フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Once upon a time, Lala-Muh is walking across a beautiful green meadow as out of a sudden Lala’s best friend Lala-Bear shows up in his little plane. Believe it or not - Lala-Bear ejects a couple of colorful balloons out of his little plane. These balloons will be me, Lala-Muh says and immediately she is in the middle of her first adventure ! What are you getting ? ——————————————— * An interactive landscape * Many interactive elements and animations on each screen (windmill, gallons, trees, chimney, fireworks, various different so...
[ ゲーム ]
Introducing Campaign Mode! Now you can choose to complete stages in this fantasy dream world. You can still choose to jump endlessly as before in Original Mode. Flabby Bird is a breath of fresh air, suitable for all ages. Based on the famous "Flappy Bird" game, Flabby Bird is a whole new addictive different game in itself. Manage Flabby Bird's weight and navigate its tiny wings through the treacherous candy canes(No pipes here) in a fantasy lala land. Spend some useful Flabby Bird toilet time in your bathroom. FEATURES * Free to...
[ ショッピング ]
快下載【天使娜拉 Angel Lala 官方購物網站APP】掌握明星愛用、醫師及營養師推薦的保健品牌最新資訊,啟動美麗,新生光采! 【天使娜拉Angel Lala】暢銷明星膠原蛋白、窈窕代謝、機能保健、女性淨密保健,適合各年齡層的保健產品一站購足。榮獲SNQ國家品質標章、世界品質金牌獎肯定,使用國際專利授權成分,第三方公正單位檢驗通過,安心高品質,經醫師、營養師一致信任推薦的台灣保健品牌。 +官網獨家優惠資訊 +線上客服在線服務 +會員獨享【閃購優惠及點數翻倍活動】
[ スポーツ ]
Aplicación oficial del XXVII Maratón Internacional LALA Aplicación del Maratón Internacional LALA 2015 que pone al alcance de los usuarios la historia del maratón, galerías, noticias, así como un plan de entrenamiento para los corredores y un mapa interactivo de la ruta del maratón, entre otras atractivas funciones. ¡¡¡Se parte de la fiesta de los 42 km!!!
[ ショッピング ]
YOSA PARK LaLaの公式アプリをリリースしました! 食事の量は変わらないのに体重が増えていく、むくみが目立つ、手足が冷える…。 人それぞれお悩みは違いますが、改善したい!と思ったら【YOSA PARK LALA(ヨサパーク ララ)】へ プライベートサロンなので普段話しにくい事も相談しやすい、来ると元気を貰えるサロンです! ブライダルから妊活コースまで、女性のお悩みに特化したサロンです。 ------------- ◎主な機能 ------------- ●24時間いつでもアプリから予約が可能です。 ご希望のメニューから日時を指定して送信するだけでご予約頂けます。 ●会員証やポイントカードをアプ...
[ ミュージック ]
Now you can create your own radio dial! lala® Radio brings you an innovative, patent-pending concept of radio dials for Internet radio, taking the experience of listening to Internet radio to the next level. Now it's very easy to switch the mood from Classics to Salsa, news or sports with one touch of your screen. With one touch you can select all the stations in your area. You even can view an AM/FM dial just like the one on your car radio. It's simple to create a dial. Enter a genre keyword and lala Radio creates just about a...
[ ゲーム ]
“LaLa’s Memory Test” is the classic memory / paring card game for all ages. Combining cute graphic and easy control, LaLa’s Memory Test is perfect for kids and grown-ups who want to stay sharp by doing brain exercises. This game features 3 difficulties and completely random card display each time, giving you virtually endless gaming experiences. 3 distinct difficulties for all types of players Family friendly graphic and music, perfect for kids (ages 3 ~ 6) Compatible with iPhone and iPod Touch We offer this excellent game to you...
[ ミュージック ]
"徐佳瑩LaLa第二張作品「極限」更完整呈現豐沛的創作與不設限的想像力。 【Music】收錄3首30秒主打歌曲,點選播放可立即聆聽,也可點選歌詞,立即查看。 【Videos】收錄主打MV,讓你在移動中也可以享受專屬LaLa的MV影音秀。 【Photo】收錄多款LaLa全彩寫真,可儲存作為桌布。 【Alarm Clock】專屬於你的LaLa時計,讓可愛的LaLa陪伴你每分每秒! 【More】LaLa的無名、臉書、微博…所有LaLa的最新消息都在這~ 徐佳瑩第二張嶄新創作專輯「極限」,全身音樂細胞總動員,演唱創作製作全象限奔放延展!" 本產品適用於IOS 4.1以上版本。
[ ゲーム ]
Save LaLa is a hardcore action packed platformer! Save as many LaLas as possible, defeat waves of enemies, and be careful for them to not become too powerful! Unlock new powers and armors along the way, we challenge you to unlock it all! Featuring: - 12 unique Ninja attack powers - 6 challenging enemies - 3 exhilarating levels - 3 mighty armors - Game Center achievements and leaderboards, compete with your friends, or the entire world! The game supports iCloud, so you can play and continue where you left off on any of your device...
[ ミュージック ]
徐佳瑩LaLa第二張作品「極限」更完整呈現豐沛的創作與不設限的想像力。 【10首完整主打歌曲+完整主打MV+時計+多款桌布+最新訊息】一次全擁有~
【Music】收錄10首完整主打歌曲, 點選播放可立即聆聽, 也可點選歌詞, 立即查看
【Videos】收錄主打完整MV, 讓你在移動中也可以享受專屬LaLa的MV影音秀。
, 【Photo】收錄多款LaLa全彩寫真,可儲存作為桌布
【Alarm Clock】專屬於你的LaLa時計, 讓可愛的LaLa陪伴你每分每秒!
徐佳瑩第二張嶄新創作專輯「極限」, 全身音樂細胞總動員, 演唱創作製作全象限奔放延展!, 本產...
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