フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
iformula (free version) is much more than a simple math equation library app like other apps, it is a math productive learning platform and has become a standard for higher math education at schools and universities ! iformula was specially developed for academic students, engineers, high school students, math course students and for math home schooling and distance learning, as well as a refresher for scientist with higher mathematics skills and all people, who are interested in math. Failing an exam or can't go on with your cal...
[ エンターテインメント ]
ifortune - print a random, hopefully interesting, adage. Without feeling guilty about cutting trees, or eating too much sugar now enjoy these fortune quips on your iPhone. This is the best fortune cookie application, more database to be added soon... get it now!!
[ ユーティリティ ]
自分の愛車いくらで売れるのかな? そう思った時は、ぜひこのアプリを起動してみて下さい! このアプリは、株式会社ワークス横浜がお客様の愛車を査定します! また、実際に査定しに来てほしい!という方もアプリ内の、GPSボタン一つで手間のかかる住所入力をサポート! 査定以外にも、スタッフブログ、週間買取り実績、株式会社ワークス横浜HPを閲覧できます。
[ エンターテインメント ]
Know your fortune for the less than the cost of a cup of coffee! Also a great conversation starter if you are having friends or family over. Simply place your palm on the iPad screen then lift it to find out your fortune!
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Vil du have maksimal sundhed ud af hver bid mad - Så er POWERFOOD lige noget for dig. POWERFOOD er supersunde råvarer, som har et meget koncentreret indhold af stærke antioxdanter og andre aktive næringsstoffer. Det er de råvarer, der holder os sunde og stærke og beskytter os mod alverdens sygdomme. Og så er det nemt. Du skal ikke i alverdens specialkøbmænd for at handle ind. Alle råvarerne til opskrifterne er standardvarer i et velasorteret supermarked. Med POWERFOOD får du de lækreste opskrifter, der både er supersunde og velsm...
[ ビジネス ]
ForceManager is a mobility-based sales force management system that measures and analyses the quality of commercial activity. ForceManager provides useful tools for managing customers, opportunities, orders and tasks, which greatly facilitate the work of the sales representative and save him time. This mobile application for iPhone is complemented by a web application that provides detailed metrics on the intensity and efficiency of the commercial activity, based on user behavior. IMPORTANT NOTE: This product requires a license....
[ ライフスタイル ]
ようこそフォーティーナイナーズ / FORTYNINERSの世界へ。 Yahoo!ショップ「FORTYNINERS」の商品カタログがご覧いただけるiPhone/ipadアプリ ケーションです。 当店はアメカジ一筋で、魅了されるアイテムを追い求め日本中を駆け回り最高の商品 を集めています。 皆さんがワクワク・ドキドキできる商品を探し、販売し、取り扱う商品が全国の皆様 にご愛顧頂けるように愛情を込めてお発信し続けます。 気に入った商品はアプリからYahoo!ショッピング/楽天市場でご購入いただけます。 お客様がYahoo!ショッピングにユーザー登録いただいております場合は、そのIDとパ スワードで...
[ エンターテインメント ]
This app is not a game - this app give you opportunity to watch 500 videos of perfect goals. iForward is a new application from dynamically developing company Smartbit. It is a gift not only for true football fans, but also for people who just wonna have fun and feel like a real football star. Have your ever thought that your goals could be like fantastic Pele, Zidan or Ronaldinio goals? Guess, only in your dreams. We made your dreams come true. With the help of the shown video you will see, that you can even actually be better! ...
[ ゲーム ]
マインスイーパーで遊んだ事がありますか? ほとんどの人が一度は遊んだことがあるはずです。 われわれは同じような思考型のゲームを作れないかと考え、このゲーム(アイフォースフリート)を作りました。 マスを選ぶと画面に数字が出るところはよく似ています。それを見て敵のいるマスを推測するのも同じです。 ですが、われわれの敵は「爆弾」ではなく「戦艦」です。 なので敵もわれわれの戦艦を攻撃してきます。 撃たれて沈没した戦艦は攻撃できなくなり、ぜんぶの戦艦が攻撃できなくなるともう勝つことはできません。 つまり「対戦して早く敵を全滅させたほうが勝ち」と...
[ 旅行 ]
Non perderti l'occasione di acquistare la PRIMA e più COMPLETA app dedicata a Formentera, il vero paradiso del mediterraneo, per meno di un caffè!!!!! APPROFITTANE!!!!!!! Formentera. L'isola che non esiste. Questa non è una Lonely Planet di Formentera, in realtà non è nemmeno una guida, o meglio, non è solamente una guida. Vorrebbe essere una lettura piacevole, una di quelle che ti fanno quasi immaginare di esserci dentro alla lettura. A Formentera puoi andarci per tantissimi anni e ogni anno scoprire qualcosa, una spiaggia,...
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