フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Point and shoot with our unique analog camera experience. FLICA brings you evocative experience with the beauty of vintage photography. Specialized in old-school and film photography, FLICA emulates the analog camera experience in a way that no other apps even come close. From vintage design to replicating sounds, from black and white to retro colors, you'll be brought back to 1900s where the age of analog photography flourishing. With FLICA, all the analog photography's imperfections can be rebuilt to make a perfect vintage photo...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Once you select your camera from an extensive list of modern and vintage cameras, all you have to do is pick your distance, aperture, and lens from the 3 sliders. All the calculations you need to set up that perfect shot are instantly available as you slide the values. A simple and minimal interface helps you focus on fine-tuning your settings one-handed. Your thumb is in the sweet spot of the screen where you can move the sliders with precision and ease. Whether you prefer metric or imperial DOF has you covered. There are setting...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
RECO is Video Camcorder that combines digital camera and film sensitivity. - Real-time 4K video filter Apply 35mm film filter to your video - Pause function with real time effect - Take a video while listening to music Music does not stop while filming. Try filming a music video cover dance video Air pods / Bluetooth speaker ■ 4K / FULL HD Video Record ■ Pause/Re-record function while shooting ■ Real-time transition effect when pause & resume ■ PRO : Date Print On Video (Real Time) ■ 35mm film filters from Kodak, Fuji, Agfa ■...
[ ビジネス ]
Info Input Express モバイル オプションにより、外出先でキャプチャして、ビジネス ワークフローへ正しく安全に情報を送信することができます。 スキャニングとモバイル プラットフォームで情報を一貫して安全にキャプチャする Info Input の機能により、アプリケーション使用時に社員は使い慣れた操作で行うことができます。 Info Input のモバイル オプションによりユーザーにシンプルさを提供します。スマート デバイスでワークフローを選択し、写真を撮ることによって情報をキャプチャできます。このモバイル オプションにより、ユーザーはキャプチャ時にインデックス(...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Wanna turn your iPhone, iPad, or your iPod Touch into a Flash Drive?. Now you can use your Device Disk Space to carry any Type of Files you want. This App is a Must have Utility. Supports all Types of Files. It Brings Data Transfer to a New Level, and allows you to Store and also View what's inside your Flash Drive. Store View (Open) Share Print Send Move Rename Delete Passcode Lock … All in 1! PDF Files All Types of Photos All Types of Websites All Types of Music Files Video Files All Types of Microsoft Word...
[ ビジネス ]
スマートフォンでコダック Info Activate Solution モバイルアプリケーションを使ってビジネス書類をスキャンします。 注:Info Activate モバイルアプリケーションを使用するには、貴社の MICROSOFT SHAREPOINT サイトにあらかじめコダック Info Activate Solution と Info Activate モバイルモジュールがインストールされている必要があります。 モバイルアプリケーションから書類をスキャンしてインデックスを入力後、スマートフォンからすぐに MICROSOFT SHAREPOINT に送信できます。 外出先でスキャンした書類イメージは自動的に最適化されます。 コダック Info Activate ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
This app will allow you to check dates on the International Fixed Calendar. It also includes widgets, an Apple Watch App, and Apple Watch Complications so you can always know which date it is! The International Fixed Calendar was a planned calendar reform which added a new month, Sol, between June and July. The International Fixed Calendar therefore had 13 equal months fixed in size with 28 days each. The calendar system brought a number of great benefits, but humanity decided it would be a better idea to have another giant war in...
[ ライフスタイル ]
【底片】是一个以胶片相框优先的图片编辑App,可以给您的照片添加多达数十种的各类胶片/拍立得边框,同时支持各类胶片滤镜,并且仍在持续增长中。 支持的相框包括: 各类135/120胶片 多达40余种Polaroid/拍立得边框复刻 支持的胶片滤镜包括: Kodak Portra 400 Kodak UltraMax400 Fuji X-Tra 400 Fuji C200 Kodak GOLD 200 Fuji provia 100f Fuji Pro400h Fuji ACROS100 Kodak 400TMAX Kodak 5207 Polaroid 宝丽来 ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Wanna Archive(zip) Files and Folders, Unarchive(unzip) Files, and Secure them?. Zip Manager is your Smart Zip Manager, File Manager, and your Virtual USB Drive for your iPhone, iPad, or your iPod Touch. Zip Manager Supports 11 Languages. 1. Chinese 2. Spanish 3. English 4. Hindi 5. Arabic 6. Portuguese 7. Bengali 8. Russian 9. Japanese 10. German 11. French Main Features: 1. Archive(zip) files and folders, and Unarchive(extract) files. 2. Passcode-Lock all your Folders and Files. 3. Supports all Types of Files. 4...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
With Digital Pro Lab’s new mobile application (DPL Mobile), you can conveniently build, preview, and place your order for professional photo prints, canvas wraps, custom greeting cards, and multiple image prints in a wide variety of sizes, finishes, and designs. Included in our size options are popular square Instagram and panoramic iPhone sizes. Start by choosing photos from either your mobile device or Facebook. Our in-app photo editor allows you to tailor your photo prints to the exact design that best meets your needs—crop an...
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