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[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
【爱贝】APP系列,移动课堂,随心所享!精致学习,精致生活! 有限的时间,发现您无限可能。世界因你而变,唯有行动,梦想才能起航! *** 语言,沟通你我! *** 爱贝,陪伴左右! ■■■ 完美同步配套香港朗文英语教材《Primary Longman Express》(3A3B)最新课本。 *通过预习,认知,掌握,内化四个步骤,让您轻松而高效的学习。 *阶段性学习目标,科学规划方案,多样化课程满足您的需求。 *定制化的学习体系,听说读写能力全面提升,终成学霸。 *长期巩固知识,课程反复学习,重点难点轻松掌握。 香港朗文英语教材Primary Longman Express(简称PLE)专门针青少儿开发编写的...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
◆ A joint production of Longman, a renowned name in dictionaries, and Neunyule, a leader in English education ◆ ◆ It's time to close those outdated dictionaries from decades ago! ◆ ◆ Learn practical, up-to-date, natural-sounding English ◆ ◆ Everything you need to know to speak and write good English ◆ The Neungyule-Longman English-Korean Dictionary isn't one of those dictionaries you use only to look up a word you don't know. It presents loads of information in a systematic way to help you say what you want to say in just the rig...
[ 教育 ]
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English ============================ ➣ About dictionary The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English is a very useful monolingual dictionary. I came across this language resource when one of the English teachers recommended it at the beginning of the course. This tool is not only helpful in order to find many words that are not understood when reading, but it is also appropriate for translation tasks as it offers very accurate definitions and examples. Even if the LDOCE is thought for non nativ...
[ 教育 ]
The Longman Elect Junior Secondary app is a specially designed interactive resource that helps students enhance their English Language skills. In addition to providing an electronic version of the Longman Elect Junior Secondary Student’s Book, it offers a wealth of interesting materials for self-study. Features: • Get electronic access to every page in the corresponding print unit • Listen to audio recordings of the reading texts • Record audio clips when you read aloud the reading texts or hold a discussion, then play or email ...
[ 教育 ]
The Longman Advanced Learner's English Dictionary third edition provides definitions for about 250,000 words, phrases and examples and is compiled to offer what learners need most in a dictionary. The Third Edition offers new, up-to-date vocabulary (e.g. sex up, speed-dating, whiteboard), new boxes, and new frequency information to highlight the most important words to learn. The new Longman Advanced Learner's Dictionary gives you everything you need to learn English and pass exams!
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
***Perfect companion for LDOCE**** Para Estudiantes De Nivel Intermedio – Avanzado El profesor al alcance de tu mano Lo mejor para aprender inglés • Más de 250.000 palabras, significados, frases y ejemplos • Más de 210.000 traducciones • Sistema de búsqueda rápido y fácil • Notas para evitar los 100 errores más frecuentes en inglés • Comentarios explicativos sobre las diferencias entre palabras estrechamente relacionadas • Cientos de ilustraciones a todo color • La totalidad del contenido del diccionario impreso • Herramienta d...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
● 世界で一番売れている英語学習アプリがパワーアップし「プラス版」になりました。 学習用英英辞典の最高峰「ロングマン現代英英辞典【6訂版】」に「LONGMAN Activator Thesaurus」類語辞典をプラス。究極の英語学習用辞典アプリをお届けします。 見て、聞いて学べる“学習用英英辞典”として最適! 豊富な単語と例文のネイティブ音声に加え、シソーラス(類語)とコロケーション(連語)情報が充実。iOSでもmacOSでも快適にご利用頂ける、学習用英英辞典の決定版です。 本辞書の特長: ● 230,000にも及ぶ、圧倒的な数の見出し語、成句と語義 ● 165,000のリアルで自然な例文はロング...
[ 教育 ]
Download the essential and most comprehensive dictionary app for dependable definitions at your fingertips. ● English Dictionary - LDOCE is the leading free English dictionary app for iPhone – with over 2,000,000 trusted definitions and synonyms, the app is designed and optimized for your mobile device. - 165,000 corpus-based examples of natural English show words in context and how English is really used. - 230,000 words, phrases, and meanings – more than any other learner's dictionary. ● More dictionary you can use: - English ...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
学習用英語辞書として評価の高い「ロングマン」の豊富なラインナップから、『Longman Advanced American Dictionary』がiPhone / iPadアプリケーションに登場です。 充実した収録内容を誇るLongman Advanced American Dictionaryは特に学力向上にフォーカス。新しい学術用語を大量に収録し、専門用語の概念がつかみやすくなるよう、解説用のイラストを収録。 大学レベルの英語を習得したい、中級以上の英語学習者に特にお薦めです。 【辞書の特長】 • 学術用語にはマークを表示。 • ecosystem, nitrogen cycleなどの専門用語の概念がつかめるフルカラーのイラスト付き。 • 185,...
[ 教育 ]
● LMDict - English Dictionary This is a complete vocabulary and grammar resource that will enhance your learning of English. ● The English Dictionary Now with integrated Grammar, Thesaurus, and Collocations Dictionary. Improve your English with the full content of the dictionary at your fingertips: ● Natural English 165,000 corpus-based examples of natural English show words in context and how English is really used. ● Comprehensive 230,000 words, phrases, and meanings – more than any other learner's dictionary. ● Easy to use ...
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