フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ エンターテインメント ]
Plongez dans l'univers mystérieux d'Ippon Quest
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
L'application Ds. du Design Studio IPPON vous accompagne sur les événements IPPON avec des expériences en Réalité Augmentée à tester directement avec votre smartphone sur place ! Elle vous a accompagnée à la soirée du DESIGN STUDIO, en scannant le logo IPPON de votre invitation avec votre appareil. Elle vous accompagnera également à la soirée d'inauguration des locaux IPPON prochainement. N'hesitez pas à la laisser sur votre téléphone et à la mettre a jour pour découvrir en détail nos ateliers "Design Thinking" grace à la realit...
[ ゲーム ]
「答えて!指IPPON」は1本の棒を使って解くパズルゲームです。 想像力をフル回転させて、たった1本の棒で答えを成立させましょう! 簡単操作でシンプルかつ奥深いパズルゲームが楽しめます。 全問解けたらアタマが柔らかくなること間違いなし! スキマ時間にレッツ脳トレ!
[ ゲーム ]
「指 IPPON PUZZLE」はアイテムを使って解くパズルゲームです。 頭をひねって、またはフル回転させて、足りないパーツを埋めてパズルを解きましょう! 操作は簡単なのにで奥深いパズルゲームが楽しめます。 こんな簡単に解けたのかと、スッキリすること間違いなし! 暇だなってときは、とりま、脳トレ! ●ゲームの操作方法 1)まずは出題内容を確認 2)アイテムの中から答えを選んでイラストに移動させよう 3)正解すると次の問題に進みます。 ●ヒントと問題の答え どうしても解決できない場合は、ヒントを見てみよう。 答えは完全なネタバレになるため、ご利用は計画的...
[ スポーツ ]
Shotokan Kihon Ippon Kumite techniques are taught throughout the worlds karate dojo's from 10th Kyu up to Shodan and beyond. This App shows each attack, be that Jodan, Chudan, Mae geri, Kekomi or Mawashi geri, laid out in an easy to use format giving both a description and demonstration videos of the moves, it can be used not only as a handy reference tool outside of the dojo but as a useful addition to your practice when preparing for a grading. A useful translation facility is included, giving both the English and Japanese ter...
[ スポーツ ]
Freestyle Judo is the official timing and scoreboard app of the International Freestyle Judo Alliance (IFJA) and AAU Judo for scoring "Judo, the way it ought to be." The Freestyle Judo iOS app provides a complete scoreboard and interval timer solution that can easily be used with AirPlay and an Apple TV to mirror your display on a large screen monitor. The Freestyle Judo iOS Scoreboard App is designed with the minimalist in mind. Swipe the timer up or down to adjust the match length or scoreboard. Use the context-sensitive butt...
[ スポーツ ]
Learn Real Judo on your iPhone/iPad and iPod Touch DESCRIPTION Judo Throws Volume 2 is the second in the Judo Series from Judo Sensei Brent Goodall and Tauasa Timoteo. They are 3rd degree(Sandan) Judo black belts in addition to being Worlds Masters, National and AAU Judo champions. Whether you're in training for competition or preparing to take your black belt test, Judo Throws Vol. 2 is the definitive resource for serious judo practitioners who want to take their skills to a bold new level on your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. At th...
[ スポーツ ]
Shotokan Kihon Ippon Kumite techniques are taught throughout the worlds karate dojo's from 10th Kyu up to Shodan and beyond. This App shows each attack, be that Jodan, Chudan, Mae geri, Kekomi or Mawashi geri, laid out in an easy to use format giving both a description and demonstration videos of the moves, it can be used not only as a handy reference tool outside of the dojo but as a useful addition to your practice when preparing for a grading. A useful translation facility is included, giving both the English and Japanese term...
[ スポーツ ]
You no longer have an excuse to skip your BJJ homework! Here are 51 technique videos covering all of the blue belt essentials. The key to practicing BJJ effectively is to understand and master the fundamentals. In this application, Draculino guides you through the exact same techniques he has used to teach his many world champion students. Draculino takes a direct stab at the low quality instructionals and Internet warriors teaching improper techniques, allowing you to immediately begin stepping up your game. This application...
[ スポーツ ]
3RD DAN APP For the first time a 3rd dan app with all techniques broken down. Stationary targets, Kihon Ippon Kumite set 1 – 7 and Jiyu Ippon Kumite sets 1 – 5. All 3rd dan kata’s : Bassai Sho, Chinte, Gankaku, Hangetsu, Meikyo, Sochin, Tekki Nidan an Tekki Sandan. Also included three advanced kata’s Gojushiho Dai, Gojushiho Sho, and Unsu. All kata’s have detailed bunkai to accompany them.
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