フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ナビゲーション ]
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[ ブック ]
LOTTE JA KUUKIVI SALADUS on juba teine lastele mõeldud interaktiivne digiraamat Lotte ja tema sõprade seiklustest. Raamat ja selles leiduvad videod, interaktiivsed mängud ning illustratsioonid tõstavad esile positiivseid väärtusi, nagu sõprus, oskus märgata enda kõrval teisi ja valmidus hättasattunuid abistada. Ühel ööl hiilivad Leiutajatekülla kaks tundmatut. Nad otsivad taga kolme kivi, mille vana rännukoer Klaus oma viimaselt rännakult kaasa tõi. Üks kivi jäi Klausile, kaks tema reisikaaslastele. Mõistes, et kivid peidavad endas...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
#1 Shopping destination: Lotte Online Duty Free
Mobile Lotte Online Duty Free
Discover new shopping experiences with special services and exclusive events!
[What’s new]
Notifications: You will receive information on upcoming events and shopping news.
[Lotte Online Duty Free’s special benefits]
Mobile only! Exclusive benefits for Lotte Online Duty Free mobile app
Receive KRW 3,000 mobile secret reward points
Benefit 1.
Easy, secure, and convenient checkout for mobile device
Integrated Order and Payment System
For your convenienc...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
ブランドパワー No.1、LOTTE免税店
スペシャル特典! 楽しいショッピング!
ショピングインフォメーション: LOTTEオンライン免税店のスペシャル特典をプッシュ通知でお知らせします。
Only! LOTTEオンライン免税店モバイルだけのスペシャル特典
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[ ビジネス ]
We are excited to welcome you to the 2020 LOTTE Group brochure.
The fifth largest company in the Korean market, LOTTE Group includes businesses in the food, retail, tourism, service, chemical & construction industries services.
The brochure introduces our vision for the “Lifetime Value Creator," which provides the highest possible value of the LOTTE brand throughout the customer life cycle. Through our photos created in China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and the United States, we are showcasing the emotional and authentic imag...
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[ ブック ]
Kusagil Euroopas, suure mere ääres, asub Leiutajateküla, kus au sees on igasuguste majapidamises kasulike vigurite meisterdamine. Igal aastal korraldavad külaelanikud uute leiutiste võistluse. Üks kuulsamaid leiutajaid külas on energilise koeratüdruk Lotte isa Oskar. Tema peamiseks rivaaliks on jänes Adalbert, kelle abikaasagi kogu hingest võistlusest osa võtab. Võit oleks oluline suguvõsale ja teeks au kogu jäneste klannile. Järjekordse leiutiste võistluse eelõhtul leiavad Lotte ja tema sõber, kassipoeg Bruno, merest vettinud raam...
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[ ブック ]
This interactive children's book is about Lotte who lives in Gadgetville – a small village where inventing of all sorts of gadgets is held in great esteem.
Lotte’s father is a famous inventor Oskar and her story takes us to the annual invention contest of Gadgetville.
One day the lively and joyful Lotte and her best friend Bruno find a bee called Susumu, who accidentally travelled to Gadgetville from far-away Japan. This starts an exciting adventure for the new friends where they are facing unexpected situations and learning judo....
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[ フード/ドリンク ]
Are you a working professional with a busy lifestyle? Clueless at picking groceries from the supermarket or fresh market? Looking for deals on fresh marts grocery shopping or food delivery to your home? Download HappyFresh now & enjoy a special promo on your first order!
HappyFresh is Indonesia’s leading online grocery delivery service. Shop from over 600 supermarkets & fresh markets across Indonesia’s major cities. Trained Personal Shoppers freshly handpick the best grocery items while our Riders deliver them safely to you & your...
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