フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
St. Louis Public Library’s Central Library. Located in downtown St. Louis, the Central Library opened in 1912 and was renovated in 2012. The building takes up an entire city block and consists of three floors. Central Library, designed by prominent American architect Cass Gilbert, boasts some of the finest examples of Beaux-Arts and Neo-Classical Architecture in the United States. Exquisite replicas of features from the Pantheon, Vatican and Michelangelo’s Laurentian Library bring the Italian Renaissance to life in the heart of dow...
[ 教育 ]
Welcome to the 30th International Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Symposium (IVECCS) in St. Louis, Missouri, from September 7th to 11th, 2024! Experience five days of unparalleled learning, networking, and innovation in the field of veterinary emergency and critical care. Hosted by the Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society (VECCS), IVECCS is the premier event for veterinary professionals dedicated to emergency and critical care medicine. At IVECCS 2024, you'll have the opportunity to participate in a diverse range...
[ 教育 ]
Download the Saint Louis University-Main app today and get fully immersed in the experience. Prospective students and families can navigate the campus and learn about our unique locations, programs and culture through self-guided tours. Whether at home or on campus our interactive student guide will accompany you as you explore our offerings through the use of the GPS-enabled campus map, student videos and photos. Using the app you can: • Explore each 360° panorama and the entire experience with fully immersive cinematic technol...
[ 教育 ]
With this app students learn about the life and contributions to microbiology and chemistry made by Louis Pasteur. It discusses how discoveries about how diseases are transmitted led to health promoting practices such as vaccinations & immunizations. Louis Pasteur was born in Dole, France in 1822. He made many contributions to science. He is credited with founding the science of bacteriology. He worked in both the physical and biological sciences. He made contributions to the science of crystallography. Many consider Louis Pasteur...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Approfondissez votre foi avec La Bible Louis Segond - Verset du Jour & Bible sur l'App Store Nourrissez votre esprit quotidiennement avec l'application La Bible Louis Segond, offrant la Sainte Bible complète en français et des versets de dévotion quotidiens inspirants. Fonctionnalités: - Bible Louis Segond complète: Accédez aux 66 livres, chapitres et versets de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament. - Verset du Jour: Commencez votre journée par un verset stimulant votre réflexion. - Accès hors ligne: Lisez et étudiez la Bible à tout...
[ 教育 ]
Download the official Saint Louis University iPhone App! People Finder -- Search by first and last name for phone numbers, email addresses, and office location for SLU students, faculty and staff. Dining -- Find out the campus dining options that are open, and menus (select locations). Shuttles -- Check where the shuttles are and see the schedule for the shuttles. See just how close the shuttles are, and how until you'll get on board. News -- Get the latest news from the University News, SLU Connection, or Newslink. You can s...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Use the St. Louis Public Library app to browse new titles, place material on hold, look at upcoming programming and more.
[ 仕事効率化 ]
CargoMax software products have been developed by Capt Louis Koutelas – Master Mariner and CEO of Hunter Marine Surveyors based in Newcastle, Australia. With over 40 years seagoing and surveying experience, Capt Louis understands the pressures and difficulties associated with performing draft surveys and trimming calculations. CargoMax software products provide a fast, easy and reliable solution for students, seafarers and surveyors. It has a very intuitive layout providing fast and accurate result. Print reports directly from your...
[ ゲーム ]
Pour jouer, il te faut le livre "Plouf & Floup" ou imprimer la liste des mots : http://ludocube.fr/floup - Tapes le nom d'un animal comme ORQUE, ou POISSON CLOWN, puis valide en avec la flèche bleue pour le voir apparaître. Tu pourras aussi ajouter des algues (tapes LAMINAIRE), des coraux (tapes CORAIL ROUGE) ou encore des méduse (tapes MÉDUSE STRIÉE). - Cliques sur un animal pour voir sa description. - Retournes ta tablette, il se peut bien que tu bascules dans le monde farfelu de Floup ! - Écris un chiffre devant un mot (6 POISS...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Nous sommes ravis de lancer la Bible Louis Segond Français avec audio (Sainte Bible en français) - une application iOS avec une conception d'interface utilisateur conviviale. Cette application comprend à la fois l'Ancien Testament et le Nouveau Testament. Nous avons inclus plusieurs fonctionnalités telles que l'audio, les signets, les faits saillants, les notes, la recherche d'un verset et le passage facile à un autre livre ou chapitre. Vous pouvez désormais lire la Bible Louis Segond Français n'importe où et à tout moment sans In...
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