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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Ever wish you could access medical information for yourself and your family right from your iPhone? Wouldn’t it be great if you could easily access your prescription history? Or quickly look up critical medical history and insurance information in an emergency? You can, using HealthVault for iPhone. HealthVault for iPhone provides mobile access to the health information in your Microsoft HealthVault account. Track chronic conditions, diet, weight, and exercise. Enter health data on the go. Keep family health information such as a...
[ メディカル ]
[ メディカル ]
スマート血圧(またはSmartBP® )は、血圧測定を管理し、あなたの進捗状況を追跡するスマートな方法である。 Smart血圧は、あなたのiOS Apple Watchのデバイス(互換性の要件を確認してください)を使用して、あなたの血圧情報を記録、追跡、分析し、共有することができます血圧管理アプリです。また、 Smart血圧には、Apple HealthKit と接続します。のHealthVaultはあなたにそれを常に整理してオンラインで使用可能だように、一箇所に多くのソースから健康情報を格納するための方法を提供します。あなたの指先であなたの健康情報を使用して、今、あなた自身の健康でより積極的...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
iTriage is a free app that puts you at the center of your healthcare—anywhere, anytime. Search for health answers with iTriage Health, Doctor, Symptom & Healthcare Search app. Find medications, diseases, and medical locations and instantly get answers to your questions on your iOS device. Created by two ER doctors, iTriage gives you quick access to a huge healthcare & medical database in your pocket. The medical content is reviewed by Harvard Medical School. Over 12 million people have downloaded the iTriage app that has 4.5 sta...
[ メディカル ]
iOS8「ヘルスケア」,Microsoft HealthVault 対応 A&DのMFi認証版Bluetooth内蔵血圧計・体組成計から送信された測定値を受信しグラフとリストで保存します。血圧計・体組成計の時刻をご使用中のiOSデバイスの時刻と同期する、内蔵メモリー数を変更(出荷時設定は200メモリー)するなどの機能もあります。測定前に本アプリを開いてから測定開始下さい。 -ヘルスケアアプリ対応 このアプリはiOS8のヘルスケアアプリへ測定値を送信することができます。 送信可能なデータは以下になります。  血圧: 最高/最低血圧,脈拍  体重/体組成計: 体重,BMI,体脂肪率(体組成計のみ)...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
HealthAssist is an application designed to help people who take prescription medication better able to manage their condition. The application is free to the users and will be supported by WellCare Today and “healthcare” sponsors who wish to have their name or message viewable to the user. It consists of several components: HealthAssist Companion Website: To improve the use-ability of HealthAssist, we have created a companion website. You can access the site at http://assist.wellcaretoday.com. Using the same username and pass...
[ 医学 ]
My Medical is a comprehensive record-keeping app for your personal medical information. It's the perfect replacement for unreliable paper records or various electronic systems that hold bits and pieces of your medical history. With My Medical, any and all information that is important to you is kept together in one place. * It's for the whole family * My Medical isn't just one medical record. You can keep as many records as you want. Use it for a spouse or aging parents. Use it to keep immunization records for your children. Use i...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Minerva PHR Viewer is a must-have app to display Personal Health Records (PHR) exported from Minerva Health Manager and stored on mobile phones and devices. Minerva PHR Viewer quickly provides access to critical health information for you and your family that can be used for Emergencies and Healthcare visits, whether you are at home, on vacation, at school, or traveling for business. Minerva Health Manager and the Minerva PHR Viewer are a great alternative for users of Google Health and Microsoft HealthVault. With Minerva, you...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital’s FindNYP app is your personal, mobile guide to our main campuses. This free, easy-to-use navigation guide helps you find your way in and around the Hospital. FindNYP will enable you to locate many services and amenities at NewYork-Presbyterian, from restrooms and elevators to places to eat and more. What you’ll find in the app: Hospital Services: Find locations and directions to inpatient units, the Emergency Department, waiting rooms, and other services including Admitting, Patient Services Admin...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Indigo SmartHealth es una herramienta que te permitirá almacenar todo tu historial médico de una forma rápida y segura. (Integrado a Indigo Directory / Agata) No te olvides de tomar tus medicamentos y registra las dosis administradas, en caso de alguna reacción adversa envía notificación a tu medico de forma inmediata. Lleva tus datos de emergencia en tu dispositivo iOS. Controla tu peso y estatura, identifica cuál es tu IMC. Lleva un registro de tu presión arterial y glucemia, observa el comportamiento de forma cronológica en grá...
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