フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
The IAEA BULLETIN is the flagship publication of the International Atomic Energy Agency. It provides information on the work of the IAEA in the application of nuclear techniques for sustainable development. This App is free.
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
The IAEA Conferences and Meetings App provides easy access to relevant information about ongoing or upcoming IAEA conferences and meetings. It contains the programme, abstracts, speaker profiles and other relevant information related to a particular meeting including voting, decisions and meeting recommendations. The App also enables participants to communicate with each other via a built-in messaging system. Developed as part of a paper-smart initiative of the IAEA, the App is intended to be a useful, collaborative tool for the c...
[ ユーティリティ ]
The IAEA Conference and Meeting App provides easy access to relevant information about ongoing or upcoming IAEA conferences and meetings. It contains the programme, abstracts, speaker profiles and other relevant information related to a particular meeting including voting, decisions and meeting recommendations. The App also enables participants to communicate with each other via a built-in messaging system. Developed as part of a paper-smart initiative of the IAEA, the App is intended to be a useful, collaborative tool for the con...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
NE News is a free app developed by the Nuclear Information Section (NIS) for Apple iPad tablets. NE News works as a single point of access to regularly updated electronic publications and social media channels of the IAEA Department of Nuclear Energy. Key features of the application include: •Centralized access to all digital newsletters and information brochures published by the Department of Nuclear Energy; •Gateway to social media channels operated within the IAEA; •Full integration with the INIS Collection Search web appl...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
NE News for iPhone is a free app developed by the Nuclear Information Section (NIS) for the Apple iPhone. NE News for iPhone works as a single point of access to regularly updated electronic publications and social media channels of the IAEA Department of Nuclear Energy. Key features of the application include: •Centralized access to all digital newsletters and information brochures published by the Department of Nuclear Energy; •Gateway to social media channels operated within the IAEA; •Full integration with the INIS Collec...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Official release for the 2014 Edition of the IAEA Scientific Forum. The Forum is taking place 23-24 September 2014 in Board Room D, C-Building, 4th Floor, in the Vienna Internatonal Centre (VIC), the site of the General Conference, and will focus on radioactive waste and the science and technology available for its safe management. The Forum is being held in conjunction with the General Conference.
[ ブック ]
書籍定価648円⇒150円にてご提供させて頂きます!! 気になるニュースの「ツボ」をやさしく解説! ■全104項目にわたる大ボリューム!!■ 毎日テレビや新聞で流れる環境・時事問題ニュース。 でも、詳しい意味はわからないままではありませんか? いまさら人に聞けない環境・時事問題関連の用語の意味も、これを読めば納得。 ◆こんな人におすすめ ・会社で恥ずかしい思いをしたくない ・一般教養に強くなりたい 【目次】 ■■環境問題編-全46項目 ■#1 地震はどうして起こるんだろう? ・東海大地震はいつ来ても不思議ではない? →他全5項目 ■#2 IAEAと核査察について勉強してみよう...
[ 教育 ]
IAEA Nuclear Data Section提供。4000以上の核種・異性体のデータを提供するアプリ。 容易な選択と操作を可能とするために拡大・タップが可能な核図表と周期表 崩壊様式、放射線とエネルギーによる核種の絞り込み。 スクロールリスト上への要約表示とデータ出典や関連情報へのリンクをふくむ核種ごとの詳細表示。 絞り込まれた核種の核図表への図示。 最新かつ信頼できる出典に掲載されたデータを採用。組み込みデータベースによる最適化された検索を実現。ネットワークへの接続は不要。
[ ユーティリティ ]
PAAT was developed to enhance the capabilities of States in assessing radiation alarms triggered by a person. In most cases, the reason the person will set off an alarm is a medical treatment or diagnostic procedure involving the administration of a radiopharmaceutical. When a radiation alarm is triggered by a person, PAAT can be used by the investigating officer to conduct a simple interview and measurement. The information in the App provides assistance for the investigating officers in States in the assessment of radiation alarm...
[ 教育 ]
本軟體具備下列功能與特點: 1.計算iPad/iPhone使用者或使用者指定地點到大中華地區各核電廠的距離,並顯示於Apple Map. 2.標示全台灣各核電廠若發生核災時的逃命範圍. 3.標示台灣各核電廠周圍已知的斷層帶與海底活火山. 4.依照國際原子能委員會(IAEA) The Power Reactor Information System (PRIS), 所建立的全球的核電廠與反應爐的地理資料庫. 5.福島第一原子力發電所周圍的核災避難區域, 輻射測量數據. 6.在Apple Map比較台北市與世界各國首都到其境內核電廠的距離. 7.支援FaceBook, Twitter, 新浪微博. 本软件具备下列功能与特点: 1.计算iPad/iPhone的使用者或使用者指定...
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