フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ファイナンス ]
PayCorrect is a custom application for use by Doctors-in-Training, working in the NSW public hospital system. PayCorrect allows junior doctors to accurately capture their working hours and using an adaptable and sophisticated algorithm based on the current award; PayCorrect, calculates expected pay, highlights potential problem areas and helps produce overtime reports. PayCorrect is developed by Ipsum Technologies and distributed by the AMA NSW and ASMOF NSW (Australian Salaried Medical Officer's Federation), and is available a...
[ 開発ツール ]
Generate random words, sentences, paragraphs, names and addresses! If you're reading this, you're probably a developer and are tired of writing things like "test" and "Hi" over and over again. Face it, you just want something quick and easy to paste some random text. You don't even care what the language is. Well my friend, Lorem Ipsum is for you. You probably have a good idea what it does but check the screenshots, and see if it will work for you. If it looks like what you're looking for, give it a try. Happy developing! Remembe...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Keyboard that generates Lorem Ipsum filler text. Save time when you develop and test your app or web site. Built for software engineers, web developers, QA testing. • Saves You Time Quickly fill out text fields, text areas, and/or form fields during development or testing of your iPhone or iPad app, or mobile web site. • Preserve Your Autocorrect Avoid messing up your phone's autocorrect behavior by repeatedly typing lots of gibberish text! • Simulate Real Content Quickly generate large amounts of realistic content. Easily br...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Application to generate Lorem Ipsum Text. You can set maximum words to use in sentence. Maximum sentences in paragraph and amount of paragraphs to generate
[ ライフスタイル ]
Ipsum is a journaling app dialed down to what's essential. It features an intuitive, chat-like interface, and that's pretty much it.
[ ユーティリティ ]
フィラーテキストを作成する必要がありますか? このすばやく簡単な Lorem Ipsum ジェネレーターを今すぐ使用してください。 このアプリは、Hopebest Software Limited によって作成されました。
[ 開発ツール ]
JSON Data Generator is a handy tool for creating realistic JSON objects for testing your applications. You can choose from a variety of field types, such as: - Integer: Generate random integers within a specified range - Double: Generate random decimal numbers within a specified range - Month name: Generate random month names in long or short format - Weekday name: Generate random weekday names in long or short format - Bool: Generate random boolean values (true or false) - GUID: Generate random globally unique identifiers (GUIDs)...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Easily install free, open source fonts in any style you like! * Register 1000+ font families for system use, in 2700 individual styles. * Not just Google Fonts! We've aggregated many of the world's highest quality open-source typefaces. * Use from 3rd party apps supporting user-installed fonts (iOS 13 and up). * Download on demand only the fonts you'd like to use. * Try before you buy (em... before you install for free)! Fully edit sample text or see the classic Lorem Ipsum text. * Search by name or filter according to type, numbe...
[ ブック ]
François de Salignac de la Mothe-Fénelon, more commonly known as François Fénelon (1651 - 1715), was a French Roman Catholic theologian, poet and writer. He today is remembered mostly as one of the main advocates of quietism and as the author of The Adventures of Telemachus, a scabrous attack on the French monarchy, first published in 1699.If a great number of men of subtle and penetrating wit have not discovered God with one cast of the eye upon nature, it is not matter of wonder; for either the passion...
[ ゲーム ]
成功PIXELWORLDのクリエイターから#1&#2ゲーム! ---------------------------------------------- 色について美しいパズルゲーム。 シンプル。エレガント。中毒性。 ************************************************** ***** DOWNLOAD'COLOREMイプサムは'あなたの経験を強化する! ************************************************** ***** 私たちは、最新のゲームColoremのイプサムを紹介する満足している。カラー愛好家のための最小限のゲーム。スーパー使いやすいと本当に中毒性!あなたは、グリッドに隠された色の順序を見つける必要があります。次にホールド&...
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