フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Wszyscy kochają puzzle! Twoje dziecko też je pokocha. Ściągnij najnowsza zabawę Puzzle Jojo®.
[ ブック ]
"Funny Stories – Under The Sea " is a fun, rhyming tale that tells the story of friendly fish and her girlfriend little merimad.As the story unfolds, Little fish and merimad lost in the deep ocean. They were searching each other and during their trip met different sea creatures. New features only available in this interactive Funny Stories include professional female and male narration, background audio and beautiful artwork for each scene. By combining the original text, artwork and sounds with features that entertain and promote ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
+++Not available in English+++ STAY SLIM! GEWICHT HALTEN MIT HYPNOSE • Gewicht dauerhaft halten nach Diät • JoJo-Effekt vermeiden • Neue Ess- und Bewegungsgewohnheiten verankern Sie haben es endlich geschafft abzunehmen und Ihr Wunschgewicht erreicht. Sie haben sich konsequent ernährt und vielleicht auch mehr Sport gemacht. Ihr Kleiderschrank ist ausgemistet und Sie waren bereits auf erfolgreicher Shoppingtour. Sie genießen Ihr neues Körpergefühl und die Komplimente, die Sie von Ihrem Umfeld erhalten. Herzlichen Glückwunsch – Si...
[ ブック ]
"Funny stories – Animal Farm " is a fun, rhyming tale that tells the story of Farmer Fred and his animals. As the story unfolds, Farmer and his animals live on the farm. Farmer introduces every animal and describe its behavior. Farmer Fred loves animals and they love him too. New features only available in this interactive Funny Stories for your iPhone/iPod, include professional female and male narration, background audio and beautiful artwork for each scene. By combining the original text, artwork and sounds with features that ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
ATTENDANCE CAN BE FUN! Engage and create positive habit of mobile attendance in exciting way. Clock in Anywhere with Advanced Verification: ► Photo clock in with biometric face recognition ► Fingerprint verification to ensure accuracy ► Accurate GPS geolocation (fake-GPS proof and preset office zone) ► Fraud detection; sync server time and device id tagging Monitor your Team in real time accurately Using Jojo Times enables your mobile workforce to clock-in directly at their pre- assigned working area while managers track and c...
[ エンターテインメント ]
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険(ジョジョのきみょうなぼうけん) が 択一クイズアプリになって登場ォォーーッ!! ジョジョ(JOJO、JYOJYO)に登場するキャラクターや スタンド、トリビア、名言、などアニメやマンガから幅広く出題! 知らなかったジョジョの情報もゲットできるかも? ジョジョマニアなら全問正解できるゥ!! そこにシビれる!あこがれるゥ! JOJOの奇妙な冒険マニアック検定 ! やるしかない・・・ オラオラオラオラオラオラァ!
[ エンターテインメント ]
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険(ジョジョのきみょうなぼうけん) が 択一クイズアプリになって登場ォォーーッ!! ジョジョ(JOJO、JYOJYO)に登場するキャラクターや スタンド、トリビア、名言、などアニメやマンガから幅広く出題! 知らなかったジョジョの情報もゲットできるかも? ジョジョマニアなら全問正解できるゥ!! そこにシビれる!あこがれるゥ! JOJOの奇妙な冒険マニアック検定 ! やるしかない・・・ オラオラオラオラオラオラァ! 【アプリの説明】 ・ホーム画面に戻るときは"戻る"ボタンでもどってください ・問題数は10問ずつです ・制限時間は40秒です
[ エンターテインメント ]
"Learn to draw" application helps user to learn drawing for different things. The program shows step by step drawing for a specific image. You don't need any special skills; it’s self-teaching. This application contains drawing for different categories like: 1- Nature category. 2- Human Body category. Contains: 1- Body Poses. 2- Hair. 3- Woman Eyes. 4- Man Eyes. 5- Woman Lips. 6- Man Lips. ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Figure out what women really want just by the tone of their voice! Every have problems understanding women? Well wonder no more! We have scoured the globe looking for different women with different personalities, sitting them down and getting them to not only make those language free noises but the real meaning behind them! Features: - 88 plus sounds professionally recorded - 3 distinctly different women with different personalities - emoticons to help determine their emotional state at the time of the recording - easy to use int...
[ ブック ]
Book recommended in "What's Hot" "Funny Stories – Colorful Vitamins " is a fun, rhyming tale that tells the story of different fruits and vegetables. Children can listen about apple, carrot and many many more. As the story unfolds, various fruits and vegetables tell the story about their live and vitamins. Story can be narrated with Male and Female voice. New features only available in this interactive Funny Stories include professional female and male narration, background audio and beautiful artwork for each scene. By combining...
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