フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ビジネス ]
Download the GSDBA Tip Tracker to send and receive referrals between fellow B.N.G. members. The Greater San Diego Business Association’s B.N.G. members use this tool to easily and conveniently share tips and referrals among other B.N.G. members. If you are already in a B.N.G., please download and enjoy! If you are not a member of the Greater San Diego Business Association (GSDBA) or one of its B.N.G.s, please contact the GSDBA for membership information. Your membership with the GSDBA not only allows you to join a B.N.G. and use th...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
Brighton Pink Plaques is your convenient personal tour guide to Brighton's LGBT past and the perfect companion during Brighton's LGBT History Month.
Are you in Brighton or planning a trip soon?
Do you enjoy learning about social history?
Would you like to discover some of the LGBT stories of the City of Brighton & Hove?
Brighton Pink Plaques isn't only an engaging treat for anyone interested in the LGBT history of the UK's queerest city. It is full of delightful stories of excitement, subterfuge, fun, protest and love - providing...
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[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
LGBT or GLBT is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. In use since the 1990s, the term is an adaptation of the initialism LGB, which itself started replacing the term gay when in reference to the LGBT community beginning in the mid-to-late 1980s,[1] as many felt the term gay community did not accurately represent all those to whom it referred.[2] The initialism has become mainstream as a self-designation and has been adopted by the majority of sexuality and gender identity-based community centers an...
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[ ニュース ]
Only available in French.
With the new application GAY LIVE optimized for iOS 8, find all news to those who innovate and move the #LGBT community.
• Get the latest information in real time through our numerous thematic headings: Actu Live, World, Militant, Sport, Lifestyle, Health
• 300 specialized information sources in the LGBT news, including: Pink News, Têtu, Yagg, Ellico, Être Mag, Fugues, 360°, Fol Effet
• 50 general media dealing with LGBT news, including: iTele, BfmTV, Europe 1, Le N...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
Ever wondered which clubs, bars, restaurants to go in your city on a
weekend of fun; or even when traveling to a different city?
Want to make sure you are always up to date with latest events, parties
and offers?
Want to meet new people who share common interests with, or who are going
to the same party as you?
Looking for LGBT Friendly Businesses in Your Area?
Then, RUSHBOX is the app for you, to be connected with the hottest venues!
RUSHBOX is the innovative smartphone application that instantly allows you
to find the trendiest...
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[ 旅行 ]
Gay and Lesbian Travel Guide
Enjoy all that San Diego Has to Offer
Are you looking for a gay-friendly vacation destination that offers beautiful beaches, amazing restaurants and shopping, eclectic neighborhoods, attractions, and a happening nightlife? Then San Diego is the vacation spot for you. No matter the season, America's Finest City delivers extensive options for both outdoor adventures and living the fine life.
Sharing Our Local LGBT Favorites with You
When you travel, it's always helpful when you have a friend who is fa...
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[ ニュース ]
Since 1976, OUT FRONT has evolved into more than a magazine. We are the social, print, and digital media platform for the LGBT and allied community to connect, explore, express, advocate, and celebrate exactly where they belong: OUT FRONT.
Our Mission: At OUT FRONT we believe every person and culture is a worthy and vibrant contribution to the fabric of humanity. We are committed to providing the LGBT community and their friends a powerful media platform to educate, celebrate, and activate that belief.
OUT FRONT has built a power...
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[ 旅行 ]
各路旅行GLOW(Gay & Lesbian On the Way)是中国最大的同志出境旅行服务平台,致力于为所有LGBT同志人士提供高品质的量身定制的出境旅行服务。GLOW在手,轻松走遍世界各地的同志骄傲节,狂欢节,主题派对。最酷炫的旅行社交方式,用最积极阳光正能量的方式遇见一生珍惜的好基友,更可能是众里寻他千百度的那个TA。曾为Blued, ZANK, LesDo等国内领先的LGBT社交平台提供线下旅行服务。
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