the Washington DC regi...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Munich Metro is the navigation app that makes travelling by MVV transit in Munich simple From the Marienplatz to the Olympic Tower, cheering on FC Bayern Munich or rooting for EHC Red Bull Munich, whether you’re a Munich native on your commute to work or sightseeing fresh from Munich Airport we’ll show you the best way to get where you’re going in Munich. We make taking the U-Bahn easy. Tap, tap, tap! Pan and zoom your way across Munich with ease using our simple, interactive maps. We’ll even show your route on the map Plan jo...
[ ナビゲーション ]
無料 - モスクワ地下鉄アプリには、インターネット接続なしで使用できる最新のモスクワ地下鉄とサンクトペテルブルクのメトロマップがあります。 エカテリンブルク ニジニヴォロド サマラ ボルゴグラード、モスクワとサンクトペテルブルクのメトロマップには、ロシアとそれ以降のルートプランナーがあります! このアプリは、これまでにロンドンで最も人気のある通勤用アプリ「ロンドンチューブマップ」のクリエイターによるヨーロッパの愛に基づいて構築されています。 このアプリから利用できる他のすべてのMetroアプリもチェックしてください! アムステルダム、ブリュッセ...
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