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[ 教育 ]
Galdrabúðin er stærðfræðileikur sem hentar börnum sem eru farin eða að byrja að leggja saman yfir 100. Höfundur efnisins er grunnskólakennari og tekur það mið af stærðfræðikennslu í 3. bekk. Efnið var unnið með hæfniviðmið aðalnámskrár í huga.
Umsagnir um erlenda útgáfu:
Best Apps For Kids: 4.7/5 Stars and on 5-Star apps list
"Magic Store Math is a magical app that helps kids learn to add bigger numbers."
The iPhone Mom: 5/5 Stars
"I’d highly recommend Magic Store Math to any family. Buy it today and watch the m...
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[ ゲーム ]
MILO Canoeing adalah game kedelapan dari sembilan game di kompetisi MILO Speed Games yang diselenggarakan PT. NESTLÉ Indonesia. Ikuti sembilan game yang ada di MILO Speed Games dan dapatkan kesempatan untuk memenangkan hadiah utama. Satu game akan diluncurkan setiap minggu, pastikan kamu download dan bermain di sembilan game tersebut.
Dayung kano kamu dan kalahkan musuh dengan cara menekan tombol L dan R secara terus menerus. Semakin cepat kamu menekan tombol L dan R, maka laju kano kamu akan semakin kencang. Game ini menantang ...
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[ ニュース ]
Latest & Breaking Nigeria News & Headlines Today at your fingertips, with notifications support! Get the latest Naija news including updates on sports, economy, education, banking, technology, entertainment and more. Individual news sections dedicated to top cities Lagos, Kano, Ibadan, Benin City, Port Harcourt and more will keep you informed about local happenings there.
Main features include:
* Latest Nigerian news now plus updates from Lagos, Kano, Ibadan, Benin City, Port Harcourt, Jos, Ilorin, Kaduna, Abuja and Enugu
* Inf...
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[ 教育 ]
Magic Store Math is a math game for kids that have started to add numbers higher than 100. The game is designed by a primary school teacher and takes into account 3rd grade math curriculum.
Best Apps For Kids: 4.7/5 Stars and on 5-Star apps list
"Magic Store Math is a magical app that helps kids learn to add bigger numbers."
The iPhone Mom: 5/5 Stars
"I’d highly recommend Magic Store Math to any family. Buy it today and watch the magic begin for yourselves!"
The game includes no ads or in app purchases....
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[ ゲーム ]
"It’s not just a game, it’s a quest to help scientists fight dementia!”
It sounds too good to be true but this really is a game, where simply by having loads of fun chasing creatures around magical seas and swamps, you can help to fight a disease that currently affects 45 million people worldwide.
In fact playing SEA HERO QUEST for just 2 minutes will generate the equivalent of 5 hours of lab-based research data.
Created by GLITCHERS, presented by Deutsche Telekom and supported by scientists from University College London and U...
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