フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
様々な言語のFizzBuzzを簡単に知ることができます。 保存したいデータを好きなだけ保存できます。 編集して自分のベストのFizzBuzzを作成することができます。 インターネット接続なしでアプリを利用できます。 主に以下のプログラミング言語のソースコードが含まれています。 - Elm - Jasmin - ada - applescript - arnoldc - assembly - b - batch - batsh - beta - brainfuck - c++ - c - chapel - clisp - clojure - cobol - coffeescript - crystal - csharp - cuneiform - d - dart - elisp - elixir - escript - forth - fortran - fsharp - gamemakerlanguage - go - g...
[ ファイナンス ]
【外盘期货、国际期货,财经资讯、操盘神器、期货模拟】 维胜金融核心目标——“让金融交易更顺畅” 维胜金融由成都盈透科技有限公司开发运营,同时与国际众多期货交易商有着紧密的合作关系,在严格遵守美国SEC、香港SFC、英国FCA监管下,主营恒指期货、国际原油、富时A50、美黄金等交易品种。 维胜金融依靠公司雄厚的资金实力、创新机制和人才优势,一切以客户为中心,提供22小时连续交易、保证金最大化利用、资产配置咨询、风险管理、行情解读直播等多元化一站式服务,实现客户资产合理配置,有效提升客户的投资收益。 维胜金融在股票方面与中信证券、国泰证券、广发证券、华泰证...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Watch the most common GITHUB projects . You can list them by language or all repos of all languages. And see their description right in the app. As the results are stored in a (REALM) database, you can even use the app when offline. You find the source on GitHub at https://github.com/Tintenklecks/GitWatch This is just a first "One day work" version as I´m now on a trip on the CANAL DU MIDI (France) ;-) and I wanted to have something without the need of an internet connection to look through interesting Github repos ;-) ´njoy ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
txt.edit is the simple text editor that's been missing in iOS and iPadOS. FEATURES • Open and save files stored on your iPad, iCloud or any connected service • Supports syntax highlighting for 191 languages (see below for a complete list) • Comes with 242 beautiful themes LANGUAGE SUPPORT 1c, abnf, accesslog, actionscript, ada, angelscript, apache, applescript, arcade, arduino, armasm, xml, asciidoc, aspectj, autohotkey, autoit, avrasm, awk, axapta, bash, basic, bnf, brainfuck, c, cal, capnproto, ceylon, clean, clojure, cloj...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
The MM8003 is a precision 9-axis Orientation Sensor Module (OSM) with both wired (USB) and wireless (Bluetooth) connectivity. It provides fused sensor data (Quaternion, Euler Angles, Linear Acceleration, Gravity, Heading) or raw data output from a 3-axis gyroscope, a 3-axis accelerometer, and a 3-axis magnetometer. A 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 processor running a high-performance sensor fusion algorithm with mCube Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) can dynamically compensate noise and offset from g-force, rotation rate and environment magnetic...
[ ユーティリティ ]
【一句话介绍】 Github每日各种语言收藏排行榜,尽收眼底! 【详细介绍】 每日开源趋势for GitHub是一款查看 Github 上热门开源项目的应用,程序员必备,支持 50 多种语言,你可以在应用内自定义你想要关注的语言。 据说,这句话会引发战争:“PHP是世界上最好的语言”。 开源让这个世界变得更美好。 支持语言列表(按字母排序): ActionScript, ApacheConf, Assembly, Batchfile, C, C++, C#, CMake, CSS, Clojure, CoffeeScript, Common Lisp, Crystal, D, Dart, Elixir, Emacs Lisp, Erlang, F#, Game Maker Language, Go, Groovy, HTML, Haskell, Haxe, Inno Setup, Jav...
[ ファイナンス ]
【外盘期货、国际期货,财经资讯、操盘神器、期货模拟】 外盘期货核心目标——领先的国际金融产品交易服务云平台 外盘期货核心理念——让金融交易更顺畅 本司与国际众多期货交易商有着紧密的合作关系,在严格遵守美国SEC、香港SFC、英国FCA监管下,主营恒指期货、国际原油、富时A50、美黄金等交易品种。 维胜金融依靠公司雄厚的资金实力、创新机制和人才优势,一切以客户为中心,提供22小时连续交易、保证金最大化利用、资产配置咨询、风险管理、行情解读直播等多元化一站式服务,实现客户资产合理配置,有效提升客户的投资收益。 维胜金融在股票方面与中信证券、国泰证券、广发证券...
[ 教育 ]
cSim is a simulator for linear control systems. It enables the simulation of block diagrams made up of transfer functions and/or state equations. The diagram is generated automatically according to the topology chosen by the user. Continuous and discrete time controllers with one or two loops are possible, as well as feedforward and disturbance blocks. To facilitate the editing of transfer functions and state equations, polynomials and matrices respect the MATLAB software format. After simulation, the output of any block can be eas...
[ ユーティリティ ]
This app is aimed to provide a solution for user to reading programming code on mobile devices like phone and pad. The app provides rich features to make code reading a really easy thing with mobile devices, which makes you really don’t need a PC for code reading. 1. Supported reading codes written in languages in: C, C++, Java, Python, ObjectiveC, C#, Basic, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Bash, Zsh, Csh, Ruby, Assembly Language, Go, Rust, R, Tcl and a lot of other languages like: Ada, Ant, Asp, Awk, CMake, CSS, Diff, DTD, Bat, Powershe...
[ 教育 ]
在线学习软件视频教程 分享, 交流学习经验 优质, 专业的视频内容 讲师们, 精心制作的课程 你可以利用任何时间来学习, 哪怕只有10分钟 升级会员,无限制访问所有课程(不断更新中...) 精心制作的视频教程, 包括 1、统计软件:SAS,SPSS,Stata,R语言,Eviews,数据挖掘,数据分析,数据架构,商业智能,Lingo,Lisrel,AMOS,Matlab,Splus, DPS,Clementine 2、数据库软件:SQLserver,Mysql,Oracle,DB2,MongoDB,Nosql,Datawarehouse 3、科学软件:Latex,Endnote,Minitab,Mathematica,Mplus,Gauss,Winbugs,Microfit,DEA,Winrats,Maple,Risk,Crystal bal...
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