フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ 旅行 ]
About buzz KOREA Mobile App
Your best mobile solution when planning for a trip to Korea. Utilize this application when you need quick information while traveling around Korea. Also, when you’d like to cherish the memories from Korea and share them with your friends, this application will help you.
Wiki buzz
Have questions about Korea?
Ask "Wiki buzz" operated by the Korea Tourism Organization.
Friends from all over the world will ask, share and answer your questions.
Touch Korea Tour
Look for the places you’d like to visit in Ko...
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[ ファイナンス ]
## 세계 1위 OKEx의 마켓과 연동 ##
## 글로벌 대표 디지털 자산 거래소 ##
OKEx Korea 거래 서비스를 지금 경험해보세요!
● 글로벌 최대 마켓
원화마켓과 세계 1위 글로벌 거래소의
최대, 최다 BTC, ETH, USDT 마켓에서
다양한 암호화폐를 거래하실 수 있습니다.
● 보안의 절대온도 - 콜드 월렛
네트워크와 완전히 분리된 콜드 월렛*(Cold Wallet)과,
오랜 경험을 통해 쌓은 기술력으로 고객님의 자산을
안전하게 보관합니다.
*콜드 월렛이란?
네트워크와 분리된 물리적 형태의 암호화폐 지갑으로
해킹 및 네트워크 문제로부터 안전함
● 전문가도 인정한 거래소
OKEx ...
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[ メディカル ]
韩国医疗旅游的一切尽在于此!“MediApp Korea”为您提供更加便捷的服务。
您可通过汉语简体、英语、日语及俄语版的“MediApp Korea”了解到关于韩国医疗旅游的各种信息!
※ “MediApp Korea”的主要功能
1. 韩国医疗旅游信息
2. 医疗旅游套餐信息
3. 医院信息
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[ メディカル ]
韓国の医療観光のすべて! 「MeddiApp Korea」がわかりやすく、かつ迅速にご案内いたします。
英語、日本語、中国語(簡体字)、ロシア語で製作された「MeddiApp Korea」で、高水準である韓国医療観光の様々な情報を、どうぞご自分の目でご確認ください!
※ 「MediApp Korea」の代表機能
1. 韓国医療観光のご案内
2. 医療観光パッケージのご案内
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[ 旅行 ]
In order to improve the quality of tourism information service, Korea Tourism Organization created user-friendly storytelling contents for smart phones. These digital contents introduce the most popular Korean historical places and Museums for tourists to help their understanding in fascinating Korean history.
This application provides ‘Silla Historical Journey’ based in the city of Gyeongju, ‘BaekJe Historical Journey’ based in the city of Gongju, ‘Gaya Historical Journey’ based in the city of Gimhae, and National/Gyeongju/Buyeo...
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[ メディカル ]
Все о лечении в Корее! С помощью MediApp Korea Вы сможете быстро и легко получить разнообразную информацию о лечении в Республике Корея на английском, японском, китайском и русском языках.
※ Основные функции MediApp Korea
1. Информация для выезжающих в Корею на лечение
Обзор возможностей медицинского туризма в Корее, информация по различным направлениям медицины, рекламные видеоролики и пр. Информация предоставлена Центром медицинского туризма при Национальной организации туризма Кореи.
2. Информация о пакетах медицинских услу...
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[ 旅行 ]
Welcome to Korea! This application provides information about Korea communications and broadcasting. It also provides useful information about location of visiting sites, telephone numbers, maps and useful travel infomation. We hope this product helps you make a good experience in Korea. (Powered by KCC & KISA)
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[ ミュージック ]
울트라 코리아(Ultra Korea) 공식 앱이 드디어 등장!
출연 아티스트 정보 등이 풍성.
# 앱 주요 기능
* 라인업, 아티스트 소개 & 내 스케줄
* F&B 소개
* 뉴스
* 입장밴드 등록 및 내역확인
* 공연장 상세 지도
* 화장실 안내
* 카메라
Ultra Korea official app is finally here!
Enrich your experience with it.
# App Key Features
* Lineup, Artitst information & My schedule
* Food & Beverage
* News
* Wristband registration & review
* Site map
* Restrooms
* Camera
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[ ニュース ]
Stay up to date with latest news and analysis on Korean companies, industries and financial markets provided by the Korea Economic Daily -- Korea’s most trusted business newspaper.
Download the KED Global app today and get instant access to The Korea Economic Daily’s exclusive news and in-depth analysis delivered in three different languages on Korean companies, macro economy, capital markets, institutional investors, culture and trend.
It is the ultimate guide for investors, business partners, buyers and global asset managers s...
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[ 旅行 ]
Experience the multifaceted history and culture of Korea through shows ranging from traditional performances to fusion gugak (Korean traditional music), drum performances, B-boy productions and martial arts!
The Korea Performance Digital Book offers comprehensive information on the top shows in Korea, and is now available for download on the iPhone and iPad. Download the Korea Performance Digital Book for information on performances, access to 1+1 ticket offers, and the chance to win a free trip to Korea for you and a companion! (...
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