フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 仕事効率化 ]
EMERGENCY.LU is a mobile, satellite-based, telecommunications platform, created to re-establish communication (internet, phone) after a disaster, to support the coordination efforts of humanitarian organisations in the field and to contribute to saving lives during humanitarian emergencies. When disaster strikes, equipment and personnel can be deployed to the affected area by LearJet in less than twelve hours. Communication services can also be provided in the context of chronic crises, especially in very remote areas.
[ ユーティリティ ]
Fly your radio controlled model using your iOS device. FlyPad works with your existing transmitter with trainer mode. This is a real buddy box for iOS! ** Controls ** FlyPad has 8 channels which are sent to the transmitter. There are also 6 virtual channels which can be used for example with mixes. There are 6 different kind of controls: - Two-axis joysticks - Two-axis accelerometer with gyro support - Switches - Sliders - Buttons Signal monitor is a widget that shows the current signal output. It helps for example when testing yo...
[ ユーティリティ ]
The most food-insecure people often live in fragile and degraded landscapes and areas prone to recurrent natural shocks and other risks. Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) is one of WFP’s flagship initiatives aimed at addressing the most food-insecure people’s immediate food needs with cash, vouchers or food transfers and improving their long-term food security and resilience. The concept is simple: people receive cash or foodbased transfers to address their immediate food needs, while they build or boost assets, such as constructing...
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