フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ユーティリティ ]
Seed Mail is the best iPhone email client, it’s designed to make working on mobile devices easier. We supports most of email service, including Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, iCloud, AOL and other imap, exchange server. Utterly efficient movement and handling boosts ease, fluidity and performance, plus we’ve integrated iOS Calendar and iOS Contacts for seamless scheduling and relationship management. Seed Mail will be your ultimate mobile work companion. - Securely access Google, Yahoo, Outlook Email and Calendar - The best business...
[ ビジネス ]
Citrix Secure Mail is a simple, yet robust email solution that does the job. Keeps you connected. Securely. On the go. Be it an enterprise or a BYOD program, you can confidently turn your mobile device into a business tool - managing emails from multiple accounts, calendars (business and personal), and contacts. All without compromising your personal data. The app works seamlessly with Citrix Files, Citrix QuickEdit, Skype for Business, and GoToMeeting. Secure Mail offers a rich and customizable experience on your mobile device. W...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
SPEAK YOUR MAIL! version 1.1 now with push notification of messages! This version for iPhone OS 3.0 or later only. Introducing Voice4mail, the next killer app for the iPhone. Voice4mail is a simple but powerful application that allows the user to send voice messages to anyone’s email. Voice4mail uses a simple 3-step process: 1) select your contact or multiple contacts from your address book, 2) record your message, 3) send. You even get full automatic delivery confirmation of your messages so you know if they were heard and a...
[ ニュース ]
The new and revamped Daily Mail app gives you everything you expect and love from the world’s largest English-language newspaper website, and more, with new features and a refreshed design. Feed your daily addiction with stories & photos from all our top channels: US & World News, Celebrity, TV, Showbiz, Sports, Femail, Science & Tech, Health, Money, Travel, and many more, with quick, easy, and free access on your iPhone or iPad – even offline. Enjoy unlimited access to MailOnline and unlock even more of the brilliant journa...
[ ビジネス ]
Newton mail supercharges your email at less than the price of a cup of coffee. ***Two Times Webby Winner For the Best Designed App*** & Numerous other awards. Loved by critics, press, and thousands of subscribers from across the globe. ●"I've replaced my main apps with Newton. It's the best overall option with its reminders, improved search, cross-app cooperation and support for many email providers" - Joanna Stern, WSJ ●"With Newton, you’ll be amazed how much more productive your emailing on the go gets" - Allison Stadd, TI...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Mail App for Gmail is a brand new app for the next generation of Gmail. It’s perfect for quickly triaging your inbox and uses Gmail’s blazing fast new platform to instantly send and receive messages. Mail App for for Gmail features: - Fast tools for managing your email - Multiple Actions - A brand new, rock-solid codebase written entirely in Swift - Zero wait time for launch - Much more reliable performance on Virtual Private Networks (VPN) since it does not use IMAP or POP connections - A beautiful interface built on a custom new...
[ ビジネス ]
セントラル警備保障が提供する安否確認サービス『CSP Life Support Mail』のiOSアプリケーションです。 CSP Life Support Mailは緊急時のみならず、ニューノーマル時代の一般連絡・コミュケーションツールにもご活用いただけます。 また、eメール受信と併用することで重要な通知をより受け取りやすくし、大切な情報の見落としを軽減することができます。 主な機能 (1)アプリからWebサービスへの直接ログイン    ・Webサービスログイン後は付与権限内の全ての機能が利用できます。 (2)安否確認や連絡情報通知の受信    ・受信した通知情報は一覧形式で表示されま...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Feedback:latest)AWESOME! Thank you for moving the space bar!! That works SO much better. As promised, I have raised my rating to 5 stars. --Lyrical_Literate 6) I don't understand what the "surpise me" option is, have tried it but I have yet to see what it does? I do not see any explaination anywhere either? "Surpise me" will bring you random line colors and backgrounds(3 currently). 1) ok, the preview writers said already what to improve .. but here maybe again ;-) - other paper theme - color picker - smilies - add a picture - a...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Resize Mail は携帯電話向けに画像を送るアプリケーションです。 Resize Mail はシンプルな操作でスピーディーに画像を相手に送る事が出来ます。 Resize Mail を利用するためにはiPhone OS 3 以上が必要です。 <利用方法> カメラもしくは画像ライブラリを選択し、次に送りたい画像を選択します。 最後に送信相手の携帯にあわせたサイズのボタンを押すだけでメールにリサイズされた画像が添付されます。 リサイズした画像は「メールで送信」のほかに、「画像を保存」または「画像をコピー」を選択する事ができます。「画像をコピー」を選択するとペーストボードに画像がコピー...
[ ユーティリティ ]
さぁ、iPhone で GMail しましょう! GMate Mail for GMail はあなたのお気に入りの GMail に以下のような機能を全てつけることができます。 • 全てのメールアカウントを超高速でプレビュー。 • Gmail から直接写真を送信。 • 大事なメール?ワンタッチだけで折り返し電話! • テンプレートがあるので、必要以上のタイプは不要。 • ロケーションサポートや案内メール送信が超簡単! • アカウント間のワンタッチスワッピングが可能。 • フルスクリーンでテキスト入力ーいつもの小さなテキストボックスで入力する Gmail はもういりません。 • ホストされた Google Apps...
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