フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ スポーツ ]
IRIS is an all inclusive app that covers the roping, rodeo and the equine world. IRIS allows you to keep up with everything that is going on, while enjoying other cool and exciting features specific to the roping, rodeo and the equine world. Keep your eyes on what is going on with IRIS. - Live Results - Notifications of upcoming events - News Articles - Calendar of events - Results and Standings
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Download the Blue Iris Studio App today to schedule your yoga and Pilates classes while requesting a private appointment with our expert teachers and therapists. The Blue Iris App will let you view daily and weekly classes, as well as view on-going promotions, check studio location and phone number, with one click. You can also click through to Facebook and twitter to read the most current events, and news taking place at Blue Iris! Optimize your time, maximize the convenience of signing up for classes from your smart phone. Downlo...
[ 旅行 ]
Mit der Hotel Iris Porsche App kann man bequem direkt seine Buchung Online beim Hotel tätigen. Man kann einfach fest stellen ob ein Zimmer zur Verfügung steht und was es kostet. Über eine Auswahl kann man die gewünschte Zimmerkategorie festlegen. Außerdem können Sie sich über die Leistungen und das Hotel Iris Porsche informieren.
[ ビジネス ]
Jezzine (70 km from Beirut, 22 km from Sidon) is the most famous summer and touristic resort of South Lebanon because of its beautiful landscape, fresh climate, its 40m high waterfall and the festivals during the summer. Vital public facilities contributed in making Jezzine the most important town in the area. There are also several swimming pools in and around Jezzine. Iris Flower Hotel, is a new hotel (August 2010), located in Jezzine. It is surrounded by the beautiful green valleys and pine trees and it is a resort for those p...
[ ショッピング ]
Welcome to the Iris Ceramica App: The Universe of High-End Ceramic Slabs. Are you an architect or retailer looking for high-quality solutions for your projects? The Iris Ceramica App is your ultimate resource. Part of the prestigious Iris Ceramica Group, which has cultivated a unique style since 1961, Iris Ceramica is synonymous with excellence in the sector of glazed ceramics and glazed porcelain stoneware for floors and walls. Rooted in boldness, creativity, and tradition, Iris Ceramica has inherited the ambition and vision of i...
[ 旅行 ]
iRiS Delegate is a virtual event management solution that enables event organisers and conference centres to provide delegates with an interactive event experience on their own device. The app is a full featured event guide, personal conference planner and networking tool which allows delegates to view the conference schedule and export it to right into their device's calendar app, access venue information, view attendee lists with LinkedIn profile links and manage documents, presentations and personal notes from each session. fe...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Light is the heart of photography. Understand light and your creative potential becomes limitless. Iris Camera puts you in total control of the shot so you can take the perfect picture you have always dreamed of. * Live Luminosity Histogram Iris Camera features a live histogram showing detailed information on your current exposure. You can drag the histogram left or right to tweak the luminosity before taking your picture. *Preview Picture Right after you take a picture, Iris Camera shows you the result so you can decide if you ...
[ 教育 ]
Aplicativo integrado ao sistema de controle alimentar IRIS ESCOLA. Relatório online de consumo, efetuar recargas, restringir alimentos são alguns dos muitos recursos disponíveis no IRIS ESCOLA. Baixe agora e tenha 100% de controle na alimentação de seu filho. Ps: o aplicativo só deve ser utilizado pelos pais cadastrados préviamente no IRIS ESCOLA.
[ メディカル ]
iRIS評価版は小規模クリニックで利用する関節リウマチの医師のための問診/診察入力アプリです。 ※このアプリは評価版のため、診察履歴が保存できるのは30件までです。 【概要】 iRIS評価版は小規模クリニックの関節リウマチの診察現場において待合室で患者様に問診票をご入力いただき、診察時に医師が診察結果を入力してあらゆる指標値を確認することによりスムーズな診察がおこなえるアプリです。 【特徴】 [患者用画面] ◆関節リウマチの問診票を患者様ご自身で入力! ・診察前に待合室で朝のこわばり時間や症状の度合いなどをタッチで入力 ・診察前の数分で誰でも簡単に入力...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
(A) IRIS Studioを使えば、いつでもどこでも大切な写真をアップロードしたり他の方と共有することができます。 (B) IRIS Studioを既にご利用いただいている皆さんは、新たにリリースされたIRIS Studio モバイル版を使えば、さらにお手軽に写真を共有できるようになりました。携帯端末で撮影した写真を直接IRIS Studioにアップロードしたりフェイスブックやツイッターと連携して公開することが可能、ご家族やご友人と簡単にお気に入りの写真を共有し、お楽しみいただけます。 (C) 豊富なフィルター機能を使えば、日常の写真がアート写真に早変わり。ご家族やご友人と、是非...
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