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금융위원회 혁신금융서비스 기준 비상장 주식 거래 플랫폼 1위 - 증권플러스 비상장에서 허위매물 걱정 없이 비상장 주식도 안심하고 거래하세요! #1. 증권계좌로 안심 이체하는 비상장 주식 거래 ■ 허위매물, 결제 불이행 염려 끝! ■ 전화번호/서류 전달 없이 증권계좌로 안심 이체 #2. 편리한 비상장 주식 매물 탐색 ■ 1,200*개 이상의 최다 비상장 종목 안전거래 지원 ■ 가격, 수량 조건 확인하고 바로 거래 *일반투자자 종목 30여개 포함 #3. 투명한 거래시세, 꼼꼼한 투자정보 ■ 실제 거래에 기반한 거래시세 확인 ■ 비상장 기업 가치를 추정해 볼 수 있는 시가총액 계...
[ ショッピング ]
Kazimir Malevich in your pocket: Paintings, Biography & Stories for free! A natural born leader, always penniless and provocative, a world-famous celebrity, a talented liar and a real street fighter, oddly enough, all this is about a single person. A name to him is Kazimir Severinovich Malevich. In addition to his outstanding artistic talent and a powerful charisma, Malevich was gifted with eloquence — his students and admirers simply hung on his words. On his path to Suprematism, Malevich was carried away by many other "-isms", ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Con iSMS Navidad 2012 podrás enviar divertidos y originales sms para felicitar la navidad a tus familiares, amigos y conocidos.
[ ブック ]
A comical tale and memory game of barnyard whispers as told by comedian Rhys Darby (Flight of the Conchords, Yes Man, The Boat That Rocked). For kids of all ages. --- REVIEWS --- "This book is one children will want to read over and over." - CARISA KLUVER. DIGITAL STORYTIME "What an amazing app! In just a word: gorgeous!" - ALEX SOUZA, KWIKSHER "At the end of the story I had 40 first graders begging me to play it again!" - JENNIFER ERP, TEACHER, APPY MALL "Now here is an interesting book! Have You Heard is a delightful produc...
[ ライフスタイル ]
“This is the most witty app i've ever seen on the App store. So hilarious. Love some of the 'Shakespearean' one-liners. Definitely gonna use those to zing my friends!” ~ stsn “My husband and I whipped this app out the other night and were cracking up! Hilarious!” ~ Lacyew Listen up, punks. Cheap Shot uses the accelerometer in your iPhone, iPod, or iPad to deliver one juicy jibe at a time. You’ll be laughing your freakin’ head off. And if you’re not, well, it’s probably because you’re a humorless dunce. Regardless, all you have t...
[ エンターテインメント ]
The official Uggie app is here! To celebrate the phenomenal global success of the multiple-award winning black and white movie The Artist, we’re bringing you the chance to have your very own Uggie app for the first time. The little dog with the big heart captivated movie goers around the world in the silent film that took everyone by surprise. The Artist won three Golden Globes, seven Baftas, six Cesars and five Oscars, but it was the scene-stealing canine sidekick of Best Actor Jean Dujardin that really set tongues - and tails - ...
[ 教育 ]
ビジネスマンに必須の知識! たった一人の不注意、不始末で会社の生命線である企業情報が簡単に流れてしまいます。 あなたの指導で「企業の生命線」である機密情報の流出を防衛して下さい。 情報セキュリティに関する知識として要求される範囲は年々広がっています。従事する業務により、求められるスキルも多種多様となっております。しかも、こうした傾向はこれからも一層強まることは確実です。 情報セキュリティを考える上で、断片的な知識に留まらず、ITが必須となっている現代を生きる上で、業種・業務を問わず全ての社員が理解を深める必要があります。 企業ニーズに...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Liebe + Freunde Finden Sie in dieser APP über 2000 Sprüche für Liebe und Freundschaft. Liebes- und Freundschaftssprüche sind Gedichte, Zitate und Verse in sehr gefühlvollen Worten. Zu Ihrer besseren Orientierung sind die Sprüche auf die folgenden Kategorien aufgeteilt: Liebes- und Freundschaftssprüche, Sprüche zum Valentinstag, Sprüche für Ehe und Ehejubiläum, Verlobungs- und Hochzeitssprüche und Sprüche für Mann + Frau. Und das Besondere senden Sie Ihre Liebes- und Freundschaftssprüche, direkt aus der APP per email, SMS, iSMS an I...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Important! Read before downloading ************************************************ Tired of your conventional text messages? You can use them freely in Whats.App Works with all your applications iSMS, Email, Facebook, Twitter and other etc. .. You can not add a 'Whats.App' natively, accessed through the app of Emoji New Style *Copy to Clipboard Support Whats.App* ************************************************ User Guide:
 1. Start up the app "Emoji"
 2. Choose one Emoji for the category you like 3. Got to Whats.App Chat...
[ ショッピング ]
ON SALE 50% OFF ! DOWNLOAD NOW! THIS PRICE FOR A VERY LIMITED TIME! Tired of the conventional text messaging? This app will you give you access to over 5000+ emoticons that can be used on your iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad. It works with applications such as iSMS, E-Mail, Notes, Contacts, Web Browser, Calendar and any other text-input application. We have made it better, wonder how? 1. We have re-designed the interface with a much cooler touch! You will love navigating through the app. 2. We made it compatible with iPhone 5. ...
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