フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Werewolf is a party game that's best with at least 7 players. You must supply your own friends—THIS GAME CANNOT BE PLAYED SOLITAIRE. However, you only need one copy of the program and a single iPhone or iPod touch for the entire party! This "lite" version of the program supports games with exactly two Werewolves and one Seer. The full version adds three more characters (The Vigilante, The Protector, and The Innocent Lovers), and allows you to vary the number of Werewolves and other characters in the game. It also provides a post-g...
[ ミュージック ]
Get creative with the state of the art professional DJ technology. DJ Player Pro goes beyond the laptop DJ with superior audio quality, innovative control and style. DESIGNED FOR PROFESSIONAL DJS DJ Player Pro is designed for professional DJs that perform in clubs and on stage. Enjoy amazing low latency, rock solid stability and the cleanest sound. CREATE YOUR OWN DREAM DJ SETUP DJ Player Pro is the most flexible DJ solution. Use it standalone, or in any combination of the touchscreen, external mixers, MIDI controllers, sound car...
[ エンターテインメント ]
世界でも人気のモンスターバンド・X JAPANに関する非公式の無料クイズアプリです。 簡単な問題からマニアックな問題まで出題していますのでファンの方は是非チャレンジしてみて下さい。 制限時間は各30秒です。 メンバー YOSHIKI (1965年11月20日 -) Drums & Piano Toshl(1965年10月10日 -)Vocal HIDE(1964年12月13日 - 1998年5月2日)Guitar PATA(1965年11月4日 -)Guitar HEATH (1968年1月22日 -)ヒース Bass & Chorus SUGIZO (1969年7月8日 -) [2009/5/1-]Guitar & Violin & Chorus TAIJI (1966年7月12日 - 2011年7月17日)Bass & Chorus
[ ゲーム ]
TI Mobile(Tactical Intervention) Tactical Intervention is a new FPS game by Minh Le, co-creator of the Counter-Strike MOD , a World-wide blockbuster FPS game. TI Mobile, a mobile version of Tactical Intervention for iOShas been released for the gamers who have been eagerly awaiting Tactical Intervention Online. [Three main features in TI Mobile ] Counter-Terrorists operations in urban central! 1. Modern war in terror! Invasion of terrorist base. Realism added by using familiar locations such as Shopping malls, underground bunk...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
** すべての新バージョン 4 は全面的に使用許諾と認証を取得済みの Dolby® (AC3/E-AC3) DTS® および DTS-HD® オーディオを内蔵しています!** Infuse でビデオコンテンツをパワーアップ ― 14種類ものフォーマットのビデオをiPhone または iPad で鑑賞できる完璧な選択肢。ファイル変換不要! InfuseはiOS 9 およびiPhone 6とiPhone 6 Plus 向けに最適化済み、trakt.tv 統合、他に類を見ない字幕サポート。ゴージャスなインターフェース。精密なコントロール。さらにシルクのように滑らかなのプレイバック。 - 14 種類のビデオファイル形式をサポート スタンダードな MP4、M4V、...
[ 旅行 ]
NEW ZEALAND’S BEST is an ideal travel guide to this pristine country. Written by a pro-author it explores key DESTINATIONS; suggests ITINERARIES; details dozens of SIGHTS and ACTIVITIES; and suggests great spots to EAT. All content (250+ points-of-interest/340+ pics) is original and independent; no recommendations are ads! —— *** This app is ad-free and subscription-free: the single-one-off purchase also includes free updates in the future. Published by TouchScreenTravels.com: Travel guides for the digital age. Our Touch, Your Tra...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Easily set up and record your Interval and Fartlek running sessions. With the flexibility of using time and/or distance as interval targets for your "Hard", "Easy" and "Rest" efforts. The simple but highly configurable interface on your phone and watch will have you running sooner. Now with a Distance Goal option for your session. Along with great audio and visual feedback, detailed post-run summary, share your runs to Strava, and a full-featured Apple Watch app. You can also record your regular runs with voice-over calling out d...
[ 教育 ]
We help primary school children learn to spell. All spellings are from the national curriculum and are surrounded by relevant sentences which provide the context. Press play, hear the voice, key in the spelling. Spell Wizards is an engaging educational programme designed specifically to help children learn, while having fun along the way. Easy to access and simple to use, Spell Wizards has been designed for children aged 4-11 in order to improve their spelling, and enhance their computer knowledge and typing skills. Set up after...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Track your bathing and discover how bathing can affect your mood, heart rate and sleep. Listen to range of different audio experiences to guide you through your daily bathing ritual from grounding meditations, wake up disco mixes, sound baths and cosmic visualisations.  With more audio experiences being added each week you can choose a bathing ritual to suit how you want to feel. Heath App Integration - Find out how better bathing can help you sleep better and improve your resting heart rate by connecting to Apple Health app - Vi...
[ ミュージック ]
This application is designed to provide customers with an offline only version of the features availble in iLive MixPad. Please note that this is only an offline version and as such it will not connect to a live system. MixPad is intended for working with the mix and channel processing. Things you can control: - Access any input channel, mix master, FX send or return, or DCA - Fader levels, mutes, pan and image controls, - Aux and Matrix sends and Pre/Post switching, - DCA and mix assignments, - Preamp Gain, Pad and 48V - ...
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