フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ エンターテインメント ]
Aladdin New Adventure, an magical hidden object expedition! A classic fairytale collides with modern-day New York City in a story about a young man Aladdin who is sent to our world by the lamp of God. Aladdin wants to go back to his world. And the only way to go back is to complete the missions assigned by the Genie of the lamp. Please help Aladdin fulfill the missions and after you successfully finish the task ,the genie in the lamp will meet you one wish. Feature: - Search in the scene and find the hidden objects - You have to ...
[ ブック ]
Jasmine Hair Style 髮型書 MEN'S型男髮型書 擁有一堆漂亮衣服不如擁有一個好髮型! 台灣唯一髮型類雜誌 美女型男 最佳整髮DIY學習工具書 “時尚”是一種生活態度而“髮型”是你最時尚的樣子! 閱讀髮型書找出最適合自己的髮型、創造自我整體風格。 從流行髮型示範到編綁秀髮,Step by Step完全圖文步驟說明,一定要你學會! 一書在手,百變髮型隨你玩,長髮、中長髮、短髮通通有。女孩們躍升時髦俏佳人、男孩們變身有型時尚男的入門工具書。 雜誌主要內容包括 : 最新髮型趨勢、各式秀髮編綁造型教學、服飾搭配示範、彩妝保養教授、讀者變髮、髮廊資訊...。以教學版形式呈現,讓讀者輕輕...
[ ミュージック ]
楽しい!The easiest way to play piano! Play with your eyes closed and fool your friends. Tap anywhere on the piano to play the next notes. You handle the timing, so you can play it fast or slow. Come see why Tiny Piano has become the #1 music app in 40 countries! Tiny Piano comes with over 400 songs to enjoy. It's fun... it's magical... and it's FREE!!! If you enjoy playing, please leave us a review and tell us what songs you'd like to see. Check out our 5-star reviews: + 音がかわいくてきれい。 広く知られた曲ばかりなのでとて...
[ ユーティリティ ]
無制限のタブブラウジング、ジェスチャー入力、自動ページャー、自動スクロール、高速スクロール、モビライザー、動画ダウンローダー、アプリ起動機能、広告ブロック、パスワード補完、フル画面モード、Greasemonkey互換のUserScript等、多くの機能を実装したブラウザです。iOS7対応済み。 ○タブブラウジング ブラウザ画面を左右にスワイプすることでタブを移動できます。 開けるタブの個数に制限はありません。 開いてから一定時間を過ぎたタブを自動で削除するようにも設定できます。 ○ジェスチャー入力 1〜3本指ジェスチャーとシェイクでブラウザの機能やブックマークを実...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
• 90% of kids brush longer with the Disney Magic Timer app by Oral-B • Featured as “Best new App” for “Kids” • # 1 Downloaded free app for kids “Ages 6 to 8” on iPhone in the US and 40 other countries • # 2 Downloaded free app in “Health & Fitness” on iPad in the US Bring more fun to your daily brushing routine with Disney Magic Timer by Oral-B! Now featuring dozens of your favorite Disney, Marvel and Star Wars characters, use this app to seamlessly encourage your kids to brush longer. Longer, happier brushing for your little ...
[ ブック ]
•…Girls will love it!”(BestAppsForKids.com) Readers help their favorite Disney Princesses prepare for magical moments in this dress-up sticker book! Updated version includes interactive camera feature! Plus new Outfits, Shoes, Stories, and Princess Tiana! A royal wedding. A special celebration. An unforgettable ride on the magic carpet! The magic continues with amazing hands-on features: • Dress-up all the Disney Princesses: Cinderella, Ariel, Aurora, Snow White, Jasmine, Belle and Tiana! • Use the camer...
[ ショッピング ]
ドレスを買うなら「dazzy store(デイジーストア)」 アプリリニューアルでさらに使いやすくなりました!! セクシー系から可愛い系のキャバドレスや結婚式の2次会でも着れちゃうドレス(パーティードレス)、女子会やパーティーに大活躍のワンピースやインポートドレスなどなど。。。 見てるだけで楽しい大量の品揃え! その他、ドレスコーディネートにぴったりのサンダルやパンプス、ボレロ、バッグ、カラコンなど小物類も大満足のラインナップ! Halloween(ハロウィーン)のコスプレ衣装やChristmas(クリスマス)のサンタなどの季節商材も多数取り扱いしています! ◎アプリ限定の...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Kaave, the fortune teller that is always with you! Gloria and her friends, who bring over 50 million users from the four corners of the world together with their fortunes and readings, are the new faces of a mystical tradition spanning the ages. Kaave is the first and only app which offers real fortune tellers and readers and an advanced artificial intelligence that has been taught human intuition. Kaave reveals the mysteries in Tarot cards, interprets symbols in coffee fortunes, ensures you guide your day with angel cards and br...
[ ミュージック ]
Hello and welcome to RADIO SOULWAX WHAT is Radio Soulwax? Ok, so it's a radio station, but not as you know it. For now, it's a growing collection of 24 one hour-long mixes with visuals that we are sharing with you for free, and hopefully it will become a platform for many more things to come. We call them mixes, but in reality they are more like musical films based on the record sleeves. Every hour has a different musical and visual theme (always based on the covers), to eventually make for a varied day-long radio schedule that ...
[ ゲーム ]
Get Psyched! From the creators of "Heads Up!” comes “PSYCH!” – an exciting new party game to play with friends! "PSYCH!" is a fun guessing game by Ellen DeGeneres, where trivia meets Cards Against Humanity. Choose from a variety of fun and hilarious categories, such as “The Truth Comes Out,” in which you and your friends become the game! Get ready to answer funny and ridiculous questions about one another, like “What’s the last thing David googled?” and “What does Jasmine spend too much time thinking about?” or  “What’s Maria's hi...
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