フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ エンターテインメント ]
困ったときほど頼って! \出会い・晩婚・電撃婚まで/ 様々な恋愛事情を抱えた人々を次々と救い導く……! 今、注目の人気占い師「渋谷ビッグママ」! TV番組への出演多数! 大物有名人をズバズバ鑑定! 今、注目の人気占い師「渋谷ビッグママ」! “凄すぎる”伝説秘話が続々!! 感謝の声・結婚報告がとまらない ≪さぁ、次は貴方の番ですよ≫ 【無料で毎日≪渋谷ビッグママ≫による鑑定をお楽しみいただけます!】 毎日更新される世界でたった一つ「あなただけの鑑定書」 鑑定書の種類は全部で5つ。毎日、2~3メニューずつ鑑定が更新され。 そして、約1ヶ月後には“あなただ...
[ ゲーム ]
"The bosses in the game are impressive and fun." www.ztgd.com - 8.5/10 "Impressive Graphics, Visuals & Artwork" www.gamingtruth.com - 8.5/10 "Akane defines what a downloadable title should strive to be: loaded with content, affordable, and genuinely fun." www.digitallydownloaded.net - 5/5 "those crazy kids at Haruneko know what made well-remembered games worth remembering" - www.honestgamers.com - 8/10 "a really cool game" www.armlessoctopus.com - 4/5 Straight from your console, the critically acclaimed arcade game is now in your ...
[ ブック ]
Hatsume is a kunoichi -- a female ninja -- sent by Ieyasu Tokugawa to assassinate Mitsunari Ishida, whose small fiefdom is all that stands in the way of total domination of Japan by Tokugawa. However, after taking resourceful steps to get close to Ishida by becoming his concubine, Hatsume inadvertently finds herself in love with the straight-minded Ishida, and goes from assassin to protector as Tokugawa sends a new ninja squad to Ishida’s castle to finish the job. Will Hatsume and Ishida live to fight the crucial battle for Japan's...
[ ゲーム ]
アタシはくノ一。 城攻めの次は、城壁渡りね。 人知れず夜な夜な城壁を越えるわ。 城に囚われの仲間を救うの。 天守閣はどこかしら? ココロが折れそうになるの。 それでもアタシは跳び続ける。 そう、アタシはくノ一。 今日で何度目かしら。 ブランコをユラユラして、城壁を渡るわ。 風には要注意よ。 向かい風に、追い風、おまけに風の強さまで変わるなんて。 ホントやっかいだわ。 城壁から落ちるのも心配だけど、パンチラしてないか気になるわ。 それでもアタシは越えるわ。 そう、アタシはくノ一。 何度でも生き還るわ。 ピッタリ着地すれば高得点。 ギリギリ止まる...
[ ゲーム ]
"The bosses in the game are impressive and fun." www.ztgd.com - 8.5/10 "Impressive Graphics, Visuals & Artwork" www.gamingtruth.com - 8.5/10 "Akane defines what a downloadable title should strive to be: loaded with content, affordable, and genuinely fun." www.digitallydownloaded.net - 5/5 "those crazy kids at Haruneko know what made well-remembered games worth remembering" - www.honestgamers.com - 8/10 "a really cool game" www.armlessoctopus.com - 4/5 Straight from your console, the critically acclaimed arcade game is now in your ...
[ ブック ]
Hatsume is a kunoichi -- a female ninja -- sent by Ieyasu Tokugawa to assassinate Mitsunari Ishida, whose small fiefdom is all that stands in the way of total domination of Japan by Tokugawa. However, after taking resourceful steps to get close to Ishida by becoming his concubine, Hatsume inadvertently finds herself in love with the straight-minded Ishida, and goes from assassin to protector as Tokugawa sends a new ninja squad to Ishida’s castle to finish the job. Will Hatsume and Ishida live to fight the crucial battle for Japan's...
[ ブック ]
Hatsume is a kunoichi -- a female ninja -- sent by Ieyasu Tokugawa to assassinate Mitsunari Ishida, whose small fiefdom is all that stands in the way of total domination of Japan by Tokugawa. However, after taking resourceful steps to get close to Ishida by becoming his concubine, Hatsume inadvertently finds herself in love with the straight-minded Ishida, and goes from assassin to protector as Tokugawa sends a new ninja squad to Ishida’s castle to finish the job. Will Hatsume and Ishida live to fight the crucial battle for Japan's...
[ ブック ]
Dans sa conquête du pouvoir, un obstacle se dresse devant Tokugawa Ieyasu : Ishida Mitsunari. Il décide de le faire assassiner et lui envoie Hatsume, une kunoichi (femme ninja). Mais Hatsume tombe vite amoureuse de l'homme droit qu'est Mitsunari, et en devient la concubine. En apprenant celà, Ieyasu envoie un autre assassin au château de Sawayama où réside Mitsunari, mais Hatsume s'interpose. A l'aube de la bataille de Sekigahara, débute alors en arrière-plan un combat entre Hatsume et les Shinobi envoyés par Ieyasu. 【G2comix】《S...
[ ブック ]
Dans sa conquête du pouvoir, un obstacle se dresse devant Tokugawa Ieyasu : Ishida Mitsunari. Il décide de le faire assassiner et lui envoie Hatsume, une kunoichi (femme ninja). Mais Hatsume tombe vite amoureuse de l'homme droit qu'est Mitsunari, et en devient la concubine. En apprenant celà, Ieyasu envoie un autre assassin au château de Sawayama où réside Mitsunari, mais Hatsume s'interpose. A l'aube de la bataille de Sekigahara, débute alors en arrière-plan un combat entre Hatsume et les Shinobi envoyés par Ieyasu. 【G2comix】《S...
[ ブック ]
Dans sa conquête du pouvoir, un obstacle se dresse devant Tokugawa Ieyasu : Ishida Mitsunari. Il décide de le faire assassiner et lui envoie Hatsume, une kunoichi (femme ninja). Mais Hatsume tombe vite amoureuse de l'homme droit qu'est Mitsunari, et en devient la concubine. En apprenant celà, Ieyasu envoie un autre assassin au château de Sawayama où réside Mitsunari, mais Hatsume s'interpose. A l'aube de la bataille de Sekigahara, débute alors en arrière-plan un combat entre Hatsume et les Shinobi envoyés par Ieyasu. 【G2comix】《S...
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