フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ フード/ドリンク ]
Frigo Magic is the must-have application for anyone looking for quick and easy meal ideas using ingredients already in their fridge and cupboards. With nearly 2000 recipes and 7 million possible combinations, you are sure to find what you are looking for! Our application is particularly adapted to parents, students, single people or people who want to limit their food waste. With Frigo Magic, you can compose customized recipes in one click, with the food you have on hand, without having to go shopping. Our extra trick? Variatio...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Do You have lists which are unsorted and do not have a spreadsheet handy to sort it ? Magic Sort List Lite is here. It not only sorts list in both ascending and descending order, it go one step further by treating numbers within the list as numbers. In normal sorting app, when you have a list of 5, 1 and 10, it will end up as 1, 10, 5. With Magic Sort List Lite, you get properly sorted list each time - 1, 5, 10. You can have properly sorted list in 5 Easy Steps 1. Clear the list with New if it is not already empty 2. Paste i...
[ ビジネス ]
Magic xpa Ver2.5 専用のクライアントアプリです。 Magic xpa Client 日本語版 は、Magic xpa Application Platform(日本語版)で開発されたアプリケーションにiPad/iPhone からアクセスできるようになります。 Magic xpa Application Platformは、簡略化され統一された開発およびデプロイ環境を通して企業プロセスとビジネスロジックとデータのための、マルチチャンネルのユーザー経験を提供します。 始めて使用される場合は、アプリケーションを実行するとURLを入力するダイアログが表示されます。ここは利用されるMagic xpa RIA Server環境にあわせて設定してください。
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Do You have lists which are unsorted and do not have a spreadsheet ready to sort it ? Don't despair, Magic Sort List is here to the rescue. Magic Sort List comes with our revolutionary sorting engine which we have perfected and further refined from our desktop sorting application, CM Sort List NX. Other sorting application is good at sorting alphabetical list but failed when encountering non-zero padded numbers. Have you ever sorted a list of say, 5 1 10 and ended up with a list like 1 10 5 ? Magic Sort List treats numbers as n...
[ エンターテインメント ]
The worlds first Augmented Reality app that can reveal any thought. Watch the Video Demo: http://www.armindreader.com Imagine this ... • You explain that you have given your phone the ability to read minds • Ask a member of your audience to think of ANYTHING • You then ask your volunteer to look at a decorative piece of card through the camera on your phone • As they do, a 3D representation of their brain appears on the phone's screen. This 'virtual reality' brain is hovering above the paper in perfect 3D space. Your helper can l...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Amaze your friends with this simple, yet highly effective telepathy magic trick! ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Here is how the iSensor Magic is performed: 1. Your screen will display five telepathic symbols. You ask your friend to think of one of them. 2. You place your iPhone on the table, screen down. 3. You ask your friend to tell you the symbol he selected, so you can both “transmit” it together to the iPhone by thinking hard about it. 4. You lift the iPhone from the table - and show your friend his selected symbol! ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦...
[ ゲーム ]
《Magic Town 蹦蹦跳》你不可错过的“游戏蹦跶界”希望之星! 我是毛毛,麦杰克小镇里可爱的树精灵,但……有小怪兽要吃掉我!!! 我不会飞,只会蹦啊蹦啊,所以拜托大家快点点击屏幕让我蹦得更高些、更快些吧。 别小看它操作简单,蹦跶的过程中还有可怕的蜘蛛兄补下的“天罗地网”、“杀死人不偿命”的障碍物,当然后面还有时刻准备着血盆大口的小怪兽。当然啦,我是精灵,我有麦杰克小镇其他小精灵的魔法祝福,当我吃到祝福就可以展现出非凡的惊人魔法。为了躲避小怪兽,我从森林之家蹦跶到了鬼魅之城、冰雪世界、彩虹之巅,甚至外星球。 情节简单清新,操作极致简化 -点击屏幕就可...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Support all Retina Display - iPhone 5 full screen support *** Required Magic TV Hardware *** Wi-Fi Remote for Magic TV Device family. Discover and control Magic TV Device family in local Wi-Fi network. Control of multiple Magic TV within an App. Change the name of the Magic TV. Change the size of the remote by pinch action. Change the skin of the remote between black and white by shake action. Option for user to disable change skin or scale of the remote Require Magic TV firmware version: Hong Kong: All: Firmware 5.08 o...
[ ブック ]
Experience Cinderella in a way you have never experienced it before - through Magic Ink Books™ beautiful rendition of this timeless classic. Features: ✦ Use Magic Ink to to color in pages and reveal beautiful color illustrations ✦ Find the hidden magical carriage on every color page ✦ Read to Me: Choose a narrator (male or female) to read the book to you ✦ Read it Myself
[ ゲーム ]
《Magic Town大冒险》全新上线咯!这一次让学霸真真带你来一场说走就走的大冒险吧! 选择一款挚爱座驾,或酷炫、或呆萌,满足不同宝宝的需求和喜好。驰骋在沙漠、森林与冰雪世界之中,和真真一起会遇到奇花异草、海市蜃楼、冰雪奇缘,或是未知的宝藏吗?那就看你有没有胆量迎接未知的挑战咯,当然,你还需要有娴熟的驾驶技巧来操作你的座驾,在《Magic Town大冒险》的世界里,模拟真实驾驶操作,加速、转弯每一项操作不慎都会让你的座驾翻车哦!锻炼宝宝的方向感、平衡感,《Magic Town大冒险》为你实现! 特色: -3D独家原创座驾 -三大唯美探险场景——“沙漠”、“森林探险”、“冰...
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