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[ ライフスタイル ]
Happy Test -Secret of Happiness™ No longer do you need a ring to determine your mood, Happy Test does it for you! Find your happiness level Become inspired by others stories of happiness Understand the true Secret of Happiness™ Use our creative and fun way to measure your current happiness level There is a lot that goes into being happy and many of us spend our whole lives trying to become happy. Understanding your happiness level is the first step in becoming truly happy. We have created the "Happy Test" which tests your hap...
[ ビジネス ]
CHO, each employees’ own personal Chief Happiness Officer, is a human-centric, easy-to-use mobile application, designed to foster the Voice of Employee and create a superior Employee Experience (EX) to increase employee engagement. With CHO and Atos unique EX Change Program, managers can discover the real needs of the employees and receive actionable workforce insights. CHO assists to engage your whole organization through an on-going dialogue to drive EX successfully, pushing forward real change programs and initiatives. The key...
[ 教育 ]
'Happiness is Sharing' is part of the 'Zen Tails' collection. Written by Peter Whitfield and beautifully illustrated by Nancy Bevington, It shows the student characters sharing with each other and they are happy. Grizzel Bear is not sharing and he is alone and he is not happy. Parents can use this story and the different soundboard, puzzle and question features to relate it to their child’s own experiences of sharing or not sharing. Inevitably a child who is not sharing it not happy. Using TinyTap's Sound Board, reading and que...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Our minds are like computers that go wherever we go: to work, to shower, when we go on a trip...We cannot rid ourselves from our thoughts, not even for one moment. The curious thing is that it’s our mind what decides how we are feeling, if we are feeling happy or sad. Our mind is the only thing that can make our lives a living hell or a wonderful journey. That being said, being able to program this computer correctly is more important than the money we may have, our educational studies, our work, or how popular we are in society.  ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Want to know a secret? Is your happiness short lived? Feel unsatisfied, stressed, bored, burnt out, overwhelmed, resentful, jealous or unhappy? This ultimate mindfulness app for unconditional peace and happiness can help by connecting you deeply to… the truth… the beautiful secret within ourselves, and the universe… drum roll…the powerful and peaceful present moment. Sounds simple when I say we say it like that, right? Guess what? It really and truly is. You have everything you need to be unconditionally happy. Listen with wonder...
[ 教育 ]
Can you think of a way to improve the health of patients with serious diseases? This is the ultimate goal of our mobile application, which we have developed for the real-time assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life. We are collaborating with the Happiness Research Organisation, an independent research institute specialised in measuring subjective well-being, happiness and quality of life using modern technologies. For the present study, the HRO adapted the Happiness Analyzer to collect data on Health-Related Quality of Life. ...
[ ブック ]
NEW, Groundbreaking Audiobook Meditation App puts your learning of "Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose" into overdrive. Achieve everything you always wanted: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! ...and live a rewarding, happy life. Download and experience "Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose" through meditation today! ABOUT THE BOOK: Now in trade paperback, the hip, iconoclastic CEO of Zappos shows how a different kind of cor...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Mappiness, a real time rating system of happiness. The app uses crowd sources happiness ratings to help you decide where to go. App Features: • Share your happiness or unhappiness wherever you go • Choose from 2 status o Feelin' Good o Feelin' Bad • Use the calculator tool to view the Sentiment of any area on the map • The calculator displays the happiness of the area selected on the map by taking an average of the number of registered happiness • See what happiness is being recorded within a one mile radius of your location, ar...
[ ライフスタイル ]
El cronograma del Verano HAPPINESS; es un concurrido eventodel sur del Bolivia, que logra reunir a personas de los distintos departamentos del Pais ypersonas de países vecinosque vienen a disfrutar de esta alegre temporada de verano. Gracias al agradable clima de nuestra ciudad, la comodidad que se ofrece y la hospitalidad que distingue a nuestra gente, vivimos un amplio cronograma de actividades llenas color, alegría y diversión, estas que son realizadas dentro y fuera de la ciudad, donde se demuestra gran variedad de festejos y ...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
"365 Happiness Moments PRO is an easy to use and beautifully designed photo journal app that allows you to quickly add and share your special moments day by day." ***************************************** "Love this app. It is awesome for collecting Happy Moments :-)" ***************************************** If you're looking for a stylish way to help you capture great 'Happiness' life moments - and share those moments with others, this is the app for you. Main Features: * Clean Crisp Beautiful Design! * Quickly Capture the B...
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