フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
鬼斬HEROESは、日本を舞台にしたMMORPGです。 独自の和風ファンタジーの世界をなかよしキャラクターや他のプレイヤーたちと共に冒険しましょう! 事前登録特典プレゼント中! ◆ 他に類を見ない日本が舞台のファンタジーMMORPG! 広大な鬼斬の世界は、はじまりの土地「鬼ヶ島」をはじめ「関ヶ原」「京都」「江戸」など、フィールドごとに特色ある建物やキャラクターが多数登場し、独自の和風ファンタジーの世界がプレイヤーを待っています!またその世界を他のプレイヤーたちと共に冒険できるのも『鬼斬 HEROES』の醍醐味です! ◆ 簡単な操作でのアクションを楽しめるMMO...
[ ゲーム ]
From the creators of the hit RPG titles SEED - Rise of Darkness and SEED 2 - Vortex of War comes SEED 3: Heroes in Time. Play as Mikhail, embark on an epic adventure and save the Kingdom of Maxima from evil! Featuring all the classic RPG adventure gameplay players have come to expect from the series, Heroes in Time is the essential edition to any role-playing game collection. Incredible Features ★ Hours upon hours of gameplay with side quests woven into the main campaign. ★ Gorgeous visuals are a stylish throwback to classic RPG g...
[ ゲーム ]
The Undead Horde and their Orc and Goblin allies are at your castle gates, the King is on the brink of death, and only you stand between the enemy and complete annihilation! Choose one of many powerful heroes, summon an army to fight beside you, and defend your castle in Heroes & Castles, a seamless blend of 3rd person Action-RPG, Strategy, and Castle Defense elements! -----FEATURES----- CASTLE DEFENSE, STRATEGY, AND ACTION-RPG GAMEPLAY! Take to the battlefield in an immersive 3rd person perspective, summon entire armies to fig...
[ ゲーム ]
Welcome to Heroes Battle! Form up your squad of mighty heroes and travel through different worlds and dimensions. Your goal is simple: to fight against the darkness and save multiple worlds from corruption. In this new auto-battler RPG, you will need to use your skills and tactical thinking to defeat all the challenges you will encounter. - Build you own team! Choose from different kind of heroes and build the most powerful squad to fight against evil. Merge and upgrade your champions to discover their elite strengths and abi...
[ ゲーム ]
Every day while you're gone, an epic battle of swords, guns, and armor rages on your counters, on your floors, and in your yard... Enter the world of the Bug Heroes! From the creators of Block Fortress and Heroes & Castles comes a new adventure, blending fast paced action, strategy, and defensive gameplay! Master 25 unique heroes - from a hook wielding Waterbug pirate, to an old and wise Aphid sensei, a champion Bumblebee boxer, a grenade launching Worm, a poison obsessed Stinkbug, and tons more! Choose and customize your squad...
[ ゲーム ]
Master 25 unique heroes - from a hook wielding Waterbug pirate, to an old and wise Aphid sensei, a champion Bumblebee boxer, a grenade launching Worm, a poison obsessed Stinkbug, and tons more! Choose and customize your squad, and unleash powerful abilities on your enemies. Scavenge for food and junk, fortify your base, build turrets, level up your heroes, equip weapons and armor, and survive! Or, put your skills to the test in up to 2v2 competitive multiplayer battles! ---------------------------- FEATURES • MOBA-like competiti...
[ ゲーム ]
■お知らせ 2014年6月より開始をいたしました当アプリ「Battlefront Heroes」は 2016年9月30日(金)を持ちましてサービスを終了させていただく事となりました。 長らく当アプリをお楽しみいただき、誠にありがとうございました。 なお、サービス終了に伴い9月16日(金)20時(JST)をもちまして、アプリ内通貨の販売を終了させていただきます。 ■サービス終了までのスケジュール 9月16日 アプリ内課金終了 9月30日 サービス終了 Gosu Groupの開発した『Battlefront Heroes』は、世界で100万人以上のプレイヤーを誇る、ハマリ度バツグンの戦略アクションゲームです。戦闘シミュレ...
[ ゲーム ]
X Heroes: NFT Warへようこそ. X Heroes: NFT Warは、WEB3上で最も進化したコレクション型のターンベースのストラテジーRPGであり、戦略的なゲームプレイによってMEVerse Play Tokenを獲得することができます. プレイヤーは、収集したヒーローをNFTにミントしてマーケットプレイスで取引することができます. MEVerse Play Token(MPL)とは何ですか? MPLは、X Heroes: NFT Warをプレイして獲得できる報酬コインです。会社が運営する分散型取引所であるMEVersedex.ioで、他の種類の仮想資産と交換することができます. * MPLの入手方法:デイリークエストとNFTミッションクリア...
[ ゲーム ]
EPISODE 1: "Batman": WARNING to all villains: There’s a new super hero in town! Doodle the Doodler of Doodle Jump fame learned a trick or two from Batman and is now facing off against Gotham’s most infamous villains – The Penguin, Mr. Freeze, The Joker, and The Riddler - in a chase to save the powerful stolen crystals. ... Stay tuned for other episodes with Doodle as other powerful DC Super Heroes! FEATURES: - Ka-pow! Face off against powerful villains in boss battles - Whoosh! Pursue evil doers with a batcopter, bat jetpack an...
[ ゲーム ]
..:: APP STORE EDITORS’ CHOICE ::.. GOLD AWARD – Pocket Gamer UK – “Some of the most smart and addictive battles around” 4/4 – Slide to Play – “A remarkably fun strategy game" 9/10 – CVG – “Essential” 8,5/10 – IGN – “Hours and hours of single- and multiplayer fun” 5/5 – App Spy – “This is an easy must have” GAME IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, ITALIAN, SPANISH, GERMAN, RUSSIAN, CZECH 英語、フランス語、イタリア語、スペイン語、ドイツ語、ロシア語およびチェコ語に対応 The award-winning Puzzle-RPG is now remastered and optimized for iOS devices! ...
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