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[ 教育 ]
Saint-Martin-au-Val In Situ App is the first reconstruction of the amazing Gallo-Roman sanctuary discovered in Chartres. Available on last generation IPad and iPhone, the app is for all the family. This unique archaelogical restitution invite you to discover the sanctuary in 3D as if you were an inhabitant of Autricum, the antique city of Chartres. Immersive 360°, real time 3D and Augmented Reality ---------------------------------------------------------------- The app includes the last nomad device technologies to propose 3 imme...
[ 教育 ]
Erik Pontoppidan, Sannhet til Gudfryktighet i en enfoldig og så kort som mulig,dog tilstrekkelig forklaring over Dr. Martin Luthers lille katekisme. Denne bok inneholder alt det som en trenger å vite og gjøre for å bli salig. Dette er en lærebok i kristendom. Utkom første gang i København 1737. Ny, fornorsket utgave 2015. Katekismestykkene er hentet fra Martin Luthers lille katekisme (1997), Lunde Forlag. Gjengitt med tillatelse. Bibelsitatene hentet fra NB 1988/07, Norsk Bibel. Gjengitt med tillatelse.
[ ビジネス ]
This powerful new free finance and Tax App has been developed by the team at Martin Levin & Co (& ABC) to give you key financial and tax information, tools, features and news at your fingertips, 24/7. The Martin Levin & Co (& ABC) App is designed to be a helpful place to get critical information whenever you need it. Of course, as always the team at Martin Levin & Co (& ABC) is always on hand to provide professional, personal advice and guidance. The Tax App is packed with tools that our clients a future clients will love, suc...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Join Martin Lawrence as he takes you behind the scenes of a life as a comedian & entertainer. Learn what it takes to put a stand-up show together and starring in a movie, all while seeing the personal side of Martin. You will have the opportunity to connect with others, share ideas, discuss recent shows, and become a creator yourself. Post funny gifs and memes or share your favorite videos and photos and build your own following inside the app. What are you waiting for? Join the community today and have an exclusive look into ...
[ 教育 ]
Master the Art of the Updo with Martin Parsons. Now you can pick and choose from dozens of educational step by step video’s that show you exactly how to create modern and classic looks for your Clients. This app was designed for licensed hairstylists and cosmetology students and it allows you to earn educational credits for every class you attend. Get inspired with new looks that you can create for your clients for their weddings, formals, proms, and other special events. NOTES: Martin Parson's Hairstylists Education Video App is ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Enjoy the scintillating music and unforgettable performances by Superstar Ricky Martin during the 2013 Australian Tour with the unique Concert-4U(TM) experience. Buy and download Surrounds (HiDef panoramic experience) to enjoy the concert performance from some of the best seats in the house. The Concert-4U(TM) personalized event viewing experience from 3D-4U allows you to control what you see – you can pan, tilt and zoom the camera, and switch to other camera viewpoints while watching the performance. You can "be your own producer...
[ ゲーム ]
#1 Martin Garrix Trivia!!! Martin Garrix is the #1 DJ! How well do you really know Martin Garrix? Are you the #1 Martin Garrix fan? For Hardcore Fans Only...
[ ミュージック ]
Follow Martin Brodin as a DJ, producer and label owner of MB Disco. You have all updates included in this app: - All the latest music via Soundcloud & iTunes - Video clips via Youtube - An integrated music player - Facebook and Twitter posts. - Latest Disco- and Biography - Upcoming gigs - Useful links - and much more And it's all for free.
[ 教育 ]
Aston Martin is a British manufacturer of luxury sports cars. It was founded in 1913 by Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford. It is one of the best car brand in the world. Key features: - Lots of awesome images and description - Random mode - Super zoom - Test game - Compare - Favorites - Gestures navigation (next / prev - swipe right / left) - App Settings - Share with friends - Save to photo library - Retina graphics - Real time availability, no matter where you are, even without an internet connection. If you are a tr...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Con esta aplicación mágica podrás ver toda la información del ilusionista Al Martin, así como estar al tanto de todas sus novedades, próximas actuaciones, ver vídeos, fotos. juegos... y mucho más. Además (entre otras cosas), podrás poner a prueba tus conocimientos sobre el mundo de la magia con el "Trivial mágico". ¿Cómo es la magia de Al Martin? El repertorio que podremos ver en sus espectáculos es muy variado, pero siempre conseguirá sorprenderle con juegos inexplicables de cartomagia, ilusionismo, mentalismo y escapismo. ...
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