フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ライフスタイル ]
My name is Keiko (cake-oh) Lynn. Twenty-nine. Goody two-shoes with a liberal heart and mind. I live in Brooklyn, with my boyfriend, our little pup Miku, and three cats (Vester, Lacy, and Kitty Boos). I'm constantly creating, looking for inspiration, and always up for an adventure. You can get to know me on this app, where I share a peek into my daily life, style, and beauty tips.
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
1: Basic Defense: The awareness side is to be in tune with your surroundings and abilities. Tapping into your intuition and understanding body language (both your own and others) are useful tools. Notice which situations increase your heart rate or when someone is making you uncomfortable and excuse yourself from those situations. Features: Analyzing Self & Environment Decision Mode, Base, & Grip Escapes Going for a Man’s Middle Choke Escapes Learning to Fall 2: Standing Defense: You can reduce your attackers s...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Posture on the Bow   Summary: Gaining mobility in your spine, rib cage, and hips is essential to strengthen your stroke. Understanding which muscles active to preform a certain motion will give you the precision you need to master your technique. Learning how your pelvis is your powerhouse is essential to achieve full power with every stoke. Included is hip stretching which is an absolute requirement to increase rowing speed. A great performance requires great posture. The only way to get there is to understand your body mechanics...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Pilates is a form of biomechanics, which is a science of the motion of living bodies—especially the forces exerted by muscles and gravity on skeletal structures. Proper alignment of the human skeletal structure is the way to achieve good posture. The concepts in Pilates are what makes this method brilliant, because its aim it to stabilize the integrity of the skeletal structure. In this App you will learn through Vidoe instruction: 1: Basics Summary: We all need to learn the rules of good posture. Symmetry in your posture proje...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Download the Mz Lynn's Day Spa and Salon app to plan and schedule your next salon/spa experience! From this mobile app you can schedule your next appointment, view our full menu of services and ongoing promotions, as well as view the salon's location and contact information. Optimize your time and maximize the convenience of scheduling your next salon/spa experience directly from your device! With this app, you can even link with us on social media! Download it today!
[ ショッピング ]
Ellis & Lynn online shopping app, created by Shopgate, Inc. We will do everything to drive the growth of Shopgate and to "apptimize" the mobile commerce business.
[ ブック ]
"Undercover No. 1: Deckname Mary“ ist die sechste von acht erotischen Geschichten aus dem Taschenbuch „Trinity Taylor – Ich will dich noch mehr“. Alle weiteren Geschichten erhalten Sie hier bei iTunes als APP oder im Buchhandel Inhalt: Lynn beobachtet, wie ihr Chef Daniel von der Schauspielerin Clarissa verführt wird. Ausgerechnet Daniel, der sonst keine Frau an sich heranlässt! Lynn ist schon seit langer Zeit hinter ihm her. Als Clarissa erkrankt, springt Lynn ein und muss plötzlich mit ihrem Chef erotische Szenen drehen, in dene...
[ 教育 ]
Check out upcoming Lynn University events on campus and add them to your calendar! Powered by Check I'm Here.
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Pilates is a form of biomechanics, which is a science of the motion of living bodies—especially the forces exerted by muscles and gravity on skeletal structures. Proper alignment of the human skeletal structure is the way to achieve good posture. The concepts in Pilates are what makes this method brilliant, because its aim it to stabilize the integrity of the skeletal structure. In this App you will learn through Vidoe instruction: 1: Basics Summary: We all need to learn the rules of good posture. Symmetry in your posture proje...
[ ブック ]
"Falscher Pirat“ ist die vierte von acht erotischen Geschichten aus dem Taschenbuch „Trinity Taylor – Ich will dich noch mehr“. Alle weiteren Geschichten erhalten Sie hier bei iTunes als APP oder im Buchhandel Inhalt: Lynn beobachtet, wie ihr Chef Daniel von der Schauspielerin Clarissa verführt wird. Ausgerechnet Daniel, der sonst keine Frau an sich heranlässt! Lynn ist schon seit langer Zeit hinter ihm her. Als Clarissa erkrankt, springt Lynn ein und muss plötzlich mit ihrem Chef erotische Szenen drehen, in denen sie sich gefährl...
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