フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ニュース ]
Stay on top of all the news from popular topics such as Macintosh, Photography, Social-Media, Celebrities, Marketing, Twitter, Guy Kawasaki etc. Alltop is the “online magazine rack” of the web.
This App gives you regular updates on Macintosh
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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
倉頡輸入法字典 - Macintosh 版, CangJie input method Dictionary, ChangJie input method Dictionary, CJ Dictionary
本軟件可查出在 Macintosh(Mac) 上,用倉頡輸入法可輸入之所有文字(包括 繁體,簡體,香港字,標點符號)。
‧倉頡碼保證:本公司採用特有技術,直接由 Macintosh 系統內取出所有文字之倉頡編碼,保證本字典提供的倉頡碼,在 Macintosh 上絕對正確。
‧雙重編碼字:在 Macintosh 上有近千個字有兩個編碼,本字典會一併列出,供用家參考。
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[ ゲーム ]
Macintosh用の定番麻雀ソフトがiPhone/iPod touch用アプリになって新登場!
(This game is only for users who understand Japanese.)
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[ ゲーム ]
● Help us celebrate 30 years of the Macintosh computer with 30% off all of Aspyr's games! ●
Sid Meier's Civilization® IV: Colonization™ is the fifth offering in the award winning Civilization IV series for the Macintosh. A re-imagining of the classic Colonization strategy game Sid Meier created in 1994, this provides a new game experience in which you lead a European nation on a quest to colonize the thrive in the New World. Explore, trade, fight, and guide your people from the oppressive motherland. Ultimately you can battle f...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
Intaglio Sketchpad is a full featured drawing application designed for the iPhone and iPod touch, based on Intaglio, the award winning Macintosh application. With most iPhone sketching apps you paint strokes or erase pixels on the screen. Intaglio Sketchpad is different because it allows you to create and edit shapes and text blocks. These “vector” graphic elements retain their shape and attributes and can be edited at any time. For example, you can adjust color, line thickness, or fix spelling mistakes at any time. To erase an ele...
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[ ゲーム ]
KeyMaster 10 turns you iPhone or iPod into a wireless ten-key number pad for your Macintosh Computer.
KeyMaster 10 provides the numbers 0 thru 9, plus, minus, divide, multiply, backspace and enter keys.
KeyMaster 10 Requires: a Macintosh Computer (at least 10.4) with open (unfirewalled port :8080) and iPhone or iPod (3.0) connected to the same Wireless (WiFi) LAN.
1. Download, Install, Launch KeyMaster Mac 3 on your Mac. (Make sure to delete/uninstall any previous versions first.)
2. Now, ...
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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
40%-OFF! Art AuthorityをiPhone 6および 6 Plus に最適化、「ベストiPad Reference App」に選ばれたArt Authority for iPadに並ぶ高品質になりました。古代から今に至る千以上の西洋画家の作品の集大成となり、9万以上絵画や彫像をご覧いただけます。作品は時代、ロケーション、アーティストごとにまとめられ、全て詳説が表示、更にアーティスト自身や活動した地域、それぞれの作品についての詳しい解説もご覧頂けます。
古代から近代、現代アートに至るまで、Art Authorityは西洋芸術を幅広く、奥深い観察のもと、ユーザーが使いやすくなるよう、整理された形で展示します。
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