フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ファイナンス ]
Luck Lottery Checker will store your favorite numbers compare them with the latest results. With access to over 80 of the top grossing lotteries from around the globe, you will be on top your game!
NO ADS Just lottery results
**All results are unofficial**
Arizona - The Pick
Australia - Monday Lotto
Australia - Oz Lotto
Australia - Powerball Lotto
Australia - Saturday Lotto
Australia - Wednesday Lotto
Austria - Lotto
Belgium - Lotto
Brazil - Dupla Sena
Brazil - Mega-Sena
Brazil - Quina
California - SuperLotto Plus
Canada - BC...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
Simply take a photo via your iphone or use any photo in your library, you can read your energy level of your face by the proprietary analysis, and get the result in the Loto6 (ロト6), Mini loto (ミニロト), Numbers3 (ナンバーズ3) and Numbers4 (ナンバーズ4) way.
With face and edge detection technology, it can be used for Tasseography - coffee foam, tea leaves, and even object readings.
Read your Qi from your face.
1. Take a photo.
2. Tap the action button to start analysis based on the detected face.
3. Tap the action button to...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
roLoto este cea mai complexa aplicatie pentru iPhone care iti ofera instrumentele pentru a-ti mari sansele de castig la Loto 6 din 49!
Aplicatia va ofera posibilitatea de a genera variante de joc, utilizand algorimti complecsi ce analizeaza rezultatele precedente, aflate in baza de date locala.
Puteti juca variante simple, combinate, reduse, combinate compuse, cap de pod, combinate compuse cu scheme reduse samd.
Se poate parametriza generarea introducand suma dorita pentru a juca, numerele favorite, daca generarea se face aleator...
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[ フード/ドリンク ]
El concepto nace en un viaje a Japón, donde después de contemplar y escuchar el significado de la Flor de Loto, su fundador regresa a México con la inquietud de emprender un nuevo camino, bajo el concepto de un renacimiento como la Flor de Loto que emerge de las obscuras profundidades con gloria y plenitud.
Ya con el concepto claro, Flor de Loto inicia sus operaciones el día 8 de diciembre del 2008, en un pequeño local al sur de la ciudad de Morelia. Unos años después, ante el crecimiento constante, abre cuatro nuevas sucursales, ...
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[ ファイナンス ]
Feng Shui (風水)はone'のさまざまな面を改善するのに環境を利用する5000年の古い技術である; sの生命。 それはことone'言われる; s健康、富および関係はone'によって直接影響される; sの即時の環境。 環境の知識を得、Feng Shuiの細部を分析することによって、1つは彼/彼女の生命を改善するために決定をすることができる。
私達は宝くじにこの技術を適用し、Feng Shui Lotto、あなたの現在の環境のFeng Shuiを分析し、次の勝利数を計算する適用を持って来た。 あなたが遊んでいる宝くじを単に選びなさい、任意に環境を写真を撮れば、蛇口は行く。 Feng Shui Lottoはあなたの...
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[ ビジネス ]
The SBN Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Pro mobile application is a powerful, user-friendly tool that provides you with the ability to generate proper safe-handling procedures, real-time, in order to better protect workers from the release of hazardous energy during the servicing or maintenance of equipment.
With our mobile application you can easily create and share LOTO procedures, including relevant photos, notes, barcodes, and signatures. You can specify Energy Isolation (EI), Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other Safety Equipm...
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[ ニュース ]
KQ Xổ số là phần mềm cập nhật kết quả kết quả xổ số trực tiếp từng giây của Miền Bắc, Miền Trung, Miền Nam hàng ngày.
Chức năng chính gồm:
Trực tiếp kết quả xổ số 3 miền
Kết quả hàng ngày của tất cả các tỉnh
Thông kê loto, soi cầu
Dò số: tìm kết quả của vé số hoặc kết quả loto
Lịch mở thưởng xổ số các tỉnh cả nước
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[ ゲーム ]
LoTo Tin Tin
15 Cards in Total
cards will be updated once in a month.
Great game for toddlers and children accompanying voices, sounds and exposure groups and objects of everyday.
Your child will learn to recognize objects, numbers, animals, colors and more in a fun and amusing.
The game exposes the child world concepts and knowledge.
And enjoyment of the game creates motivation for learning.
Rules of the game are simple: choose tab game, take a card from the deck and placed in the appropriate tab. Must complete all nine cards tab...
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