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[ 仕事効率化 ]
Le laboratoire Made In Labs met à votre disposition une application avec laquelle vous pouvez : -Suivre l'avancement de vos commandes en temps réel -Demander le passage du coursier -Consulter l'historique de vos commandes -Consulter vos factures -Consulter notre catalogue produit -Messagerie instantanée avec le laboratoire -Demander un réapprovisionnement de bons de commande et de fournitures (ex: sachets hermétiques) Découvrez la nouvelle application internet sur le site : www.madeinlabs.com qui vous permet grâce à un espace priv...
[ ミュージック ]
Welcome to the official iPhone app of Man Made Machine! Check back here for the latest and greatest news and more from Man Made Machine! Apps By Rebel Monster http://rebelmonster.com
[ ライフスタイル ]
Did you know that products that say they are Made in America are not necessarily 100% American made? In fact, for a product to be classified as 'Made in America' it only needs to be 50% 'Made in America'. Play Made in America Store Trivia to see if you can guess which products are truly 100% American made. As you play the game you can also visit the Made In America Store website to get more information about the product.
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Italian products are renowned the world over for their quality, design and taste. Sports cars, shoes, bags, food and everything that bears the "Made in Italy" tag are among the most desired items in the world. And, make no mistake, they're also imitated, cloned and faked. With this app, we aim to give you, the customer, a tool to check the origin of every italian product. The "Made in Italy" trademark has very strict requirements here in Italy. To use it, a product must either have been wholly produced or substantially transform...
[ メディカル ]
------------------------ OB/GYN Made Easy ------------------------ Just starting the OB/GYN rotation? Have no ideas where to start? Well look no further! OB/GYN Made Easy is specifically created for you. We highly recommended you browse all the content of the application before starting OB/GYN and then look at it as reference throughout your rotation. Many have already found OB/GYN made easy extremely helpful. Our apps can be used by anyone in the health field to brush up on their knowledge on obstetrics and gynecology. ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Tipicità: made in Marche festival è la vetrina definitiva del Prodotto Marche! Giunta alla ventesima edizione Tipicità rappresenta il modo migliore per conoscere le Marche, le tradizioni, le produzioni di eccellenza, i percorsi turisti e ovviamente tutti i prodotti tipici dell’unica regione al plurale. Tre grandi aree tematiche attraverso le quali si articola il percorso alla scoperta della regione. Tipicità Marche Expo è il padiglione espositivo dedicato ai migliori vini e ai prodotti tipici, autentici simboli dell’enogastronomia...
[ スポーツ ]
Quinella what? Exacta where? Who's Trifecta and why do I want to put her in a box? Having a flutter for the first time (or the 100th) can be a little daunting. What with all the talk of exactas, trifectas, first fours - there is a smorgasbord of different bet types available. Horse Betting Made Easy is a handy guide to get you in the know. Having a punt should be more about the fun and less about the 'what the?'. PLEASE NOTE: This app is an information only service, there are lots of great apps for betting from your iPhone. You ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Isn’t it great to watch the most cosy season of the year approaching steadily? The season of baking delicious biscuits in a warm kitchen, together with our loved ones. The season of enjoying the wonderful flavours and scents reminiscent of our childhood. The season of many small, happy moments. Just smell it! Mmh, isn't that the heavenly scent of honey, cinnamon and almonds, of home-made biscuits, tasting above all of the love that went into baking them? Easy to make and enchantingly delicious, our favourite childhood biscuits ...
[ スポーツ ]
Do you struggle to subtract dart scores from the remaining total to know what is left? I do so I wrote this App. Using this App you can track two scores independently. You can start a game at any number you like. You can select different values to start at (maybe if you are giving a worse player a head start). Just type in each player's score into the score field and the table for that player updates to show what was scored and what is left. How to use: Most of the screen is taken up with two tables showing the scores made a...
[ 教育 ]
Can your child recognize letter sounds, identify words that rhyme, and pronounce the digraphs? School Zone's Phonics Made Easy Flash Action has been developed to help children sharpen important phonics skills for reading success. Children will explore beginning and ending letter sounds, distinguish between long and short vowel sounds, pinpoint the rhyming families, work with letter blends, and more. The app's audio-rich environment makes phonic skills much easier to learn when children can hear the letter sounds while solving the e...
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