フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 写真/ビデオ ]
世界にひとつだけのアルバムを 「MERRY ALBUM」planed by MERRY PROJECT × つんく♂ みんなで世界に一つだけのMERRYなミュージックフォトアルバムを作ろう! メリーアルバムは写真とメッセージ、そしてバックソング機能を組み合わせて作る、世界初のアルバムアプリ。 音楽をバックに、世界にひとつだけのオリジナルフォトアルバムが作れます。 このアプリケーションは、NPO法人MERRY PROJECT(メリープロジェクト)とつんく♂さんによって、 地球上にひとりでも多くの笑顔が増えていく事を願って制作されました。 ★パーティで、結婚式で、卒業式で大活躍!! 簡単にその場で編集でき...
[ ショッピング ]
媚儷香檳MERRY SHOPPING行動商店APP正式上線 輕鬆購物專屬於您的線上購物商店 隨時隨地想買就買 想逛就逛 ◆ 免費的應用程式提供您簡單又便利的購物選擇 ◆ 百款流行女裝任您挑選隨時掌握流行 ◇ 簡易操作模式一次就上手 ◇ 加入會員超方便,用手機即可加入 ◇ 行動購物24H不打烊,走到哪逛到哪 ◇ 手機付款使用最高等級加密系統,方便快速又安全 ◇ 超商取貨好方便 ◇ 電腦/平版/手機同步加入收藏購物車 媚儷香檳MERRY SHOPPING 打造您的專屬風格 ------
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Get Merry: the recipe app by the Merrymaker Sisters is filled with over 300 of our best ever healthy recipes (we add more all the time, including exclusive app only recipes!). App features: - Over 300 healthy recipes that are quick, easy and delish (all free from gluten, sugar, grains and most dairy... just full of good stuff). - We’ll surprise you with new recipes that get added to the app automagically! - Step-by-step, easy to follow instructions. - Add ingredients to the shopping list feature at the touch of a button! - A fun ...
[ ブック ]
*2014年度グッドデザイン賞 受賞しました!* 子どもも大人も楽しめる「MERRY BOOK ROUND」。 デジタルだからこそできる新感覚の絵本の世界を楽しんでみてください。 【MERRY BOOK ROUND メリーブックランドとは】 スタンプをおしてあそべる絵本。でもふつうの本とはちょっと違います。 この絵本は全部丸い円盤の世界に描かれていて、ゆっくり回りながらお話が進んでいきます。 お話を途中でとめてスタンプをおして、色をつけて、音をつけて自分だけの世界を作る事ができます。 収録されているお話は全部で3つ 無料版ではそれぞれの絵本の試し読みが可能です。お好き...
[ ショッピング ]
Wow! Christmas is coming! But wait a minute, are your texts and emails boring? Do you want a more special, personalized and expressive form of communication? Now you can attach Merry Christmas Emoji, Emoticons & Smiley to Any Messages! Download it now! ========== How to use: 1. Open Merry Christmas Emoji. 2. Touch the Emoji sticker you love to copy to clipboard. 3. Paste the Emoji sticker into your message.
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Do you enjoy sending Christmas cards? Would you like to write a meaningful and personal message to everyone? Now you can use our multilingual options to write greeting cards in world languages! This app features many wonderful Christmas designs that will make it so much easier to wish your friends and family a very merry Christmas! Download Merry Christmas Cards now and start designing cards and making wishes! ◀ Beautiful card designs! ▶ Say Merry Christmas in different languages! ◀ Make awesome Christmas e-cards! ▶ Send to your f...
[ エンターテインメント ]
== Christmas Greetings, SMS, Wishes & Messages of 2017 == This app includes christmas greetings, christmas cards , ecards of 2017. Christmas is coming out with a bang, an explosion of happiness and joy and a lot of surprises and expectations. There are many people who are looking for a christmas greetings on the internet. in this application you can find splendid good greetings for merry christmas sayings, Christmas 2017 greetings. so you can share and send christmas greetings cards to your loved ones and you can broaden the love ...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Ultimate Pic Merry Christmas & Joyful New Year : Photo frames & Greeting Ecards!!! Great photo and quotes for celebrations with your love. Merry Christmas & Joyful New Year : Photo frames & Greeting Ecards is well designed antique photo frames with awesome frame effects to make your celebrations memorable with your antiques photo's. Create awesome looking pic photos with awesome frames and fun images. Make this year celebration a memorable one and antique frame photo's with many exciting frames: on the go. This new year you will b...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Merry Christmas to those who are celebrating this joyful Christmas and those who will enjoy the Christmas spirit with colleagues and friends. Download this Free Fun Merry Christmas Photo Frames & Premium Images and take pictures of your love one. It will be a Christmas celebration that you will not want to forget. Take those wonderful moments of your life using these wonderful photo frames & HD images that will knock you out. This Free Fun Merry Christmas Photo Frames & Premium Images features: # The pic in the frames helps you...
[ ビジネス ]
Merry Maids Sales app (Client facing) is a brand new way to experience Sales Mobility from any device by bringing a simplified and streamlined experience to any sales user. You can experience the below benefits from SalesForce MM360 on your mobile device with the new Merry Maids Sales Mobile App: • Create, view and modify Leads • Driving direction capability from device’s preferred map tool • Ability to capture any special notes and appointment date/time on Lead page • Create, view and modify quotes • Build your customer’s room ...
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