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[ ユーティリティ ]
『ルパン三世vs名探偵コナン THE MOVIE』 セブンスポットガイド ■『ルパン三世vs名探偵コナン THE MOVIE』 セブンスポットガイドがApp Storeに登場! 『ルパン三世vs名探偵コナン THE MOVIE』の公開を記念して、ルパンやコナンがセブンスポットを案内、接続方法を教えてくれるアプリが登場! ○セブンスポットマップ  全国のセブンスポットのあるセブン-イレブンを地図で確認できるよ!  ※一部店舗では取り扱われておりませんのでご了承ください。 ○セブンスポットの使い方  セブンスポットの使い方をルパンとコナンが教えてくれるよ! ○セブンスポットにログイン  7SPOT...
[ エンターテインメント ]
全新面目 “Movie Express電影速遞” 正式登場!一個最快、最新電影介紹、最齊院線資料、最方便的購票平台。 Movie Express電影速遞為你送上電影優惠及意想不到的驚喜,包括: - 評論你最喜愛的電影,賺取電影活動點數,隨時兌換戲票及電影紀念品 - 啟動 Zapper 互動電影體驗 - 透過 QR Code 和朋友分享電影、個人檔案,認識志同道合的朋友,了解朋友推薦的電影 - 參與每月舉行的送戲票及電影紀念品活動 更多功能包括: 電影預告片、精彩劇照、每週票房排行榜、用戶影評、超過50間電影院線資料、電影放映場次、即時坐位表及購票服務 立即體驗全新的流動電影社群,和朋友一起...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Saber Movie FX is the easiest way to produce saber action scenes with high quality full color sabers with sound effects. 
Create awesome action scenes easily and quickly with our signature easy to use editing interface as seen in our other products. This app is specifically designed for rotoscoping glowing colored sabers over individual frames of video. Rotoscoping is the process of overlaying graphic elements over video frames. This is a very time consuming process only intended for serious video producers. Saber Movie FX als...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Celebrating for Blux camera Pro being selected in App store "Essential Photography 101". Blux Movie and iMovie were always compatible. But, now they go together like Popcorn & Silver Screens. Blux with our awesome Spilt-screens and Filters, iMovie with their easy editing, makes one cool combo of Movie Making Magic! Blux Movie is the first 1080p video app with Hollywood inspired HD filters! Our technology combined with the retina display and other iPhone improvements gives you a whole new level of quality when shooting or sharing ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
************************************************************************************* * Please feel free to report your feedback or any bugs to : xenostorm@naver.com ************************************************************************************* Do you want to appeal others at clubs, concerts or parties in special ways? Or do you want to show your friends your feelings in lovely ways? Here is the brand new App to make you cool! Unlike other LED Apps that only show one simple cut or limited expressions, you can create LED m...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Green Screen Movie FX Studio is an incredibly powerful special effects editor that allows you to create Hollywood style movies clips in exactly the way you want. Unlike other FX applications, Movie FX Studio puts you in control of the Directors chair. Simply shoot your main video and then add as many special effects as you want. FX clips can be positioned flexibly with the ability to place them in any order either in front or behind the main video. Select from 88 FX layers and choose their exact size, rotation and position ...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
てっとりばやく簡単に動画を分割する方法。 動画をSNSに投稿するとき、サイズ制限にひっかかることはありませんか?「Split Movie」は、動画をSNSに投稿できる長さに分割するアプリです。 Vine, Line, Instagram, iCloudの写真共有, Twitter, Youtubeなどの動画サイズに対応しています。 分割はバックグラウンドでも動作し、OSにより停止された場合は通知から再開できます。 使い方は、とてもシンプル 1. どのSNSに投稿できる長さにするか選ぶ 2. 動画を選ぶ 3. 分割ボタンを押す 「Split Movie」でより楽しいSNSライフをお楽しみください!
[ エンターテインメント ]
Personalize your movie experience with iFlix Moviemarks! Moviemarks let you mark your favorite places in the movie so you can return to them fast and easily! Our continue feature starts the movie where you paused it even after closing the movie player! Features: Play, stop, pause, continue, volume control, progress bar, and moviemark controls. [Embedded Media Details] Title: Fist of Fear Touch of Death Genre: Martial Arts Duration: 85 mins. Starring: Bruce Lee Tagline: The 3 Greatest Masters! Bruce Lee, Fred Williamson, Ron...
[ ゲーム ]
You carry on a small movie company. There are a group of excellent employees; they help you to movie a lot of popular movies, so you stand out in a number of movie companies. You poached a variety of new staff, from the other companies hired better staffs to enhance the strength of your own company. You looked at your movie company growing day by day; you watch every movie by your movie company in cinema. Are you in spirits at your success? Or you think it’s just certainly? "movie Company" will bring you success and bring you joys,...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
We wish your special moments to be remembered Turn your life into 15-second video clip Our mission is to provide a service where everyone could easily make a quality video in the blink of an eye. 15Seconds Photo Movie gives a new birth to your pictures and turns them into a professional-looking visual poem. Experience our unique selection of music, visual effects and transitions which are only several clicks away. With a delicate touch of our media specialist, your memories will harmonize and shine with radiance. With 15Seconds Ph...
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