フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ミュージック ]
Soar Instruments is an easy to use piano and violin app. This app can teach you how to play violin and piano very easily. This app features -A piano -A violin -A music viewer -A duet mode All of these features will help you learn how to play these instruments as well as let you have fun while learning. Our duet mode on the piano allows you to play with one person on the same device. The piano has a full two octaves and starts on A. Our music viewer will allow you to put sheet music on screen so all your resources can be on your i...
[ 雑誌/新聞 ]
COSPLAY MODE, first printed in 2002 (under the name of COSMODE until 2014), is a magazine specializing in Japanese character cosplay. The magazine consists of gravure photos, snapshots, submissions from cosplayers and how to enjoy cosplaying. Gravure photos are of popular cosplayers dressing up as trendy characters, and outfits are all made by the cosplayers themselves. We also utilize CG when making treasured scenes into photographs. Over 500 cosplayers appear as different characters in our snapshots. The theme for submissions is ...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Besides hundreds of Vines, 'Top on Vine' also features: - Full Screen mode - Reverse and Slow Motion control - TV mode - enjoy Vines in a continuous play - Looping control More: - Trending Tags - Search Vines - Favorite Vine Links - create your own selection - Share Vine Links on Twitter, Facebook, email or iOS Messages. - Save to Camera Roll Watch from a variety of Vine Channels (updated daily): - Popular - Comedy - Sports - Animals - Music - News & Politics - Food - Health & Fitness - Family - Beauty & Fashion - Nature - Art &...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Just Mode devices, in the forms of dongles or boxes, are the remote-free cross-platform wireless display products, which receive and display the contents you love from internet and your own portable devices (smartphones, tablets, notebook and Mac). Just Mode APP for iOS, developed by WinnerWave, displays documents and multimedia from Internet or your iPhone/iPad wirelessly in cooperation with Just Mode devices. In addition, Just Mode APP switches wireless display standards (DLNA, Miracast…) and control the setting through remoti...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Tous les soirs, votre rendez-vous privilégié avec la sélection de la rédaction. Nous sélectionnons tous les jours 6 contenus qui font l’actualité Mode, Beauté, Saveurs, VIP et Vie Perso. Nous avons imaginé un mode de lecture magazine « zen » et agréable qui vous permettra de retrouver en un clin d’œil notre sélection et de vous plonger dans l’univers de Styles. Choisissez l’heure de votre rendez-vous en fonction de votre mode de vie : en début de soirée à la sortie de votre travail, après le repas ou avant de se coucher. Les f...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Goed nieuws! Vanaf nu hoef je Metro Mode nooit meer te missen. Metro Mode is er nu ook voor de iPad! Wat heeft de Metro Mode iPad app zoal voor je in petto? •Exclusieve prijsvragen die inspelen op de laatste trends •De gebruikelijke rubrieken: Moodboard, Party pics, How to wear, Gossip girls, Streetstyle, In the spotlight en Do it yourself. •Speciale iPad rubrieken als Wonen en Muziek •Exclusieve interviews met mode-iconen •Vele handige extra’s: met een druk op je scherm wordt je verwezen naar de (online) verkoopadressen van a...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
SevenDays, it’s a fast and fun way to visually create and share events. SevenDays has two modes, private-mode for personal notes and public-mode for social sharing. Public mode shows events all over the world in the public mode. Pin favorites, and they will be saved in the private mode. Share your own events such as to-do lists, live streaming shows, music festivals you plan to attend, and you might get some surprise suggestions or company. Events are kept private until you grant access to them. You can change privacy settings for ...
[ スポーツ ]
Mode $06 is advanced mode of OBD2/EOBD diagnosis function. It provides real-time monitor of O2 sensor, catalyst sensor, EGR sensor, EVAP sensor, air sensor, fuel sensor, mis-fire sensor, and much more additional information. The app allows real-time plot of all mode $06 data to help you diagnosis a vehicle. Besides the advanced mode $06 support, the app also supports mode $01 live data monitoring, as well as basic trouble code reading functions. The mode $01 includes hundreds of sensor data such as engine intake pressure, engine R...
[ ニュース ]
Habit Sko&Mode är kläd-, sko- och textilbranschens facktidning. Tidningen bevakar och skriver om mode- och branschtrender ur en nyhets- och affärsvinkel. Habit är Skandinaviens största modebranschtidning. Tidningen är först med trenderna och snabbast med branschnyheterna men bevakar också allt från statistik till silhuetter, från trendprognoser till ekonomi, från butiksinredning till catwalk. Habit når yrkesverksamma inom mode-, konfektions- och textilbranschen i de skandinaviska länderna samt andra med intresse för sektorn. Nu ka...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
FREE FOR LIMITED TIME (27.09 - 02.10) Black & White Video Camera With Night Mode Amplifier Optimized for iPhone 5 ,5S, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus. Amazing discoveries await you in Black and White Photo/Video camera. It takes real images at low luminosity without any additional appliance. Can professionally zooms from 1-8 touch screen display. Fast exposure time allows you to see things we can't normally see. Originally dynamic development reproduces a greater dynamic range of HD photos and videos. The sophisticated algorithm ...
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