フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 写真/ビデオ ]
What Celebrity Do I Look Like is a funny app if you are looking for your Twin celebrities. We made the app really interactive and fun to use. If You like having a good time with friends and laugh LOOOL Download This App. Terms of Use: https://fierce-inlet-63133.herokuapp.com/celebrity-term-of-use Privacy Policy: https://fierce-inlet-63133.herokuapp.com/celebrity-privacy
[ 教育 ]
Give your kids an app to celebrate their creativity while they learn letters, shapes and numbers! This I Like to Paint app from School Zone, delivers big learning fun in rainbow colors. Preschoolers and kindergarteners can choose a picture to “paint” from one of five image galleries: Mammals, Nature, Favorite Foods, Fun Characters, and Things That Go, each with 16 pictures. Pick a monster truck, a prancing pony, or bird’s nest. Then select Paint by Letters, Paint by Numbers, or Paint by Shapes. It’s easy! Just touch the color disp...
[ ゲーム ]
Check out new features - OBJECTIVES! Discover brand new gameplay quality. Complete compelling objectives and enjoy your extra awards. Run Like Hell! can be a helluva lot of fun in winter! After leaving that dreadful island, full of cannibals and unfriendly locals, our brave archeologist went to Himalayas searching for an ancient artifact. Close to the Mount Everest, being in artifact's cave, his senses told him he's being watched. Large, white, vicious, breath smelling and loudly roaring creature came out of nowhere. 'Not again' ...
[ ゲーム ]
Just finished exploring forsaken islands, or steep, snowy mountains? Thinking about spending a relaxing day at the mall, maybe buying something for your girlfriend? Think again For such famous and extremely handsome adventurer like you there is no rest. This time you've been ambushed by a pack of ferocious girl-fans, who would do anything just to get your autograph (or something more) ! There is only one way out, you've got to Run Like Hell! Dash, jump and slide through a mall while collecting hearts to save yourself from psyc...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Learn Like Nastya is an educational and entertainment app for preschoolers inspired and endorsed by the children’s beloved YouTube vlogger Like Nastya. Our toddler app uses essential day-to-day topics to help children explore the world around them and get ready for school by practicing through play such learning components as ABCs, phonics, vocabulary, number sense, logics, reading comprehension, social interactions, and more! We know how easily young kids get bored and distracted, that’s why we have gathered an outstanding crew ...
[ ゲーム ]
How's your vision? Can you see as clearly as a fifth, fourth or 1st grader? Test your vision skills against preschool kids. Do 2nd and 3rd graders have a better vision score than you? All these questions can be answered with this educational and extremely fun puzzle game called: Can you see like a 1st Grader. How To Play: 1. Each puzzle is filled with identical shapes and images all the same color, yet one is a slightly different shade and that's the one you must choose to win! 2. The puzzles increase in size and difficul...
[ ゲーム ]
FlappYou let's YOU become the game!. Simply snap a normal and crash versions of your face and get flapping! Many players have called this one of the best personalized face photo games that they have played. You make the call when creating your flapping hero! Use the face pic editor and create your favorite face using, emoji, friends, pets- you decide! Spend hours navigating through super-keen levels with YOU as the star of the game- and making your flappy way! Purchase Super-fun upgrades allowing you to customize your flapping c...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Kite Key Features: - Focus on the one accomplishment you want to make for the day. - This goal will be there on your home view to remind you through out the day to focus on that accomplishment. - At the end of the day, you can set that goal to accomplished. - You can set reminders in the morning and evening to remind you to enter the goal information. Benjamin Franklin started each day of his life asking himself a single question. This question guided and directed all the success and good deeds that he did for the United States ...
[ ビジネス ]
======租控管理===== 【租控图】 •移动办公,随时获取项目租控状态,实时调整项目定价信息。 •房源租控以剖面图形式展示,其中包括可招商、不可招商等房源状态以及相应状态下的房源数量、面积,通过系统可对项目信息随时进行更改,保证了项目的即时性,为招商工作提供便利。 •实时展示所有房源出租情况,招商经理既可全面租控动态,又可细化管理颗粒度,大大提高房源盘点效率。 ======云招商===== 【多样式分享】 •搭建云招商主页,可通过微信小程序、长图、九宫格等形式进行项目整体、单房源分享,客户在线查看房源详情,随时在线沟通。 •区别于传统楼书的推广形式,一键分享...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
•On sale exceptionnaly during one week ! FREE .. dont wait anymore to download it !! • MovieLike US is a new application on your iPhone ! Night with friends, alone or with you boyfriend (or girlfriend), you don't know wich movie watching ? .. You want to find a movie who you are going to love, and who is totally like you ? Here Movie Like come : with a gorgeous database, experts recommandations and users ratings, Movie Like launch an algorithm for finding 10 movies you're gonna like : actors, teaser, director, music, ambiance, th...
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