フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ミュージック ]
Take your drumming to the next level with interactive video lessons from the Drum Lesson Academy. Check out our artist interviews, article, video lessons and top tips to help improve your drumming. Everything you need to know to become an awesome drummer! Drum Lesson Magazine Subscription is FREE!: Back issue cost $2.99 (non-subscription) Payment for all purchases will be charged to your iTunes account at the confirmation of your purchase. SUBSCRIBERS' AUTOMATIC-RENEWAL FEATURE: Your subscription automatically renews unless aut...
[ 教育 ]
Are you ready to learn English? Discover the new way to learn languages. It's easy and fun for beginners and advanced learners. Just a few minutes a day strengthens your language skills. Download the app and try out the first lesson for free! BENEFITS • Extensive selection of interactive courses for 14 different languages • Custom designed lessons created by in-house language learning experts • Immediately learn useful and relevant words and phrases • Tailored learning material for beginners and advanced levels • Train your ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Paid Version is featured in 'New & Noteworthy' and 'What's Hot' in Japan App Store iPad entertainment category in Day 2 of release!! Thank you!! Featured in 'New & Noteworthy' and 'What's Hot' in Japan App Store iPad entertainment category in Day 2 of release!! Thank you!! (10 June) Taiwan(iPad Entertainment) No.1 Taiwan (iPhone Entertainment) No.2 New update (Paid version) has come again!! 190 pictures in explanation were added already!! 'Presentation' is also included so that you will be 100% at what to speak in the perfor...
[ 教育 ]
将棋は日本伝統の「スーパー頭脳ゲーム」です。 勝つ喜び、負けた時の悔しさ、負けた相手を思いやる気持ち、大局観、決断するとき等、将棋には子供から大人までたくさん学べるものがあります。 このたび発刊したスマートフォン「将棋教室」はこれから将棋を覚えようとする人たち向けに、とても分かりやすく解説してあります。超初心者はもちろん、ベテランの方でも将棋を知らない人に教えてあげる時にとても便利です。本書「Lesson1」では、将棋をするうえでの基本的なことが楽しく、やさしく書かれています。次の「Lesson2」では将棋の勝ち方を学びます。将棋の醍醐味「勝つ楽...
[ スポーツ ]
「ウゴトル for Lesson」は映像添削指導を行うためのシステムです。 ご利用いただけるのは、ウゴトルと法人契約されたスクールのスタッフ・会員の方に限られます。 ご利用の際は、スクールに登録済みのメールアドレスでログインしてください。 *「ウゴトル for Lesson」のご利用を検討されているスクール様は https://ugotoru.com のお問い合わせフォームからお知らせください。 <ウゴトル for Lessonの主な機能> ・レッスンで撮影した動画に添削を付けて配信 ・各レッスンの確認項目の達成度の俯瞰 ・定期的な成長レポートの発行
[ 教育 ]
This app provides music lessons with audio topic by topic. Jazz Harmony is basic and advanced “knowledge and know-how” for most contemporary music like Jazz, Rock, Pop, even Film Score with full orchestra and many more. You can utilize each study content immediately on your music activities. Because everything (especially the order of contents to study) on this app is carefully designed to be easily understandable for each current stage in learning. To achieve that, we designed all contents based on processes of musical thinking fo...
[ 教育 ]
カシオの英会話学習機Lesson Podでの学習をもっと便利にするための公式アプリ。 本アプリを使うことでLesson Podの各レッスンの進捗状況をグラフで視覚的に確認でき、学習したい項目をスマートフォンから指定できるようになります。 また、本体設定をスマートフォンから変更できるようになります。 【主な機能紹介】 ●学習進捗をグラフで確認 Lesson Pod+を起動するだけで反復レッスン、発音レッスン、文法レッスン、実用会話ライブラリーの進捗がひと目で確認できます。 レッスンを選ぶとそれぞれの学習項目の実施状況も表示されるので、どこまで学習済みなのかの確認もかん...
[ 教育 ]
This app provides music lessons with audio topic by topic. Jazz Harmony is basic and advanced “knowledge and know-how” for most contemporary music like Jazz, Rock, Pop, even Film Score with full orchestra and many more. You can utilize each study content immediately on your music activities. Because everything (especially the order of contents to study) on this app is carefully designed to be easily understandable for each current stage in learning. To achieve that, we designed all contents based on processes of musical thinking fo...
[ 教育 ]
Whether you want to learn basic Spanish for your vacation, or you want to seriously study the language but don't have the time to attend school, this is the course for you. This lesson is also a part of "iCaramba Spanish Course", which contains Spanish Lessons 1 to 5. FEATURES FOR THIS LESSON: Pricing: - Lower price! (*1) Scenarios: - Greet other people. - Tell them your name. Pronounciation: - The letter H. - The letters LL. Grammar: (*2) - Verbs - general introduction. - Verbs - Infinitive. GENERAL FEATURES: - Easy, ...
[ 教育 ]
Whether you want to learn basic Spanish for your vacation, or you want to seriously study the language but don't have the time to attend school, this is the course for you. This lesson is also a part of "iCaramba Spanish Course", which contains Spanish Lessons 1 to 5. FEATURES FOR THIS LESSON: Scenarios: - Present yourself. - Tell people what you do for a living. - Tell people where you come from. Pronounciation: - The special letter Ñ. Grammar: (*) - Verbs - Pronouns. - Verbs - Present Time. - Verbs - Regularity. - Verbs...
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