フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Joker’s Challenge is a solitaire-oriented puzzle game like you’ve never seen before. It’s an addictively fun game for your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad that combines a bit of strategy and a touch of luck with a whole lot of fun! Enjoy the rich gameplay in a casino-inspired gaming environment. The goal is to earn as many points as possible by strategically positioning your stack of casino-style symbols on your game board before your luck runs out. Aim to beat your previous high score, or get your name to the top of the leaderboard ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Joker – helt i nærheten. Vi tror på god, gammeldags service. - Det eneste vi er usikre på er om den faktisk er gammeldags. Service er rett og slett ikke hva det en gang var. Unntatt i Joker-butikkene. Vi driver nemlig butikk på gamlemåten. Med kjøpmenn som fyller på varer, står i kassa og hjelper til - helt selv. Med små, lokale butikker som fremdeles er møteplassen i lokalsamfunnet, og der vi kan navnet på de fleste kundene våre, og vet når ungene deres har bursdag.
[ ゲーム ]
Introducing the Magic Card! Changing the way you play Video Poker, the Magic Card can be used to automatically win any Double Up! How far can you take 100 Credits in the popular casino game of Joker Poker video poker? TouchPlay Joker Poker Video Poker brings the exciting world of casino video poker directly to your iPad or iPhone. Win jackpots, double up your winnings and experience authentic video poker in your hands! Upgrade to the paid version and never feel alone with Game Center support. Check your standings against othe...
[ ゲーム ]
Introducing the Magic Card! Changing the way you play Video Poker, the Magic Card can be used to automatically win any Double Up! How far can you take 100 Credits in the popular casino game of Joker Poker video poker? TouchPlay Joker Poker Video Poker brings the exciting world of casino video poker directly to your iPad or iPhone. Win jackpots, double up your winnings and experience authentic video poker in your hands! More like a casino simulator than a game! Never feel alone with Game Center support. Check your standings a...
[ ゲーム ]
iPhoneやiPod touchで遊べる世界でNo.1のジョーカーポーカーゲーム! AAAポーカーはファイブカードドローを基にした最高に楽しくて病み付きになるポーカーカジノゲームで、入手可能なジョーカーポーカーのベスト版です! Bluethoothを使って AAAポーカーを友達とライブプレイできます! インストールして今すぐポーカーを始めてください! The #1 Joker Poker Game On iPhone and iPod touch Worldwide! “There is more to poker than life.” — Tom McEvoy, Professional Poker Player and Winner of the 1983 World Series of Poker Main Event. AAA Poker PRO (カジノ...
[ ゲーム ]
Star Joker plus is a game of Video Poker. Joker is a wild card that can become any card in a poker hand. This game includes a bounce stage. Star Joke 是一個賭場遊戲-電視撲克機台,玩法類似梭哈,星星可以變成任何一張牌, Star Joker plus 包含一個 Bounce 場景
[ ゲーム ]
Simple to learn but challenging to complete, Joker Play is an exciting gaming experience. The idea is to carefully aim and throw the knife on the various targets while making sure the knife doesn’t hit the Joker. You have to judge the best position on moving object. It becomes more exciting as you progress. Joker Play HD app features: - 4 types of challenges (Beginner, Intermediate, Achiever, Champion) - Exciting levels with fresh and innovative graphics - Creative movements for the targets - Varying emotions of the Joker - Game...
[ ゲーム ]
***** New versions are now available with dual platform compatibility (iPhone & iPad), enhanced graphics and social media integration ****** Joker Shuffle 2 Free: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/joker-shuffle-2-free/id641342699?mt=8 Joker Shuffle 2: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/joker-shuffle-2/id625715096?mt=8 Joker Shuffle is based on the classic Pairs or Remembrance Card Game and helps keep your brain active, a simple and addictive game for all ages. When your looking for an alternative to Solitaire and FreeCell then this g...
[ ゲーム ]
Joker Poker Power Poker is different from a standard video poker as you play four hands of cards. A complete deck of 53 cards is used for each hand, instead of the normal 52 cards. The extra card is a Joker and is a wild card. The Joker stands in for cards of any denomination and suit to complete a winning hand. Whenever you are dealt the Joker, it is automatically assigned a denomination and suit. This gives you the highest possible payout for the cards you are holding.
[ エンターテインメント ]
Joker tarot is base upon the idea of divination which comes from the Latin word divinare or "to foresee, or to be inspired" and is an attempt to gain insight into a question or situation by way of a perceived metaphysical process or ritual. For Joker Tarot, divination can be seen as a systematic method with which to organize what appear to be disjointed, random facets of occurrence of cards so that they provide insight into a problem at hand. If a distinction is to be made between divination and fortune-telling, divination has a fo...
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