フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ビジネス ]
-FREE demos of various System Certification templates.
-Learn why your business needs to implement System certification requirements
-Documentation forms,manuals, procedures,audit checklist available for various system certification.
System Certification app provides details about documentation material of different ISO practices.This app provides you with product specifications about 40 different kits inclusive of documentation, presentation and management consultancy. Document kits contains wide range of ISO Consulting services...
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[ ビジネス ]
Das MACO Technogramm ist das Kundenmagazin des Salzburger Baubeschlägeherstellers MACO und erscheint viermal im Jahr. Hauptleserzielgruppe sind MACO Verarbeiter und Marktpartner. Das Magazin möchte informieren und unterhalten. Fenster- und Türenherstellern will es Argumente für ihre Endkundengespräche an die Hand geben. Demgemäß sind die Baubeschläge bildgewaltig in Szene gesetzt und auch für Beschlägelaien, wie beispielsweise Fenster- und Türenkäufer, verständlich beschrieben. Neben reinen Beschlägeinformationen fokussieren vers...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
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[ ビジネス ]
Checkbuster is the leading safety inspection & (ISO) audit app for iPhone & iPad. Based on our worldwide user experience in safety- & quality inspections and incident reports, we’ve created an app to conduct, report and share inspection & audit results within teams.
This checklist app is used all over the world in daily quality control measurements, annual audits and safety inspections. Checkbuster contains templates for inspections, audits and registrations based on international standards. Examples are: HSE, ISO 9001, HACCP, IS...
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[ ビジネス ]
ISO Training provides details about ISO Training, documentation and consultancy.This app provides you with product specifications about 40 different kits inclusive of documentation, presentation and management consultancy. Document kits contains wide range of ISO Consulting services for quality and safety international standards like ISO 9001,ISO 14001, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 22000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 27001, ISO 50001, BRC global standard for food, BRC packaging standard, CE mark etc.
It also provides FREE demoes of these products. i.e....
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[ ライフスタイル ]
Amb aquesta App pots avisar d'incidències a l'enllumenat públic de Montblanc, d'una forma ràpida, fàcil i còmoda. Ajuda'ns a donar un millor servei.
Podràs consultar les incidències que hagis enviat, i veure en qualsevol moment l'estat de resolució. Desplaça't per la llista d'incidències enviades, i selecciona la que vulguis per accedir a tota la informació.
L'App localitza la teva ubicació i et permet informar del lloc on s'ha produït la incidència amb l'enl...
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[ ビジネス ]
Originally founded in the United Kingdom, CITA is a leading high quality security systems provider that specializes in the manufacturing of top CCTV and Access Control products.
Part of the Smart Solution Group and a dominant powerhouse in its sector, the company started as an answer to the market’s growing need for integrated security solutions.
This growth and the demand for its products from the Middle East Region, led CITA to invest with opening its first International branch in Dubai, UAE in 2013. Following the success in ...
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[ ファイナンス ]
WealthRays Group
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
WealthRays Group (Securities & Commodities), ISO 9001:2008 Certified, is a stocks & commodity broking company based in Bangalore, India. providing online & mobile trading on NSE platform, research, training and investment advisory services.
WealthRays Securities Private Limited was established as corporate entity in 2010, a member of Madras Stock Exchange (SEBI Regn No. INB041423139 (CASH)/INF041423139(F&O)) provides equities cash and futures & options online / mobile trading services.
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