フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 仕事効率化 ]
Remember The Milkは忙しい人のためのスマートなto-doアプリです。もう二度とミルク(そして他のもの全部も)を買うのを忘れてしまうなんてことはありません。 • To-Doしなければいけないことは頭から出してしまって、このアプリに覚えておいてもらいましょう • Eメール、携帯メール、IMやTwitter、そして他のモバイル機器を通して通知を受け取りましょう • より効率的に仕事ができるようにあなたのリストを共有して、他の人にもタスクを与えましょう • お手持ちの全ての機器にて魔法の様にシンクされます • 優先事項、締切日、リピート、リスト、タグなど他沢山のものをお好きな...
[ ニュース ]
「《MILK》誌是一本會訊多於一本雜誌,每個星期我們都會跟團員分享彼此的興趣,包括時裝、體育新聞,還有被主流文化忽略的事。」《MILK》創辦人及SILLY THING總監TK說。 隨MILK APP成立3週年,特別新增多項功能,讓團員可隨時隨地收看資訊之同時,更可分享個人潮流生活品味,帶來雜誌之外的全新面貌及體驗! 主要功能 ~HOT NEWS:時裝、音樂、文化、藝術、電影等資訊每日24小時不斷更新。 ~MILK COVER:團員可上載相片分享其最新動態、潮流配搭、生活體驗等,相片可配以不斷更新的獨特《MILK》誌貼圖,優秀作品更有機會成為《MILK》誌封面人物。 ~ON THE GO:透過以GPS系統...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Milk Mart is a FREE platform that it provide a FREE OF CHARGE platform for app users directly BUY and SELL merchandises from apartments, motors, watches, cameras, stereo devices, fashion, shoes, toys, art & crafts, antiques & collectibles, books & magazine, cell phones & accessories, health & beauty, and home & furniture. Milk Mart is owned by Image Factory Limited, the publisher of Milk Magazine, Milk Magazine publishes in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China. New Media Platform (Facebook, Instagram, Weibo, etc.) of Milk Magazin...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Milk 香港版 HD 「《MILK》是一本會訊多於一本雜誌,因為每個星期,我們都在跟團員們分享彼此的興趣,那包括時裝、體育新聞,還有被主流文化忽略的事。」《MILK》創辦人及SILLY THING總監TK說。2011年,《MILK》邁向多元化,繼推出MILK APP後,最新大家帶來另一電子閱讀版MILK香港版HD,透過互動的操作 ,呈現給各iPad的用家最新最快的視覺資訊體驗。 關於《MILK》 由2001年7月開始,《MILK》雜誌一直代表潮流指標。《MILK》誌集設計與時尚於一身,希望給年輕讀者團員最好的選擇。我們盡力為讀者帶來刺激思維的新概念及資訊,希望打破香港以娛樂為主的雜誌風氣。我們的編輯部每星期均竭盡所...
[ ライフスタイル ]
《Milk Q》為《Milk》誌旗下的最新資訊平台,專為女生們而設,內容涵蓋了時裝、美容、生活的最新消息,並特別邀請了本地具相當經驗之時尚編輯、設計師及本地藝術工作者主理,並且每日更新,把最新鮮、具品味的女生營養資訊帶給大家。 主要欄目 Fashion:齊集世界各地最新潮流消息,包括報導各地天橋資訊、介紹時裝界新星及分享各潮人Snap Shots等等。 Beauty:介紹當季最新產品,由化妝品以至護理產品應有盡有,另外亦特設專家訪問,讓大家獲得更全面的美容資訊。 Lifestyle:內容包括了飲食、藝術、文化、音樂、電影等,女生們定必更懂享樂。 Gift:定期與不同品牌合作,發...
[ ゲーム ]
Always wanted to manage your own milk business?? Now it's possible in the most exciting Milk Idle game! - Upgrade and managed your Factory - Unlock CRAZY cow ! - Super POWER-UPS to multiply your earnings! - Become TRILLIONAIRE !!! MILK IT RAINS !!!
[ ゲーム ]
Welcome to Milk Farm Tycoon - a brand new idle tycoon game. After spending his life on the milk farm, Grandpa has called it quits due to an udderly saturated market. Lily is ready to take over the farm management for Grandpa and fulfill his big dream of building a milk empire! Features Be the talk of the town as you establish your very own herd of cows! Remember: Cow is king! Purchase more cows, take care of them and harvest fresh raw milk. Produce various dairy products Make like cream and rise to the top as you purchase new pr...
[ ゲーム ]
Will you cry over spilled milk? Or will you LAUGH? Are you a TRUE gamer? Are you ready for an app that will BEAT you? Get KRUNK and ROCK OUT to FIGHTSTAR! The game includes 3 tracks from Fightstar's album titled "be human". Listen while you compete to achieve the highest score… in the WORLD. Move the glass with your finger to catch drops of milk. Flick the glass before it's full to make the cow drink the milk, get ready for insane speed!
[ ゲーム ]
Would you like to make your own Dairy farm and breed and feed cows and milk them ? Who would not ? Breed them , Feed them , Milk them , Sell the Milk ! In this amazing idle game we give you the real experience of building your own Dairy farm !!
[ ゲーム ]
Cookies & Milk is a delicious game of Cookie Baking and Decorating! Choose from many toppings, nuts, fruits, and chocolates to delight your palette! Drink a cold glass of Milk after you enjoy your Cookie! Great entertainment, that will make your tummy grumble!
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