フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ エンターテインメント ]
Explore these breathtaking masterpieces by icon painters. Genres from medieval, baroque, classical, romantic, and modern are explored. Select your level with a choice of 6 grid sizes ranging from 3x 2 to 5 x 5. Slide the tiles to form a complete picture. Test your problem solving skills today with the most spectacular pictures This game is packed with 100 pictures including.... 01. Pablo Picasso 02. Giotto Di Bondone 03. Leonardo Da Vinci 04. Paul Cézanne 05. Rembrandt Van Rijn 06. Diego Velázquez 07. Wassily Kandinsky 08. Cla...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Rocky Mountains Canada, photo album with amazing views of Canadian mountains, walking through the national parks such as: Banff, Field, Jasper. Various of beautiful lakes: Lake Louise, Moraine Lakem Emerald Lake, Bow Lake etc. Plus the rustic cities: Banff, Field, Japser, plenty of roads and trods. Enter the world of North America and know all it's beauties.
[ ゲーム ]
A poetic, art-house, indie stickman adventure game like nothing you have played before! .... But don't take our word for it... see what others have to say: "I love this game, it requires strategy as well as skill. It can be tricky at some points, but (come on) that's what makes a game fun! I recommend getting it!" "WOW! - I have never seen such super-stylish games before! And the poems, aww.. just GREAT!" "This is very fun game. Atmosphere is also great. I recommend it to anyone!" “I enjoyed the minimalist and obscure way the g...
[ ゲーム ]
A poetic, art-house, indie stickman adventure game like nothing you have played before! .... But don't take our word for it... see what others have to say: "I love this game, it requires strategy as well as skill. It can be tricky at some points, but (come on) that's what makes a game fun! I recommend getting it!" "WOW! - I have never seen such super-stylish games before! And the poems, aww.. just GREAT!" "This is very fun game. Atmosphere is also great. I recommend it to anyone!" “I enjoyed the minimalist and obscure way the g...
[ ゲーム ]
The JVGS created by talented developers Jasper Van der Jeugt and Nickoli Vega is finally released on iOS! This game takes place in a world much like ours, which has started fading away. At a point where nearly everything has gone, a poet finds himself, alone in a strange world of danger. He starts a journey along the broken stream of thoughts that’s left. “The constant flow of text throughout the game makes it very hard to put down (and I don’t even like poetry as a rule)…” “I enjoyed the minimalist and obscure way the game is p...
[ ブック ]
Discovery version with 3 mini-games and the first 3 pages of the story. *** Top 5 of the commercial apps (March 2011), winner of the "Best E-Book” award (May 2011), choice of the week on App Store (September 2011), a must-have on iPad *** "Each story is beautifully illustrated and slightly animated." (iPhone Soft) ************** Read about Billy, a little bird who is … scared of heights! A new poetic character with whom children can easily identify and who teaches them how to be self-confident. An original story specially a...
[ 旅行 ]
GyPSy Guide GPS driving tour of the Banff Townsite is a great way to the see best attractions that are close to Banff. There are 100+ audio points that play automatically, featuring what to see, stories, tips and advice. All the benefits of a guided tour, the freedom to drive yourself. Visit www.gypsyguide.com for route maps, sample audio, tips and advice and what to know before you go. TOUR GUIDE AS YOU DRIVE THE CANADIAN ROCKIES If you like driving yourself when you go sightseeing, GyPSy Guide™ tour apps allow you to enjoy a g...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
你想要天天活力充沛、精神飽滿、自然美麗?每天只要短短3~6分鐘,小小的一方地,就可以開始練習幫助你排毒充電的彭氏氣功「大調息法」!! *********************** ********眾人齊心大聲推薦******* 大調息法能讓你的心情很快安靜且沈澱下來,可以慢慢感受身體,調節呼吸,幫助放鬆身體,將廢氣散發出去,值得推薦! ~~環宇法律事務所 主持合夥律師 李書孝 ~~ 經過一段時間的練習,近半年來,常感無名痠痛,無法順勢急速伸張的右手臂,有了明顯改善,讓我愛上簡單樂練不需苦練的彭氏氣功。 ...
[ ブック ]
なぜ人は、はるか遠い昔から石に魅せられ続けてきたのか? 世界的瑪瑙コレクターとして知られる著者秘蔵の名品約380点を一挙公開。 自然の奇蹟が堪能できる、スーパービジュアル図鑑がアプリになった! 幻想的で宇宙的、その不可思議な「石の風景」によって、古代から人々を深く魅了してきた瑪瑙(アゲート)やジャスパーのほか、サンダーエッグ、セプタリア(亀甲石)、孔雀石、オパール、菱マンガン鉱、風景石、瑪瑙化した木や恐竜の化石、隕石など、著者秘蔵の名品が見せる美麗な模様の世界。鉱石や貴石ファン、パワーストーン愛好者、あらゆる石好き、不思議好き必携。 ...
[ ゲーム ]
Tile Swap (Art History) is an image scramble game with the backdrop of breathtaking masterpieces by icon painters. Genres from medieval, baroque, classical, romantic, and modern are explored. This is a popular type of puzzle game, in which an image is broken into rectangles on a grid and reshuffled. Players must click on these "pieces" to interchange their position and, ultimately, restore the original image. There are four levels of difficulty. Beginner (3 X 4), Medium (4 X 5), Hard (5 X 7), and Expert (6 X 8) This game is pac...
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