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[ ライフスタイル ]
MAXIM Thailand is the Thai Edition of the world’s biggest men’s lifestyle magazine selling more than 4 million copies per month, with 32 editions in 44 countries and growing bigger all the time. MAXIM provides readers with useful service, laugh-out-loud humor and all the help men need in and “affirmational” way, along with very appealing illustrations. The magazine’s MAXIM is simple: Men’s Bible. MAXIM คือนิตยสารผู้ชายที่ครองความยิ่งใหญ่ที่สุดในโลกด้วยยอดขายมากกว่า 4 ล้านฉบับต่อเดือนใน 44 ประเทศทั่วโลก และยังคงก้าวต่อไปอย่างไม่หย...
[ ブック ]
• Maximは、格言集です。 • 格言を対訳で表示します。 Reading maxim: • Maximは、以下の著作物を収納しています。 - Réflexions ou sentences et maximes morales 【Creator】La Rochefoucauld, François duc de, 1613-1680【Lang】French 【Translator】Bund, J. W. Willis and Friswell, J. Hain, 1825-1878【Lang】English - 論語(Lun Yu) 【Creator】Confucius, 551 BC-479 BC【Lang】Chinese 【Translator】Lyall, Leonard Arthur, 1867-【Lang】English - 孫子兵法(Sun zi bing fa) 【Creator】Sun...
[ ニュース ]
MAXIM Online — мужской онлайн-ресурс, интернет-версия самого читаемого мужского журнала России — MAXIM. В приложении читателя ждут оперативная и фирменная остроумная реакция на события, новости дня и абсурдные поступки политических и культурных деятелей, смешные фотожабы, комиксы и подборки лучших твитов дня. Здесь ты также найдешь лучшие статьи журнала MAXIM, эксклюзивные материалы сайта www.maximonline.ru и фотографии самых красивых девушек России.
[ ライフスタイル ]
NOTE that this app if for art galleries, museums and shows that use our NFC tags to inform and educate visitors. The app will NOT WORK unless you are visiting a location that has these tags installed. Please contact us to find out how you can get NFC tags for your museum, art gallery or show. :: Art Lovers. Your next great discovery may be just one click away. Now, with the ArtWorks4Me™ app, visitors to Art Galleries, museums or shows can have all the facts they need in the palm of their hand. Just swipe an NFC Tag attached to ea...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Ricevi direttamente a domicilio oppure prenota il ritiro al punto vendita. In una location elegante e di classe potrete sorseggiare il vostro caffè, magari seduti davanti al vostro PC nella zona desk food con vista mozzafiato sulle montagne circostanti. Comodamente seduti nella sala relax potrete gustare un cocktail o la buonissima pasticceria siciliana L'offerta del Maxim include: Bar bistrot Pasticceria classica e moderna, Rosticceria classica e gourmet Cocktail, aperitivi e apericena Gelateria Hamburgheria e Panineria Primi e ...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
You can order the most delicious cakes, pastries, gourmet dishes and more with the Maxim app in and around Richmond Hill. Pay fast and secure online! You will be informed with pushmessages about your order, the delivery time, special discounts and news.
[ ビジネス ]
Download the Maxim Worldwide Chauffeured Transportation App NOW and instantly be able to book ground transportation services locally and worldwide with our easy to use interface. Maxim Worldwide Chauffeured Transportation mobile application allows customers to create real-time reservations for chauffeured ground transportation in over 450 cites across the globe. Maxim Worldwide Chauffeured Transportation provides door-to-door pick up service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Maxim Worldwide Chauffeured Transportation will get you to y...
[ ニュース ]
TwitterStar is an application which contains a database of top-rated stars. This application helps you to find your favourite stars according to their characteristics. Also you can follow them from application without any registrations. There are only Twitter-verified stars accounts. Follow without sorrow! --- Team: Andrey Nekrasov (Design) Maxim Irbe (Programming)
[ ライフスタイル ]
해당 앱에서는 과월호부터 MAXIM 2014년 12월호까지의 PDF 버전 맥심을 아이폰에서만 보실 수 있습니다. 2015년 1월호부터는 "MAXIM KOREA HD" (아이패드앱과의 통합 버전)에서 디지털 디바이스에 최적화된 사이즈와 더 선명해진 해상도, 눈과 손이 즐거운 인터랙티브로 더 재미있게 맥심을 즐기실 수 있습니다. 2015년 1월호부터는 해당 앱에서 보실 수 없습니다. 감사합니다. [MAXIM KOREA 아이폰 매거진] 세계에서 가장 많은 남성들이 구독하는 지구 대표 남성 잡지 MAXIM이 아이폰 매거진을 서비스합니다. 권당 5,900원의 월간지 MAXIM을 권당 0.99달러의 저렴한 가격에 ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
2012년 한정판매 되었던 MAXIM KOREA MAGAZINE의 2012 Miss MAXIM TOP4 단영, 엄상미, 최현아, 김수아의 B컷 화보들과 에디터들의 촬영장 뒷이야기를 엮은 특별판을 이곳에서 보실 수 있습니다. *맥심코리아 외전 No.1* - 2012 미스맥심 콘테스트 4강 배틀 화보에 실을 수 없었던 B컷 모음집! 그녀들을 평상 소장하세요! Model: 단영 / 엄상미 / 최현아 / 김수아 - 미스맥심 콘테스트를 진행하면서 있었던 깨알 같은 촬영장 뒷담화, 맥심 에디터의 일상 업무와 화보 촬영 노하우, 그리고 평상시 저지르는 바보짓 등에 대한 궁금증 해결 QnA 코너! - 스페셜 영상! 오직 아이...
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