フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ フード/ドリンク ]
Thinkin’ of a Drinkin?’ At the end of a long day, or the beginning of a great night where’s that one place you can go to unwind and have a good time? With “Drink Spot” a community of users can post their favorite places to share a drink, sing some karaoke, have a smile, a laugh, and maybe even dance when out and about on the town. Come sign up for free, for a limited time, and join the community and share some of your favorite places and most lasting memories; find out about the best places to hit in your town or a town you are vis...
[ ゲーム ]
There maybe over 100 ways to die even just walk to the bus station. Life has unexpected crises every day.Maybe only smart people can survive... ==================== Story Background: Jame.Peter 008, a man who thought himself cool, obviously has not known that he has been stalking by the assassination organization for a long time. Go to work and wait at the station in the morning as ever, he does not know that in the following days, he'll meet his largest crisis of his life. And if he dies, everything will be arranged as just suffer...
[ 教育 ]
▧ Learn Photoshop by tap-dancing!!! ▧ Tap, double tap, long press, drag and drop, shortcuts, just like you are learning on the real Photoshop! ▧ More effective and funny than watching the videos or reading the books! ▧ Yes! It’s not a bunch of theory, it's a complete interactive training package on the newest version of Photoshop, which take app to a whole new level! WHAT IS INTERACTIVE TUTORIALS FOR PHOTOSHOP CC? INTERACTIVE TUTORIALS FOR PHOTOSHOP CC brings you simple, funny, interactive learning app for photoshop. The app teac...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Clipchat, make live video calls for free during your boring time staying at home. Do you feel bored or tedious when locked at home? Now, you could make new friends all over the world through live video calls with charming stars. Your new friends will bring you new stories and new chatting experience. Don’t hesitate, your charming stars are waiting for you. Why you should choose Clipchat? ◆ In Clipchat, there are many charming stars and friends from all over the world, Asia, Middle East, Europe, Africa, USA, South America… Friends ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
For all loyal listeners & Black Squadron members of the Adam & Joe 6Music radio show. The NonSense 9000 sound board features over 60 laugh out loud funny sound bites and jingles: NonSense NonSense NonSense!. Maybe YOU SHOULDN"T BE LIVING HERE! Maybe YOU SHOULDN"T BE LIVING HEEEEEEERE! Lolley bit o' Biff. Want some biff, cut the nice fat off the biff. And that's nice you have to chew thru the biff. Cos my accents are very accurate. Unidentified item in the bagging area. Don't be denny different, Why be denny different? Blinda Date,...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Meetings helps you create structured meeting notes that are consistent, clear, and fully searchable. Note who was there, what was said, and what needs to happen next. Imagine holding a record of key decisions over the past year in your hand. RECORD, RETAIN, AND RECALL Give your meeting notes a title, adjust the date and time, add attendees, and create action items. You can pick the things you need for each document you create. Everything is searchable so you can later find meetings that mention 'deliverables' or 'hiring' or jus...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Just choose WHAT to paint and HOW to paint it. Feed your art addiction. Find art. Merge it. Some are miracles. Some are weird Remixing is a talent. Can you find the magic? == Give the Pikazo AI a style—one of our readymades, an image on your camera roll, or a pic from the internet—and our AI painter uses it as inspiration to repaint your photos. You'll start seeing styles everywhere. A cool t-shirt. A band poster. Street art. Latte art. Styles are everywhere, and only one snap anyway. Choose a subject by snapping a photo, ...
[ 教育 ]
You’re not new to language learning. You’ve gone through textbooks, done countless exercises, watched foreign language films, and maybe even have a good grasp of grammar. But when it comes to just speaking freely, something seems to hold you back. All those efforts somehow don’t turn into confident communication. This was my problem, too. I studied a lot, but I lacked real conversation practice. I realized that to make real progress, you need more than just memorizing words and rules. You need live practice, where you can speak fr...
[ ゲーム ]
5 in 1 - Five fun games for the price of one. More than 200 handcrafted mazes. Hours of fun. For those of us who just can't get enough of maze games, MagMaze will provide thrills and entertainment for hours at a time. There are more than 200 mazes of various shapes and sizes; mazes like you've never seen on the iPhone. With MagMaze, easy gameplay lets you simply change the floor color, one square at a time or maybe collect stars while avoiding enemies. Stay alert though because you leave a trail that bad guys will follow. There a...
[ ゲーム ]
Spider Hero: Final Escape The Future Battle is an action movie game. The spider here Final Escape gets you in a future war and fetal contest. Show your fetal and fearless heroic actions to save and protect around you. Start a mortal battle against terrestrial criminals. Follow the story and accomplish all the quests on your way. In this fatal Contest universe faces a danger, there is only one way. Fight and protect this world! Only real champions can complete this task and win a contest. Prepare to start an epic fighting action wit...
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