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[ 教育 ]
Video training for Adobe Illustrator CS3 iPhone app This app is designed for you to learn the essential drawing skill sets of illustrator. You can learn it in anywhere and at anytime without the need of Internet nor WiFi Access. Your investment in Adobe Illustrator CS3 amounted to hundreds of dollars. Make sure to get the most out of your money by spending a little bit more on training. Without the right training and knowledge, you will miss out on many of the best features of Illustrator. The self-paced Illustrator CS3 iPhone a...
[ 教育 ]
【互动教程的特点】 •互动性 -首创互动式学习,不同于以往的任何一种学习方式,不看视频不看书,轻松,高效,好玩 -手把手教学,一步步引导操作,实时看到效果,就像自己在创作一样,信心满满 -即点即学,课程内可根据自己的需要,随时调整界面上方进度条,重复操作,加强记忆 -强大的学习跟踪系统,对整体学习进度一目了然,及时调整学习计划,查疑补漏 •人性化 -界面设计简洁,操作简单,没有繁琐的按钮,一点就可直接进入学习状态 -贴心小提示,读懂你的小心思,零基础快速入门,学习无压力,不尴尬 -超多原理解析,疑问解答,如同专业Ai导师亲身指导,不翻书快速记忆,Ai小...
[ 教育 ]
Learn Adobe Illustrator from Scratch with the aid of a veteran Illustrator master. This course features over 31 lectures and 2+ hours of free video content which will teach you everything you need to know about Adobe Illustrator from scratch. Download the "Tutorial for Adobe Illustrator" app today and join over 1,000,000 people who are already learning on Udemy. Instructor: STONE RIVER ELEARNING * FEATURES * - You can watch courses on the go: video lectures, audio lectures, presentations, articles, and anything inside you...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
AI教程应用是一款Illustrator学习应用,另有图文并茂教程,易学又易懂。教程的内容从最基础到高级阶段,系统而全面,适合所有Illustrator设计爱好者,平面设计,广告设计,网页设计,ui设计,vi设计。 ai教程为ai学习者提供大量专业ai教程,其中包括最常用的Illustrator的教程,还有大量的实例教程,和特效教程,适合学习ai。 【教程特色】 教程采用Illustrator cc进行教学,适用于广告设计、平面设计、图文设计、在校大学生以及零基础设计初学者进行ai自学。 通过ai教程软件的学习,能熟悉了解ps的操作,可以胜任一些初级的设计工作了。 如果想快速地提升水平,吸收更多的创作...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Adobe Illustrator is a design program used by millions around the World. It has truly amazing capabilities and this app is designed to help you get the most out of this amazing software. The app includes some 500 easy to follow video tutorial lessons that cover many aspects of what you can do with this software. To view the videos you will need an internet connection. The app has many easy to use features: *** play the lessons *** alter the lesson title *** alter the lesson description *** add your own user notes *** gi...
[ 教育 ]
Adobe Illustrator is used around the Globe by Professional Designers and computer users alike. These days many people can create stunning graphics using Photoshop,Indesign and also Illustrator. Each piece of software has its own set of features and functions that take a little mastering. This collection of 324 tutorial video guides will soon get you up to speed and will teach you how to use many of the features and functions. The app will serve as a great "video reference manual" and has some great features: ** Edit the video t...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editor developed and marketed by Adobe Systems. The latest version, Illustrator CC 2017, is the twenty-first generation in the product line. Learn how to get the best out of this software with this collection of MORE THAN 290 Tuitional Video Guides Adobe Illustrator is the companion product of Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop is primarily geared toward digital photo manipulation and photorealistic styles of computer illustration, while Illustrator provides results in the typesetting and logo grap...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Adobe Illustrator is a design programme used by millions around the World. It has truly amazing capabilities and this app is designed to help you get the most out of this amazing software. The app includes some 500 easy to follow video tutorial lessons that cover many aspects of what you can do with this software. To view the videos you will need an internet connection. The app has many easy to use features: Take The Guided Tour to see how you can... *** play the lessons *** alter the lesson title *** alter the lesson d...
[ 教育 ]
uCertify Illustrator 2020 TestPrep is a full-length practice test that can be configured to closely follow the exam objectives and is designed to simulate real testing conditions. The TestPrep provides skills in creating and editing vector graphics including graphics for print, Web, and mobile platforms and hands-on skills to efficiently create 2D illustrations, text treatments, and precise vector layouts. It allows you to study anywhere, anytime from your mobile device. It is a simple solution that can be used effortlessly to prep...
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