フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Droneception makes it easy to capture inception/flatland style photos with your DJI drone. The process is fully automated and your job is to fly to the location, preview the mission, and launch for a fully autonomous capture of photos using a basic algorithm. Droneception will acquire the photos and it's your job to stitch together using the numerous methods shown on YouTube. If you have any questions about using the app or photo stitching please join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/droneception Droneception ...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
AI駆動の動画編集アプリLightCutは、多様なテンプレートやエフェクトを搭載し、簡単操作で、スタイリッシュな動画やVlog映像を作成します。AIを駆使した動画編集機能を使うと、タップ操作だけでユニークな動画が作れ、インスパイアカメラ機能を使えば、プロのような映像を撮影することができます。撮影したクリップのトリミングやマージ、テキスト、音楽、ステッカー、エフェクト、トランジションなどの追加も可能です。シンプルな操作性とパワフルな編集機能を備えたLightCutは、ビギナーからプロまで、誰でも使いやすいオールインワン型動画編集アプリです。 AI駆動の動画編...
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[ 教育 ]
What's New in 4.1.1 - We've made improvements and fixed bugs for a smoother flight. What's New in 4.1 - Pre-flight checks to ensure your flight commands are compliant with the drone specs. - The validations include: curve range, flight distance ranges, arc radius curve checks - User messages indicate which values are problematic in metric and imperial units. New in DroneBlocks 4.0 - Control your drone with virtual joysticks now included in the app New in DroneBlocks 3.6 - Tries to load blocks from the cache if your device is off...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
Drone Flight Control - Fully Automated Missions, Semi-Automated Workflows and Manual Flight Tools Fly missions for maps, waypoints, orbits, panos, vertical mapping, or inspections. Use flight modes such as orbit, follow, or focus. Link missions together, automate everything, and preview in 3D. Supports leading drones from DJI and Autel, including Mini, Air, Mavic series drones. Mini 3 / Mini 3 Pro are not supported on iOS. The free app supports manual flight only. A paid plan is required for automated flight control. Select fro...
[ スポーツ ]
What is Grub?? Grub quickly connects you to the hottest mountain bike news in a clean & organized format, featuring the latest updates including: Brands 77 Designz, Avid (SRAM), Blk Mrkt, Campagnolo, Cannondale, Canyon, Commencal, Cove, Cube, Diamondback, Easton, Focus, Fox Racing, Fox Racing Shox, Giant, GT, Handspun, Ibis, Intense, Jagwire, Knolly, Kona, Lapierre, Marin, Marzocchi, Mavic, Mongoose, Morewood, MRP, Niner, Norco, NS, Oneal, Pivot, Rockshox (SRAM), Rocky Mountain, Salsa, Santa Cruz, Scott, Shimano, Six Six One, Soul...
[ スポーツ ]
What is Grub?? Grub quickly connects you to the hottest road cycling news in a clean & organized format, featuring the latest updates including: Brands All City, Basil, Bianchi, Bike Fit, BMC, Campagnolo, Cannondale, Cervelo, Civia, Colnago, Colnago, Focus, Fuji, Gary Fisher, Giant, GT, Handspun, Jagwire, Jamis, Jelly Belly, Jittery Joes, KHS, Livestrong, Masi, Mavic, Norco, Orbea, Pinarello, Polar, Raleigh, Retul, Ridley, Rivendell, Salsa, Scott, Serotta, Shimano, Specialized, SRAM, Surly, Trek, Wilier, Zipp Media BBC Sport, Bic...
[ 天気 ]
AURA is a SMART & STUNNING weather forecast app, specially made for DRONE & UAV flights. It’s super easy for BEGINNERS, and so powerful for ADVANCED pilot. • Hour-by-hour & day-by-day forecasts. FREE up to 5 days. • Well designed UI & UX. • Smart weather analysis. • Wind, satellites (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo), No-Fly Zones, government weather alerts, atmospheric pressure, solar activity (Kp), precipitation, visibility, etc. • Time Travel to anywhere in the future. • Active Weather Scanner. Let AURA work for you. • Guide & suggestions...
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