フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
「市場で最高の銃器アプリ!!! "5/5 - Avocad0 「絶妙詳細およびアニメーション「5/5-CooterConsumer 「これまでで最もEPIC APP!!! "5/5 - lolislife #1ガンアプリケーション・ワールドワイド, オーバー5000万を携帯アプリ ダウンロード、iGun Pro® は最高のオリジナル銃シミュレーションアプリです。370以上の銃器最大規模の銃ライブラリが利用可能です。iGun Pro® は、仮想銃シミュレーションの基準を打ち立てています。 特徴: 発砲 - モーションブラーと煙を含む超リアルな銃シミュレーションと、簡単に使いこなせるインターフェイスで、すぐに自分のコレクションを使...
[ ゲーム ]
Thanks to Apple for naming EVM one of 2009's best games! New for this update - Unlock 20 new items including Frickin' Laser Beams, The Lightning Gun, and Fighter Squadrons! Support for Open Feint! Try to beat the whole world with Global Leaderboards! Achieve 20 achievements and gain a sense of achievement! New Hula Girls! New Air Fresheners! Have the nicest Command Capsule in the whole Solar System! Incoming missiles! Earth finds itself confronted by a previously unknown and totally baffling enemy – the nefarious Moon Army. E...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
◆基本無料なのに機能充実した生理管理アプリ ◆生理日予測から妊活、妊娠、閉経まで使える ◆排卵日予測や妊娠しやすさ表示で妊活を応援 ◆1つのカレンダーで予定管理と体調管理も ◆食事記録や体重管理で健康的なダイエット ---お知らせ--- ・Appleヘルスケアと連携! 基礎体温、体重、体脂肪率、生理、歩数、睡眠時間、血圧などヘルスケアアプリと無料アプリ連携ができます。 *設定方法:画面左上メニュー→ヘルスケア連携設定→ヘルスケアAppと接続から連携してください。 ・AI解析でカロリー、栄養素などグラフに! 料理を撮影して簡単に食事記録。カロリー、たんぱく質、脂質...
[ 天気 ]
Moon Phases Calendar - universal lunar calendar for any Locations from 0001 to 2100 years. Lunar calendar is one of the oldest calendars in modern society. A lunar month can only be 29 or 30 days long. This is different than a solar based calendar, where the length is arbitrarily fixed. Features: - Moonrise - Moonset - Moon phases - Lunar Days - Illumination - Distance - Position +Bonus: - Sunrise - Sunset - Altitude - Azimuth - Distance Languages: - English - Russian How it use: - View day info: tap on "Day number" - Change y...
[ ゲーム ]
世界中で、みんなで同じ瞬間にジャンプして、遊ぶアプリです。 子どものころ、ジャンプして「今、地球上にいなかった!」などと、遊んだことがありませんか? 宇宙飛行士をテーマにしたマンガ「宇宙兄弟」は、そんな子供のような思いを、大事にしたい。宇宙飛行士になるには、そんな気持ちが重要です。そこでこの「MOON JUMP」アプリができました。 このアプリを持っていると、みんなのiPhoneに毎週一回だけ、ジャンプの指令が送られてきます。 3, 2, 1…月を見上げて、iPhoneを持ってジャンプ! iPhoneの加速度センサー機能を使って、世界で、同時にジャンプした人数、その合計...
[ 天気 ]
Whether you want to check the current moon phase, moon age, moonrise and moonset times, or find out when the next full moon comes, our app is there for you. Watch into the future and look up the necessary information on a certain date and time and at a particular location. This most comprehensive and accurate application keeps you informed about important sun and moon times and is even perfect for both casual users and serious moon watchers. Track and read detailed moon information in your city and multiple locations all around th...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
This Moon map contains over 200 named formations. You can zoom between 0.5x-1.5x. On iPhone screen 1 mm is about 10 km on the moon with maximum zoom. The index map shows a blue terminator line. Tap a button to select an area. You can scroll around the map and you can zoom in and out by pinching. Tap Search button to select a name from a list.
[ 天気 ]
Live by the moon! See the phases of the moon in clarity - for where YOU are now - not just the "nearest city". See a countdown to the next phase of the moon TO THE MINUTE, whether full or new, first or last quarter. See a current simulation of the moon as it appears to you - for now or any day in the past or future - on a large, simple, easy to read display. See Moon Rise and Set times - so you can plan your lunar activities. This IS the app you are looking for! It shows: • The current phase of the moon • The current appearance o...
[ 天気 ]
Deluxe Moon Pro is the most powerful moon application with innovative lunar design. Whether you are an astronomy student, a photography professional, passionate about exploring the night sky, or simply admiring the Moon, you must take a look at this amazing app. The followers of the Western (Babylonian, Avestan, Elinic, Medieval) astrological tradition or enthusiasts of ethnic religions will also find a lot of useful and unique information for themselves. Let's start from astronomy, photography, science, navigation, and education ...
[ 天気 ]
My Moon Phase is the best app for tracking the lunar calendar. It has a sleek dark design which makes it easy to view information such as the current moon cycle, moonrise & moonset times as well as extras such as when the next full moon will be. If you're interested in moon photography, you can also find out when the golden hours and blue hours are so you can take the most beautiful photos. - View the moon cycle for any date in the future by scrolling on the date bar or by tapping the calendar button! - Either allow the app to use...
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